HEALTH VENOM Holistic Health Structures for Support

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Perspective V. Perception

Photo by Mac Mullins

This is a distinction we believe to be necessary for anyone to utilize to sort and build from. My most favorite deployment of this discussion is for an audience of younger folks who are still in high school and/or, any individual entering into a new perceptual circumstance for their lives.

Now let’s take a moment to re-examine the definitions of each of these terms. Chances are likely that we have heard the words before, but now? They will become useful tools for our lives to leverage from.

Perception, as defined by the Merriam Webster Dictionary Online consists of an array of mutually exclusive definitions that all amount to the idea, but the one in particular that suits this article’s intention of clarifying a distinction in best form, in my opinion, reads as follows “Perception-is an awareness of the elements of environment through physical sensation.”  and the term, “Perspective,” from the same source (is defined with a similar wide selection of definitions, and the one I have selected again, represents the best offered clarifying tool that I will insist on using for this particular article and it reads as follows, “Perspective- aiding in the vision.” And? I think that offering as a significant way of defining this term.

The main point is? You need both, but the equation, from my “perspective,”  looks like by enhancing and improving upon our perspective, by say for instance? Living in a different location, or environment, our perception will likewise be adjusted along with that experience.

Our perception, and throughout an individual’s lifetime, is limited by functionality and with respect to what they are initially presented. Furthermore the future, learned reliance upon the external, sensorily motivated reality. The five-senses. Wonderful. Powerful impressions. Addictively stimulating in the very least. Challenging, yet comforting and personalized. The sensory perceptive world-view is the most obvious reason to continue this existence and it is the most heavily relied upon source of information for a majority of human-kind. The learned and most-vital response of any living organism: move away from danger—or?—move toward pleasure. The sensory perception allows us to effectively maneuver this ploy. Only? Humans, in what they are actually capable of, are quite comparably unique to any other organism on Earth.

The greatest reason for this embedded reliance, and soon-to-become dependency, and in our experiential opinion, is initially the parental guidance and support. Also and furthermore, this echoed-response of existence is due to the type of programming fed to an individual in their earliest stages of childhood development (according to expert psychologist, Ken Wilbur approximately around the ages between 5-7 are the most impressionable times to experience).

Now in defense of the parent, what else do they know for sure will calm, condition, and soothe their child’s tantrum other than a warm bottle of milk, a diaper-change, or a nice pillow or play thing, a calmed voice, or tender embrace, etcetera?  After all, it is this similar methodology of child-rearing which was given to them. This physical soothing trains both parent and child that (and perhaps, again) dependency upon the stimulatory, external physical and perceptual world is a survival related necessity.

Within this period of time of nurturing development, a sense of understanding has potentially become established between the world as it occurs and the individual, in order for this person to formulate a stronger "foothold” and relationship toward reality. Often it avails opportunities to establish their life-routines for survival and build their lives into greater comfort and care, with greater confidence in their conquests of whatever they decide and determine for themselves as being redeemably satisfying, or nourishing and fulfilling to generate the “thriving” experience.

For the case of “perception,” let’s examine what most people can interpret as being valuable within the realms of limitation that have been fostered and are present to: the 5 senses. Our sight, taste, touch, smell, and sound sensory organelles within our brains all function to create a stimulated response within us.

Excitatory neurons are exposed to new entities and operations that may potentially promote the familiar pathways of pleasure. Often times, chemical signalers released into the bloodstream through and by the brain such as: Dopamine, Adrenalin, Oxytocin, Serotonin, etc., create powerfully stimulating responses. Whether or not these chemical signalers offer a cascading experience, where like the “domino effect” one topples the other, then the other, and so on…, the important thing to gravitate to is that the impact of these neurotransmitters is noted by the physical body alone, further stemming out into the environment. But for instance? You experience your body being hungry and then you eat some tasty meal? You might begin to feel a sense of relief. Or, and likewise, a sense of initial energy; lethargy; pleasure.

Something similar might result for an individual if they were to accomplish a big goal or a project they have been working on. When a feeling of relief rushes through the body it is fulfilling, pleasant and comforting. 

The dilemma occurs for a person when I tell them that they can choose to feel that way at any time through the use of their own imagination. This person begins to reach a certain threshold and limit of their sensory experience noting that the beneficial feeling has not resulted from their external environment, nor from their usual five-senses modality. This person might again, realize that their sensory organelles can only function so readily and for whatever relative duration, that there is a recognizable shelf-life limitation of their senses. Meaning? It is a fleeting feel-good experience: temporary.

At this point, resolve can be discovered, in my experience, by adding elements of perspective into the equation. Moving to Mexico, for instance? might teach a person that all boys have mustaches by the age of fourteen. It might mean that a person’s understanding, or perspective of cleanliness, might be more strongly established. To approach a new environment with completely new aspects and functionalities can absolutely enhance and expand one’s awareness and thereby, their own experience of life.

The direct conclusions of our work at Health Venom focus mainly on the Law of Vibration, yes, but also where All is Mind and Mind is All, as it places a heavier importance upon the reliance of the internal “self” creating their own reality, along with the peaceful balance and alignment of mind, body and spirit. This type of teaching is generally not discussed or discovered in the way most people will discover their sensory preferences and otherwise, habitual tendencies.

To elaborate upon and discover more of existence both within and for oneself a re-engagement with mental programming is likely necessary. For instance? When outlining what is believed, “what works and does not work,” or what the individual has become reliant upon due to a past experience. All of which have become habitual tendencies and likely are in need of re-wiring, re-tuning, or re-establishing a meaningful connection.

Health Venom’s work is determined to press the accelerator button toward the future while at the same time being intentional on expanding an awareness of the present with the readily identifiable importance of being in the NOW. 

This conversation of distinguishing between perspective and perception continues throughout our process of re-creating performance and individual development of a Creator Driven Mind.

I thank you for your time and consideration for contacting Health Venom in pursuit of a greater understanding of self.  

Health is Your Wealth,
