Benefits Package

By Hart Heiden

I mean—Is a poem really all that difficult to write? Is it a challenge for an individual to take a minute and let some words flow past consider the quickness of night? To let the keys of the computer charge up with amplified power from the fingernail blast. Or? Do you not take unpredictability all that seriously because it all goes by too fast? Stop. You should know—accidents really do happen. People really do make mistakes. I’m talking about real incidents where suddenly you look up and bam! You’ve been struck and the lights flash your plates. Caught up with conversions and collisions the sweeping divisions. The lanyards of paved streets dealt with shards of glass spilled all the way up. I’m torn. I’m sifted. I am ferocious. I’m lifted up and gifted. See? The thing about a poem is that it can always be shifted. Nothing really has to stake out the space between the lines. Blessings make more sense to share an not to take away from crimes, but times?—is tough, right? but only if you let them be. You can make all the mistakes you want just know that things get better, see?  I remember when I sent you the letter and it read: for your eyes only; this is your benefit’s package. Primarily because you didn’t expect it to be caught up right here in the thick of things where we were just jawin’, but where the words found me were struggling and I wanted to make it clear. Perhaps you knew just as well as I do how I like to call you dear, and that the few key strokes of notes that could take the wheels off of spokes and trust everything you woke provoke as adults.  Does this really make sense to you? That after all this configuring and shifting and wrestling with time and your technique that existence should behave this way? Is this all there is? I don’t understand what type of games you play, but if you want my honest opinion? If you really want to know the advice that I give? truth that I speak? I have all the answers for you, but I wrote them all down in the poem that I posted to my face last week. Stop looking out anywhere else. Claim all your benefits. Make it rain. Amen! The super charged fulfillment of your brain. The power is within you and there is no other place to claim as sane. Don’t go looking up connections as they will happen in your space. Provide comfort. Give service. Flush it all down with love. A poem’s not for everybody when the word comes from above with grace.
