What if you were creating your world with your thoughts? That’s an intriguing idea that many of us have considered before, but what if there was something to it? We know that thoughts create things, right? Everything came from an idea. What if the space surrounding us were alive, and could hear our thoughts? What if this world of silent mystery knew everything we were talking about? How about then, we take a more linguistic approach and simplified things a bit? Because what if it were more about the sounds—the phonemic elements of the words we choose?
We know Solomon’s Temple was to have allegedly been constructed from gold through the Master Mason Supreme Chiram Abiff’s through the use of his secret one-word appeal. Bara! Bara! Bara! That’s not the word, but this might inspire someone to discover it Read further to the end for the exercises. Also? Remember the ultimate goal of remaining as present and clear to the present moment as possible. Thank you for your time.
Thought: /thot/ - Say "th" like in "think," and "ot" like in "hot."
Sounds: /saundz/ - Say "saund" like "sound" and add a "z" sound at the end.
Shape: /sheyp/ - Say "sheyp" like "shape."
Reality: /ri-al-i-tee/ - Say "ree-al-i-tee."
So, when you say it, it should sound like:
"Thot saundz sheyp ree-al-i-tee"
Remember, the power of your thoughts is amazing! Just like a magician uses words to create illusions, you can use your thoughts to create your own reality.
"I am a magnet for wealth and abundance. Gold flows to me effortlessly."
Now, let's break down the sounds:
I am: /ahy am/
a magnet for: /uh mag-nit for/
wealth and abundance: /welth and uh-bun-dance/
Gold flows to me effortlessly: /gold flohz tuh mee ef-urt-less-lee/
Remember, say these words with conviction and visualize yourself surrounded by abundance. You can repeat this exercise daily, especially in the morning and evening.
Remember, the key is to believe in the power of your thoughts.
Here's a phrase you can repeat daily to attract physical health and youthful vitality:
"I am vibrant, healthy, and full of life. Youthful energy flows through me instantly."
Let's break down the sounds:
I am vibrant, healthy, and full of life: /ahy am vib-rant, hel-thee, and ful uv life/
Youthful energy flows through me instantly: /youth-ful en-er-jee flohz throo mee in stant ly/
As you say these words, visualize yourself feeling energetic, healthy, and youthful. Believe in the power of your thoughts and words to manifest your desires. Remember to practice this daily, and be patient with the process.
Thank you for your consideration and time. Check out our store for more guidance and exercises HERE.