Eye Of The Needle

By Hart Heiden

From the start: I thank you for your kind words in sharing of your professed relationship with our Lord and savior, Jesus Christ. Hallelujah. But where the discussion of ours was heading took to an abruptly subdued and dismantled, stuttered pathway—and in a manner of context only you and I are likely, by now, familiar with.  By conversing with me? You have knowingly, but unknowingly awoken a ghost—torn up a scab— lifted up an arrangement that has been intentionally buried under the sand for some time.  That is the way for this type of thing is to be handled—discreetly—invisible—suffocated to the bitter end so that it never awakens. It must never awaken. And only, suffice it to say, because this is the rationale of understanding permitted by one, sustained individual, do we both endure the ride—well? You and I in mutually exclusive conditions.

You can get how the floorboards of the empty house begin to “creek” now? Certainly there was nothing to cause conflict before, however, now there is a choice to be made, and is it right to call Him Jesus, Yahova, Yeshua, or Yeheshua?  Was his last name really, “Christ?” Or? Is “Christ” like a description of a godly-state that has been embedded in mankind and needs to be awakened inside of ourselves so as in order to rise up? Pardon the digression, but the decision, from the looks of it, has already been made: continue the caravan—the tabernacle must remain unscathed. Why stop and look behind us when “Jesus” is right up ahead? Well? I hate to be the bearer of bad news here, but our dear, Lord “Jesus” is not the one sharing anything but lessons from the past that simply coincide with our current daily lives, but that—and, for the most part—people tend not to recognize or utilize.

Point is? In order to keep up with this tabernacle? There’s no time to wander off for heavy preaching on what everyone already knows as being true—“let the dead bury their dead”—type of thing, as this one is coming through. 

Let’s be honest, there have to be some collateral damages occurring with the momentum of things. It is important to know, however, that Yeshua lives in our hearts, and in our minds—in me, in you, in her and in them. Getting another person acquainted with and familiarized by this fact is not any of anyone else’s business but one’s own—Save Your Own Soul—type of thing.

And Jesus? If He were around? Would have done a better job of mending my heart; a better job of looking after me; taken a bit more thorough time to investigate and understand and righteously stood by me if “truth” were laden to His name.  No tabernacle of Jesus in this day and age would ever block your number or call out a restraining order on you unbeknownst to your awareness. Jesus is available to speak.  Yeshua is here within us to share and to freely deliver. 

Now I can’t help it if I left the “house” available and open for all this time to come back to—that is a part of me I can’t rightfully connect with sometimes either. I couldn’t help to leave the caravan behind. I couldn’t help but understand my place as it currently stood—and whether or not that eye of the needle ever would—fit the both of us, together. And now from the perspective incurring as the result of an intuitive echo I recognize how safe and secure I am—how strong and healthy and uplifting I have become. I have discovered myself formally in a realm of “being,” where awareness, acceptance and appreciation of whatever is? Stands firmly. Stands  up proudly. Stands boldly in the face of egoistic tendencies and secures an unwavering love and peace for all my brethren. This is my life, and in whatever way it appears from the outside? Is up to you. We could have the conversation over a million times before realizing that our perspectives change along with our caravan’s course. I do thank you. I do still—but you’re doing what you do best and it can’t be done any other way. And yes: I can’t help to think of you every day since the day I met you. I still hurt, and I still reflect. I feel more and more certain of the fact with each day passing and I can only blame myself. I have not yet mastered the, “never look back,” portion of existence as I was heavily traumatized in my younger adolescent years, but so I go along with the, “forgive but don’t forget,” type of healing. I would think you know the same.

And only now, is another choice made available for you to consider—a reason why she never wanted you coming to “this part of town,” in the first place, copy? SHE DOESN’T WANT TO HAVE TO DEAL WITH ANY SIDE ABOUT ME—you have some ideation of informations that likely she will never know…unless? and? A drop in the bucket? I get that. But what if that drop in the bucket was infused with green dye?  Change some things perspective-wise I think. Maybe you even noticed something but never had the time to share it with me? 

And, so that you might learn something of Biblical proportions, the “Eye of the Needle” as a phrase was historically presented in reference to an actual city in the Middle East that was surrounded by a great wall. The only way into this city was by traveling underneath a gate—an underpass with a very narrow clearance. And so? If you had a camel along with you with all of your gear, you would have to dismount from the camel’s back and remove all of your things and travel under the gate separately. As a result? The wealthier you were—the longer it would take, or, maybe even not at all. But this was termed by travelers as, “The Eye of The Needle.” Wonderful facts that anyone who has reached this point of this read should look up for themselves, and equally, should be acknowledged and congratulated by me for being such a terrific reader. Keep going! “Readers are leaders!” All is well. A story is a story, right? Keep telling 

yourself that story and you might even begin to believe it.

-Cheers, love, health, gratitude,

