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The Lux-A Journal-like Assertion dedicated to Luxembourg

And we’ve all been there before, right folks? Romanticizing and fantasizing over eclectic paradises and rare locations like Luxembourg. The fine tapestries; the paintings; the historical significance of the Ottoman Empire and its feigning disbelief that a place like, Luxembourg could ever be involved in such a horrific tragedy. Why do such a thing to terrorize the public? Use power and mighty force to ber-bid-erp-derp-derr (onomatopoeia/not actual words, but sound). There’s no stream in constant thought like that! There’s no real skill in that! Who would ever do such a thing so as to bury themselves in more heartache and despair? Who would ever smack themselves in the face in front of the main-stages audience? I don’t believe you! I don’t even believe you for a heartbeat—not a minute of my time goes into your coffers! My time is my prized time! Stay away, or drain your gold. Yes. Your gold. It goes here. See? The fascinating thing about gold is that Luxemborg simply happens to also be one with the capitalistic regime element—the luxury of gold. The finer things of life. THIS is the location we should all want to be at—so why don’t we all go? To Luxembourg? Because everyone knows they can be atrociously overweight, terrible people, in general to deal with, and several monarchs ago—they had special interest groups who would invade specific territories and, for awhile, they would simply stand to scoff at them. As if they were unimportant? Talk of non-violent protocols to follow—sensibility-wise, this is certainly one of them. Luxembourg knows at least a decent strategy or two to keep the world’s heads spinning. But trashing the location is easy! No one knows really where it is—whether it is still a part of Germany? Or does Russia own it? Either or would suffice for ownership because fact of the matter is? A place like Luxembourg requires vigilant supervision. The people are so wealthy there they wish to remain anonymous for as long as they can. That being stated—their money can buy just about anything the world could offer. Only? Their money can’t buy life. Life itself is a prized item due to the simple fact of its pricelessness. The startling stargazers come down to settle with spaces like Luxembourg because they know the real truth of existence. They already know all about me and all about you—they could shut down this website in a heartbeat if they determined it was an item, but for now? I am not enough to be significant in their minds. Just a space for food and consumption; ego and passion. Feelings are real. They do get fiery at times, but consider that personal development, which is a thing that I do accommodate for, and where your money would go toward supporting—is a lifelong commitment. Each day and every way. And whether or not the whole of humanity is being suppressed of this knowledge purposefully in order to increase profits, or gold-stores, or what have you GDP—it really doesn’t matter because I already accomplished all that I was prepared to accomplish in this lifetime and get to wherever I got to go, do whatever I had to do, and be whoever I had to be. And I had an overwhelmingly rewarding experience. Only? I’ve never actually been to Luxembourg. I don’t actually know their history or their worldview as a populace here on Earth. As an American I never hear much about you in the news and the only reason I assert you’ll find gold and opulence and mighty strength is because the name says it all: Lux-like deluxe-em-like Emory Emmanuel-Bourg-like, bor-bor-bor—I’m better than you. And thank you for visiting my site—this is a special, happy fun-time article devoted to you. Never would I have ever expected a number of visitors from Luxembourg. Cheers and blessings divine creators! Tonight? And just for you? I will do all the research I can to find out more about the people of Luxembourg. Pretty sure I’m spot on? But pretty positive I can’t transmit my sense of humor either. Research? That is factual. Congratulations again and don’t donate. You are an honored guest here, and besides? Any heavy donation bodying here is likely to grab suspicion from outsiders—but you already knew that—donate as you wish then. I won’t tell you what to do.


PT. 2 The Grand Duchy

In having conducted a fair bit of research on Luxembourg last night, the only question that I, as an “ignorant American,” really had was, “What the heck is a Grand Duchy? And why does it seem to continue about and onward like a game of “off-on” switches, bouncing from one European city to the next? It just doesn’t make sense. Well? To answer that question we have to begin interpreting and evaluating Monarchical ruling: AKA-governmental rule. In Kingdoms we know of kings and queens, of course. A monarchy involves a Queen’s ruling; a patriarchy involving a King’s ruling over a country. But what about if there is no Queen or King within the country? What happens then? And this is where the question is somewhat loosely answered.  When a Duke or a Dutchess rule over a specific territory they are given the coined term, “Duchy.” A Grand Duchy is that title of which supersedes the level of Prince or Princess, but remains under the King or Queen title. So, who was loyalty pledged to in order to secure the Duchy? Was it: England? France? Rome/Italy? Spain? The Netherlands? Germany? Have you ever heard of the United Kingdom of the Netherlands? Me neither, but this is where initially and formerly the status of Grand Duchy was coined in 1815. In 1890, however, The Grand Duchy title was made sovereign by the House Of Orange/Nassau, or The Netherlands.

