The individuation process can become quite a uniquely entertaining journey for anyone willing and fearless enough to want to explore reaching their highest potentiality in existence. Time? For instance, will never be repaid. Time will never, and as far as I am aware, time will never come back. There is no one at the end of the finish line holding a trophy up to congratulate a successful enterprise, moreover, the definition of “successful” is rather notoriously ambiguous and governed by the unique individual themselves. Subjectivity is the game then? Perhaps, but not necessarily—right? You could see this discussion becoming rather “loopy” and getting quite mundane very quickly.
Photo by Cup of Couple
The majority of us, “the masses,” are trained what to think, do and say to one another and how to respond via the networks of available programming options and which any individual has the right to consume. And so the question of, “how do I think?” Does not come up too often in conversation due to the horrendously infinite number of situations and considerations that might arise. A better question might be proposed then as, “If I had no material objects in my life then who would I be? What would I think about? What would I want to do?” From the ground-floor obvious questions might begin to arise, however to consider that a certain phrasing or word-piece carried through in either written or spoken word might have been carried over and used due to an earlier intersection with another individual’s style of thinking or vernacular conversation, then where do original thoughts come from? And further, then where does a person find themselves providing valuable or useful original thoughts in the external world of interdependent relationships?
It has all been done before. That phrase has certainly without a doubt been used before, although I cannot quote any one particular source for it. It is quite generic at this point maybe even, but has it? Has it all really been done before? Or? Is it too un-worthwhile to even make an attempt? Here is the valuable exercise to test out on your own time and journey if you so choose and wish to discover how your thoughts are constructed.
Imagine that your life is suddenly dependent upon the discovery of your unique thought-processing procedure. You are caught off-guard, however, you intend to pursue the inquisition with fearlessness and alacrity. The outcome will be your true-self ascendency, or, immediate peril. You must act quickly to discover how you think, what you think about, and whether or not there is an ability to recognize any original thoughts.
During this exercise-process many people’s innate thought-structures and inner-most desires rise to the surface. It is recognizable to the effect that a distinction between the innate-self and the identifiable external outcome can be made quite clear.
During this type of process, if written down, one is capable of identifying their own introspective questions to consider. For instance? Where is their interpretation of the meaning of existence coming from? or, what is the underlying emotion that has propagated their external version of self? If, say? The underlying emotion was of “fear,” as it was for me, then getting to know oneself begins with these types of internal conversations.
Of course the implementation of a professional therapist or significant other can support growth in massive ways, however, even simply writing it out and playing as the moderator or the transcription of the internal dialogue there can also be massive gains within the individuation process. Keep in mind that over time in societal life an excess of unusable information can occur. If focus is the best strategy and is working for you? STAY THERE. Everything will be alright. But if the battle-field, or, “the court” of life is never taken on, then an armory of stored-up, unused battle-gear serves no purpose but to hinder and occupy space in an individual’s mind. Sure it might evoke insightful conversations here and there with a stranger or those around you, but how many could there possibly be who are as prepared as you are? What else is there for you to know and understand? Go within. No one will ever understand you, agreed, but you might want to understand yourself. I am blessed to know that you’re here and I thank you endlessly.
-Thank you especially for your time.
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