In my experience? I would argue that the most challenging step to take is the first one. No matter the direction. Especially when the choice is not emotionally-driven. But given the circumstances that we’re under at this time? A lot of shifts in focus of priorities is going to take place and certainly NOW is no longer the time to backpedal. The person’s I am targeting specifically are those individuals who have already achieved an undeniable level of success in their lifetime and are currently undecided as to whatever the point of existence is if all desires have been achieved. What is it all about now? How to slip away and disappear in order to rediscover self in a more enlightened and powerful capacity. Bruce Lee’s quote spoke well for this occasion with, “[Be low like water.]” At this stage and experience of existence it is quite justifiable to leave behind all things.
The material world doesn’t hold fulfillment for you, moreover, do these items merely end up distracting one from discovering deeper aspects of themselves. I can get that—as currently the device I am yanking this article out on prevents me from going along within. I want to know how much more of this data-scrubbing of the external world I can take! And P.S., if you haven’t grabbed a copy of the Balance The Creator (BTC—on purpose) book from the site? Definitely do so now so that your updates are all there and I don’t have to repeat myself. Go. Buy. Now. Efficiency is everything now a days. It kind of sucks in a way, but the herd immunity subject, from my perspective? rolled out the window yesterday as well. Point is? This is your life and this is your time: efficiency.
And relaxation can also become efficient when approached appropriately. given that we are all living on the same planet? and you were likely taught or shown the benefits of learning a new skillset through isolation? It might behoove you to begin altering behaviors. You will be fine. Everyone will be fine. Breathe and discover your presence through your breath, but more importantly? Consider beginning with your thoughts and mental attitude. This is about you becoming “of” the world, but not “in” it. If you asked me how I knew I would tell you about my short-lived stint as an actor and popular musician. You could even watch some of my content online if you’re really curious. But point is? You “made” it. You made the impossible become absolutely possible. I myself? More of a flawed, Contiki-like dreamer. I have made it my purpose in life to achieve even more of the impossible. I get a kick out of punishing myself subconsciously. The past of mine is filled with blatant attempts to cross the lines and barriers of which I did not belong. I did it the most direct way possible: no armor, no sword. I simply kicked down the door and roamed around the party to find something intriguing, or? more interesting than myself.
Certain objects and pretty little things offer a flicker of hope. At least until that fantasy is fulfilled. There is nothing here for you. And it is nothing where you must begin again from. Try to steer life with your own ideas of how it’s all going to work out for you? And get bucked off by the ferrel bull that destiny charges with. Insert tokens NOW—You’ve got what others might term as being an extreme advantage: you’re young. You’re rich!! You’re probably wealthy at this point too. But your familiar with the setup, likely, of societal class-warfare and where and, or, whether or not you fit in. This isn’t a quote-everyone-I’ve-ever-read-or-come-across-athon—this is originating through actual life experience. Please? Bow-down. Remember: drugs actually cost money. Money that I never had. But my words are designed to offer tremendous value as they do originate from actual really laughable and really shitty experiences.
I myself? was raised in a sweet, dear home of lower-middle class parents who definitely cared about the welfare of their three children. I am the second of the boys, the elder to my sister. The family dynamics were severely debilitating to my growth and progress. I learned the rhythms of hand-me-downs and arrest-me-nots of public drunkenness. I cluttered my path with self-induced miseries and heartaches. I wondered how a man so tall in stature might feel so short inside. There were absolutely perfect as well as profoundly and devastatingly peculiar timing-arrangements that I could. ever waste another moment to consider, but I was oftentimes “bored,” and stuck into thinking over the past and devising a better potential outcome somewhere else in the universe. But because of it all? I have amassed a wealth of perspective, and perspective? I would argue—is all you really ever need in order to drop off and away from the person you perceive yourself as having become. INSERT TOKENS HERE TO CONTINUE—You will need to develop enough strength to let go of it all. Myself? That meant walking away from a $180M contract that offered full-creative control, licensing privileges and a 360 turnabout into film and television. And I did it all for the sake of family! And? A family that I once knew. i had been alone and by myself for years out in California in an attempt to make it my actual home. But this trial period involved doing it the way that I knew how: from the ground up. Meaning? My people? Were all—still are all—residents. And more than that? Generational residents. Thickly layered walls of roots established with respect.
I knew where I stood in my new environment, but at least I could play to offer more than the average ambitiously attending actor. I wanted to find a home. California was it for me. But recalling what I shared earlier: life will buck you off the moment you try to tell it where to go. Unbeknownst to any of us? There are strings attached! We can’t see them, but we can become aware of where they’re at and who they belong to. But think now about perspective and where it originates: it comes through having an awareness. And a heightened state, or, elevated state of awareness comes through best, and in my experience with: PAY TOKENS NOW TO PROCEED!
Clarity. The value-added element of our experience through life is emphasized by clarity. Getting older? also known as, “refinement,” happens and happens still. And it is a blessing and a gift to retrieve another moment. If your attitude is not in alignment with these ideas please? by all means? Teach me of the significance of another moment. But point is? I am here. My mind can be advantageously leveraged in ways that a computer or technology ever could, and so it’s nevertheless important to maintain a sense of alertness along with clarity to build along the attitude of curiosity with alacrity. Being cool about it? Is likely where you already are, but now it’s time for you to show up differently in the world. Make them say, “something’s not right with this individual,” and you’ll know you’re on the right path. A right path means a right mind.” Most people are people and you’ll have to do your best to bring your best and be your Creator-Driven self. And then that’s where and when it all begins…Contiki-style.
P.S. To “Know Thyself,” as the Oracle at Delphi was said to have shared, it is important to recognize your persona vs. authentic self. One worthwhile parsing to sort out is whether an individual is introverted or extroverted. Sounds simple, right? But natural psychologies and thinkings and feelings aloft with sensation can alter accuracy of perception.
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