Times these days in 2020 are quite foreign to us all and certainly and undeniably occupying more visual and auditory space in regards to a seemingly uncontrollable, pandemic outbreak called, “CoVid-19.” And we want to take on a bit of a different approach in perspective in order to help “flush” the mind clean from overall fear and concern.
What is “space?” In the context of this article it will refer to our own personal space; both the inner and outer—that we as humans possess. The inner-space can be considered as the internal order of the human body. The outer-space is then considered as the environmental external reality that quite often can have a direct impact and interference on our internal world. It is important to make note of this because of the very visible threat at this current time, in our opinion and in relation to this story, is not so much the virus, but of the increasing amount of external interferences such as media-propaganda that displays a quite juxtaposed position towards overall welfare, safety and security. Our belief is that with a balanced, comfortable, and higher-level thought “space” offered within this article, will promote a greater establishment towards resolve within ourselves and further allowing our communities to prevail.
It is important to note here that relevant and credible information from worthy, news sources is helpful. However, it is again our opinion that a “media-frenzy” over a viral-outbreak story ensures that the average viewer’s space could potentially become limited in perspective.
With an entire universe of infinite possibilities and opportunities, our goal is to shed light upon the latter, A.K.A., that there is more than enough space. Without proper coaching and training of our mind, the mind’s natural plasticity wears down into an aruably “concrete-like stagnation” and the doors to limitless possibilities become warped and quite often closed. It is important to stretch the mind. During these uncertain times the mind could use a break from worry and concern and into a state of prudence and compassion. Use this article to explore new treatments and open, figuratively speaking, “new windows and doors” by coming along with us and becoming a part of a powerful mental rarefaction.
Welcome, this is our Trinity of mind, body and spirit-response to CoVid-19. A wellness article designed to help guide and steer the mindset towards rejuvenation and freedom from concern by stretching the mind’s understanding through visualizations, self-talk and acknowledgment. A quick offer for herbal treatments can be found HERE.
If there is any interest in learning more about the “numbers” aspects of CoVid-19 cases currently happening in the world today, we have discovered a useful website that may offer this HERE:
As we have acknowledged prior in the list of our services that we offer: it is up to the individual to consult with their medical professional and also to remain vigilant to the significance of any health-related impacts due to external sources such as cold and flu symptoms.
Media sources can influence and interfere with personal space. Although it is not exactly monitored, one should be prepared to take an inventory of internal thoughts and how they may influence a subconscious-level effect that triggers an unwanted outcome.
When an idea comes from a particular reputable source it can often come across as being certain, factual and immediately relevant. These concepts and ideas present terms and conditions which may threaten an individual’s “normal,” or regular, daily process.
At Health Venom, our belief is to support the fundamental idea of remaining calm-minded, comfortable, self-assured and maintaining prudent behavior during emergency-like situations. As humans, we are formatively creatures of habit. An approach of, “thinking of your Happy-Place,” might sound like a preposterous notion, or it could quite possibly be the best, immediate option well within our mind’s ability to control. For this reason, we at Health Venom additionally suggest an overall demeanor of preparedness mixed with relaxation as a best-fit practice.
***NOTE: If you were not on our EMAIL LIST prior to now, or up until this point, consider getting on it now as there is too much to share within the confines of this single article’s contents; but our outlook on the human mind can be described like never-ending warehouse operation used for storing, processing and assembling information.
To go along with this analogy the internal “warehouse” of mental space is somewhat like a “business.” As in, the most important and relevant informations are closely examined and processed through and used up front, while the irrelevant and automatic (like the heartbeat or breathing) responses of the Autonomic Nervous System remain in the back within the deeper recesses of the “warehouse” business, and, nevertheless, continue. We hope to make it clear, however, that our mind stores and process this information and further along, may even attempt to assemble it as well. The most efficient “businesses” are then the minds which have essentially developed a streamlined, systematized process to organize, store and utilize information.
Make note here of how this relatively relates to each individual—depending on the individual and their circumstance, information is processed through in unique fashion either by its storing and storage space; processing or processing speed; whether or not certain information needs salvaging or saved; thrown into the trash; disregarded, ignored and/or removed from the warehouse. The “business” of the mind must continue to work in order for the rest of the components to survive.
