When You Get To The Top? The Only Way Is Down.

So? Is this information useful? Absolutely, yes. In practice? Even better. The one and only website on the internet leaking valuable pockets of currency for the standalone evolution of the most prolific species ever to thrive here on Mother Earth. 

This planet? Has laws. The Universe will tell you all you need to know—Kyballion is a pretty good first-stop. But what then? Reconciliation, noting that the bills are piling up and the old-lady or old-man, or whomever, are giving you a good taste of the curb? What happened to freedom? Real-authentic-FREEDOM? Oh, yeah—didn’t mean to forget to mention it, but society? Society that we find our ability and privilege of comforts and luxuries? Conveniences and immediate gratification? Well? In order to have the privilege of using them—there have to be some rules put forth and in play for the benefit of the whole to get the most value. Now? Is this what life really is? NO. But do we live in a world where some internet author, self-never proclaimed guru can manhandle a population of confidence and intrigue them to consider venturing further than they’ve ever been told or taught? And do nothing at all, but be everything at the same time? Yes. One might postulate the plausibility, or likelihood of this situation occurring in our societal world as it stands today.

But get the meat and potatoes here: What has been described are TWO separate world-experiences. Universal Law is governed mainly through Common Law in our court systems of today (Don’t lie, cheat, steal, or kill nobody, or otherwise expect massive repercussions and karmic oversight from the Universe). But then? There is societal law—mainly operating under Maritime Admiralty Law. The type of laws generally involving statutes and trades and commerce, such as what the Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) would likely identify and express.

The righteousness of a human being is simply that they are naturally born irreplaceable, limitless, and perfect in God’s own image. Ideally? A person believes in a God as for my sake? Anything greater than self/human that would identify the notion/intention of producing another living creature, or being, or—wow? Right. So then? OFF SCRIPT—the mind becomes such an important structure to support. Keeping an individual “numb and dumb” to their experience of a lifetime, in my opinion, is a great way of sacrificing the greatest gift of all: life. But it definitely takes time to grow into that understanding, and while growth occurs? “Life,” as we know it, occurs as well. Developments in societal existence generate more interest in fulfilling on another’s expectation and of which the individual had agreed to accomplish in the first place (like a, “job” for instance.).  The oncoming of a newborn into the family? A tragic accident of which deters, or slows the internationalized progression of an individual; and the list goes onward! There are so many incidences that can undermine our desire to experience more of what a human being is truly capable of. There are so many influences and people who we might have in mind to please, but this is ALL the joke! To keep you distracted enough by useless, but extremely important—arenas that might have little or nothing to do with the individual “self.” So let me ask you this? What is it that YOU need? What is it that YOU really want? I know it is a challenge for you to get that I am not typing to you from behind a glass enclosure, safety-wall, zoo-like confinement, and that I am ACTUALLY curious to know: What would really make a difference in your life!? What have you found yourself attached to that keeps you separated from self? Me? I started drinking coffee again. Little, right? But no. Actually? Coffee is designed specifically to activate a portion of your brain to keep you “stuck” in Beta-brain wave states. Beta-modality is the “Do-er” mode.  It is the “Go-for it!” mode. It’s the exact reason I am hyped up to generating this story on my computer. Away. Away from everyone and everything. You want to be great and do something with your life? I know, because I still do. It won’t stop. Ever. But it’s going to take something of you. It will really take something of you that you might not even get yet. Yes, it is about other people and actively getting them involved. But in my experience? Because I have done all that before? It’s getting that group of people to want to carry and motivate and push you onward and support you and know what you need because you clarified that for them.

Look, yes, failure is a tough cross to bare. And when you have nothing? You have everything. Everyone has hang-ups in their life they are trying to sort through and figure out, and society will try to pigeon-hole play you like you deserve to be stuck there. But with proper conditioning? You know who you are. You know that you’re worth it and worthy of it, and will-power and discipline and strength to get up and take another step forward? Even if it’s only another breath of fresh air—or a thought that you never considered having before—or even an awakening in your heart in general. Just know—your mind is everything. Don’t slow it down, or shut it off because the “road” is challenging. Failure is only a failure if you choose to give up—pull the plug—stop entirely, right? You’re still here. You’re still you. You’ve done everything you could—whether through thought, or in actuality doesn’t matter to me—you might be playing the wrong game entirely. The Universe is limitless. The laws governing the Universe are rather simple to interpret and digest. These laws are separate from the pompous, arrogance, ego-driven and shame-driven judgmental reactionary, societal world. Hey, real quick? Do a check-in with me! Scan your body. Overview the blessings and gifts by relaxing your  face to your toes. Breathe in and breathe out.

This societal world is designed to get you to mess up. It’s a crafty, sordid and shameful game of its’ own to want to be a party to it? Is only natural. I was not given an alternative program to work with. The deeper I go? The higher up I get? The better my perspective and viewpoint. This article? This website? This entire ideation of justice for the human species? It could be shut down in an instant. The blink of an eye my good name and all that I have worked so hard to maintain—in name and in character alone. In virtues and values—and heck yes! I messed up! Absolutely I made mistakes in my life, but just know that ALL of this can disappear from ever happening. My computer could be attacked and dismembered instantly. There is no relief in the societal world—it’s always a, “what’s next?” Or, “what else?” To continue the upward climb and perceive that it is possible to achieve. And how do you achieve that level? You team up with something greater than yourself. You find an organization or company that is already generating the message and product that you wish to create also. Somewhere that has the top…the tippy-tippy-top of the mountain claimed, and where you don’t have to concern yourself with ladders and ropes being cut at the bottom. To succeed at societal life? You will have to recognize your ego is the product—that that is not, YOU, but it is what will SELL to the world markets. Being a “good guy,” or a “nice person,” is what gets you stuck more than anything because even all the good faith in the world seemingly has little to no impact on Big Business. While it might instill harmony and good vibrations in Presidents and Duchy’s and law-abiding citizens/Citizens, it won’t be their decision even that drags the “mop.” I want you to know this because you deserve the best information in life, and from my perspective? And what I offer through HealthVenom? That this is it. This is THE BEST solution there is to possessing the tools to relieving your pain and suffering. Your attention is a blessing, you are a blessing—I honor you always, regardless of whether or not we see eye to eye on things, you deserve my respect and blessings. Thank you for your time.