After examining the historical occupancies and widespread terror-driven military takeovers, and discovering that a Monarch was in the line of assault, the Grand Duchy started making more sense. Luxembourg was officially recognized as its own country beginnings in 963AD, which is also a *Tesla moment for me in that the numbers are all fine-tuned, but having noted that this was an old-age, well-established location in Europe, I noted that in today’s geographic territory, Luxembourg is landlocked between Belgium (North), France (West), and Germany (East), and so it was relatively easy for me to re-evaluate Ottoman Empire, being more aptly described as Roman, or Bergundian, or Franko-based overruling empires.

It turns out, however, that I was somewhat correct about Luxembourg being a very wealthy state—second in the world only to Qatar. It also appears that big business seek the safe-haven for greater tax-incentives and it does appear to be a worthy location for internet empires. But truth be told, Luxembourg really hit home for me when I read the  English translated version of their motto, “We want to remain what we are.” And that was extremely gratifying in a way. May blessings and continued successes find you Luxembourg, and thank you for your compassionate understanding to illuminate my way through your truth.


And don’t forget to keep being amazing!

Nodeems ech gëschter Owend eng gutt Recherche iwwer Lëtzebuerg gemaach hunn, war déi eenzeg Fro, déi ech als "Ignorant Amerikaner" wierklech hat: "Wat ass e Grand-Duché? A firwat schéngt et weider a weider ze goen wéi e Spill vun "Off-on" Schalter, déi vun enger europäescher Stad op déi nächst spréngt? Et mécht just kee Sënn. Well? Fir dës Fro ze beäntweren, musse mir ufänken d'monarchesch Urteel ze interpretéieren an ze evaluéieren: AKA-Regierungsregel. A Kinnekräicher kennen mir natierlech vu Kinneken a Kinniginnen. Eng Monarchie implizéiert eng Kinnigin Urteel; eng Patriarchat mat engem Kinnek seng Herrschaft iwwer e Land. Awer wat ass wann et keng Kinnigin oder Kinnek am Land gëtt? Wat geschitt dann? An hei ass d'Fro e bësse locker geäntwert. Wann en Herzog oder eng Hollännerin iwwer e spezifescht Territoire regéieren, kréien se de geprägte Begrëff "Herzogtum". E Grand-Duché ass deen Titel, deen den Niveau vum Prënz oder Prinzessin ersetzt, awer ënner dem Titel Kinnek oder Kinnigin bleift. Also, wiem gouf Loyalitéit verpflicht fir d'Herzogtum ze sécheren? War et: England? Frankräich? Roum/Italien? Spuenien? Holland? Däitschland? Hutt Dir jeemools vun de Vereenegte Kinnekräich vun Holland héieren? Ech och net, mä hei gouf ufanks a fréier de Statut vum Grand-Duché 1815 geprägt. 1890 gouf de Grand-Duché-Titel allerdéngs vum House Of Orange/Nassau, respektiv Holland, souverän gemaach.

Nodeems hien d'historesch Besetzungen a verbreet Terror-Undriff Militär Iwwernahmen ënnersicht, an entdeckt huet datt e Monarch an der Ugrëffsbeméiungen war, huet de Grand-Duché ugefaang méi Sënn ze maachen. Lëtzebuerg gouf offiziell unerkannt als säin eegent Land Ufank am Joer 963 AD, wat och en *Tesla Moment fir mech ass, datt d'Zuelen all gutt ofgestëmmt sinn, awer nodeems ech festgestallt hunn datt dëst eng eeler, gutt etabléiert Plaz an Europa war, hunn ech bemierkt datt am haitegen geographeschen Territoire Lëtzebuerg tëscht der Belsch (Norden), Frankräich (West) an Däitschland (Osten) gespaart ass, an dofir war et relativ einfach fir mech dem Osmanesche Räich nei ze evaluéieren, méi passend als Réimesch beschriwwen, resp. Bergundian, oder Franko-baséiert iwwerwältegend Räicher.

Et stellt sech awer eraus, datt ech e bëssen richteg hat, datt Lëtzebuerg e ganz räiche Staat ass - Zweeten op der Welt just nom Qatar. Et schéngt och datt grouss Entreprisen de Safehaven sichen fir méi steierlech Ureiz an et schéngt eng wäertvoll Plaz fir Internet Empire ze sinn. Awer d'Wourecht gesot, Lëtzebuerg huet wierklech fir mech getraff, wann ech déi englesch iwwersat Versioun vun hirem Motto gelies hunn: "Mir wëllen bleiwe wat mir sinn." An dat war op eng Manéier extrem erfreelech. Kann Segen a weider Erfolleger Iech Lëtzebuerg fannen, a Merci fir Äert Matgefill fir mäi Wee duerch Är Wourecht ze beliichten.


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