Certain actions throughout our lifetime can create a “mucky” and unwanted residue buildup that usually gets swept up and shoveled off to the side to be forgotten about. There are other businesses which perceive the buildup of junk as a threat to their legitimate future and so choose to do something about it by cleaning it up.
When a buildup of stress or tension results from an increase of irrelevant information, the concentration of a particular sub-set of information the mind is exposed to, can cause the relationship of these thoughts between mind and body to interfere with the normal processing functions.
Using The Law of Attraction as our contextual model for our upcoming exercise, we would mostly agree that any time awareness becomes heightened towards thoughts of overall wellness, the body’s response is generally prompted in like-manner. Meaning that thoughts can also control the way we feel which will further prompt the manner in which the body behaves.
Think of it like this: our minds use a natural “fight-or-flight” response to protect the body from immediate danger. When the body senses an immediate threat it will increase Cortisol (stress-induced hormone) levels in the bloodstream. This allows the effective management of such negative threats for a positive outcome: getting to safety. Both scientists and researchers now know that this “fight or flight” response mechanism can also simultaneously have an impact on many other biochemical processes going on such as weight-control, or even the weakening of the immune system. Certain media channels offering threatening, or negative informations may even then subconsciously being determined as a threat and which could potentially develop into a greater and faster overall transmission-rate of the virus.
In the following segments of this article, Health Venom will attempt to reveal a pragmatic layout for prompt and best-fit techniques designed to help remove stress and improve relaxation by generating a supportive communicative structure. This relates to ideas and concepts which may or may not pertain of any relevance, however, they will incorporate beneficial thought patterns to potentially strengthen an individual’s immune-system response. These methods may not be suitable for treating the virus itself, and it is\always, always a good idea to further link up with; and be consulted by a licensed medical practitioner. And before using any of these structures we also want to gently request and recommend that our readers further their understanding of Health Venom and our work designed for balancing of mind, body and spirit in order to discover what structures works best for them.
Lastly, we want to thank you again for your time and consideration and be sure to subscribe to our bi-weekly newsletter program offered for only a five month FREE-trial which we hope will provide further enhancement of our ideas surrounding mental-clarity and future-vision for our subscribers and let us begin.
I am taking a deep breath into my lungs, and as I inhale, becoming more aware of any deterrents or blockages along the air-paths. What does a shortness of breath feel like? It sounds quite subjective and nonsensical to me. What is that supposed to mean? Is it a heaviness? A weakness? What if I want to have a smoke? Does that make me more vulnerable to catching the virus? I know that this CoVid-19 virus is spread through respiration mainly, and that the virus can present the symptom of having a shortness of breath, but my breath is not short, and I am becoming increasingly aware of any interrupting factors coming from within. Now, I want to present myself with a choice to take deeper breaths through the nose to genuinely make amends towards any worries or concern.
I breathe through the nose because this is where the natural filters of my nose hairs exist. I can rely on them while I feel the air gently navigating through my nostrils and purifying the molecules as I exhale through my mouth. I know this invigoration and strength to be rewarded promptly.
I feel good overall. I mean, I notice the other components and can feel that my body is as healthy as it has ever been. I am aware of its strength and precision and so. I continue to offer this vessel nutritional fuels that enrich and nourish every cell and essential component it will rely on. I take great consideration and care for even the body parts I may have overlooked. This moment is invaluable and so is this vessel. I believe I am doing myself an incredible service by taking great care of myself and my ways of thinking.
So I increase my levels of thinking thoughts that enhance my relevant defense mechanisms that protect me from any outside offender and I maneuver myself away from every harmful component that attempts to interfere with my joyous and blissful existence. I want more of this incredible gift called life. I love how it feels. I want more of this amazing immaculate feeling that I have discovered and honed in on. At first, it was just my left elbow that started feeling really good, but now this feeling has expanded to surround my entire vessel with an insurmountable level of respect, of gratitude and of appreciation. I love myself and I love living and I can’t, at this very moment, think of existing any other way.
And abruptly we must stop there, but thank you again for considering these thought structures for potentially enhancing the strength of the human body’s immune system. Also, consider writing a more comfortable thought “script” for yourself to read alone and out loud and be sure to follow the guidelines listed on our site on “How to Write Your Own Story,” page. Most of it is reliant upon how one feels in order for it to prove successful. We look forward to the next time you will be joining us and considering doing business with Health Venom in the very near and present future. ENJOY!
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