It’s an animalistic nature and tendency for us to want to protect and preserve and provide certain stability-ingrained solutions that are working for us, and offer that to another. But there is this powerful moment to reckon with when an individual proposed to be in “harm’s way” is given a solution by the concerned-party. And while the intentions of the concerned party are assumedly valid, there is a conversational element or aspect that is not completely being shared by either party amongst themselves.
The way a life begins for a human being is quite simple: as an asshole. Literally, and take no offense to this, but every person starts out with the cellular generation as an anal conglomeration. It is important to recognize when sharing that because anyone can be called an asshole. It’s no longer derogatory, but as truth. Next, there is a common assertion for our enlightened selves to remark an individual outside of ourselves as being “selfish,” when life alone is uniquely such. I want to make this clear: a “selfish asshole,” is a derogatory and yet absolutely truthful remark to make towards someone, and let it be such. The point being made is that our “unique” and individual lives deserve a significant level of understanding from one another—and not necessarily a devoid excuse to shower an individual with in order that they remain expected to play a game of “catch-up,” with the use of another’s “proven” solution, that likewise, may have taken years to acquire fully enough to find worth even suggesting or talking about.
The ultimate sacrifice is “time.” Time is the only currency which can (at this moment) never be replaced nor retrieved. Starting from the bottom of our assholes is where we all begin and arise from. In order for our time to have been considered “useful,” or, “productive,” there must first be an inward turn from the individual and a beginning of respect and appreciation for what has already been generated thus far—regardless of the temporary circumstance. Then, it must be further recognized by the parties issuing their certain ideas of “support” and “stability.” It is well pronounced and known that for the most part, the “bottom line” relies on a material consideration. And it certainly doesn’t take long for an individual to discover it for themselves when making contact with the “real world.” The point being elucidated here is that, and with a definiteness of purpose, along with clarity (mind you), everyone pursues life in their own unique and respective manner; and, for this reason, it is a strong-armed request to ask for another party’s compassionate, rather than, impulsive, understanding and support for their own unique existence. The great philosopher Alan Watts once regailed to his classroom audience, “…“No! Get out of there or you will drown!” shouted the monkey, grabbing the fish from the water and placing him safely up into the tree.” Be cautious and considerate within the context of your judgement. We will all meet again someday soon!
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