Since introducing myself to the field consciousness has become a certain way of life for me. I hope that within your realm of recognizing the health and wealth that you already possess you will also aspire to attain new levels of clarity and hence awareness. If you are just starting out? Great. Welcome. Happy to see you here. The following excerpt comes from the published title, “Balance The Creator” a work engineered to inspire and motivate others towards creating an effective balancing strategy with the “what’s-so” in life. For instance? External Sensory Perceptive world versus the Internal Infinitely Expansive world. One cool thing about being a human is that an individual is capable of using their imagination and likewise? Increase and enhance their perspective and understanding of a higher source, creator, God, Infinite Power and so forth to ultimate come to the conclusion that the individual being is perfect by very nature and should choose to look for all the tiny PERFECTIONS within both themselves and their internal and external environments. The except is a visualization to use towards grasping a better understanding of consciousness and it goes something like this:
Photo by Kindel Media
“Imagine yourself standing in the middle of a desert. There is nothing in sight save for the sand dunes blowing around with the wind, the great blue sky above and the hot sun illuminating your visual field. Directly between your feet you spot what looks to be a cork lying there in the sand. The cork is the representation of you and your relationship with consciousness. Your innate desire and dream in life is to float. “But there is nothing to interpret from this situation.” You might think to yourself. There is only the cork of “you” stuck in a pile of sand. For this illustration? Consider that the cork is discovering the idea of consciousness as “missing.” But try this! zoom out of the desert for a moment and from bird’s eye perspective and expand the entire environment to notice that the desert “you,” the cork, are stifling in is a part of a larger water-basin. Call it a dried-up lake. Limnologists? Pipe down for a moment. But here in this desert you have now added a component of understanding surrounding your environment: that the desert was at one time or other a massive lake. And if it was once a lake? It must have been a deep lake! And lake’s get re-birthed, do they not? By what? How? How do lake’s become “reborn” and expand into their original size? “You” the cork are stuck and settled in some expanse of only desert sand and there is no way of getting out. There, prior to your newfound discovery, was no real understanding of where you were and what you had been surrounded by. So? Let’s call it information. Your knowledge expanded by gathering a larger—a much grander perspective of the surrounding environment. Let’s call that STEP 1: Expand your perspective by adding information. But STEP 1 doesn’t bring the water you want to be in, but it does bring hope and inspiration and perhaps that generates motivation to ACT on the newfound IDEA. Like suddenly finding out from your parents you were adopted from a Royal family, you are now filled with a newly discovered sense of pride and possibility. So what do you need to do? STEP 2 is to sit down and meditate. Encourage the deluge of consciousness to rain in. Stay clear, keep calm and aware and get present to the perfections surrounding you at each given moment. Slowly but surely the water levels will return back to what they once were. QUICK! GO BACK! ZOOM back in to the cork nesting in the sand. The water levels begin to encroach upon the cork. Then gives the cork a centimeter? An inch? A foot? A meter? And the cork is finally floating! FREE from any sand and ready to experience the perfection of this lifetime. Humans are meant to rest and rely on their innate internal gift of consciousness, God, higher power, infinite source-creator. This is the time to level up with existence and not be controlled and manipulated by the external traffic guiding and steering one’s attention away from SELF! You can do it! Clarity is key.”
And that exercise for me was very fulfilling because I could identify in my imagination when consciousness (water) levels had begun to climb higher and higher. I knew where I was going and I felt safe and connected with a greater entity that embodied for me the concept of love, divinity and perfection. Hopefully the exercise (or, the book Balance The Creator) could elevate you also. Enjoy your time and thank you for being here.
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