The Greater Takings: Our ATTENTION!!!

The understanding goes like this: Human consciousness is the vital force for all to live and work with. When our attention is being utilized, our force goes elsewhere—into whatever an individual pays their attention to. In a sense? Because of the way our lives are designed around convenience, simplification, electronics, etc., our own appreciation for the value of our attention gets mis-represented and underestimated is our ability to create. Consciousness is that entity which can simply be described by the expression of someone stating: “I am here. I am now. This is who, what, where, when, why I am. And all is well. I am content and I am overjoyed by my sense of gratitude and appreciation.” And regardless of the “truth” of the phrasing when, where and by whom it is being stated? All is perfectly imperfect as life is such that it is. A gift. A miracle. A joyful experience to embrace in all of its glory. No more “kicking the can,” waiting for next year, or whathaveyou, the time is NOW and it always has been and always will be. Yup! My only excuse for using the word, “always"
 Is because of NOW. You know a great simple shortcut to being here-now? Just get present to your breath. The inhale and the exhale. They are always present with the NOW. Great! So long as a person can become aware of that? I would argue that they are conscious. The term “consciousness” seems to refer often to the state and welfare of all others outside of oneself. But there is only one—and it is YOU and it is ME and it is WE and that’s all that needs to be focused on. The distractions are everywhere. And as a society? WE have learned to rely on them to “take us away” from whatever situational circumstance has gathered for us. Our imaginations, however, are capable fo doing the same thing. For instance? In the scope of visualization and visualizing an outcome that has yet to happen. What are the perceptual sensory components of this outcome? Recall that our “attention” is what is most required, in order for our adept focus to be administered. The path of today is quite fast—much faster than I recall growing up. That means, in my opinion, that our fundamental body of “attention” is constantly whirring and whizzing about throughout this spacetime continuum. Meaning? That whatever it is that needs to be done, or? Imposed upon us is being done—as the result of our attention being swept away from the equation. And so? The everyman is forced to work harder, and depend greater upon those things of which he or she may have had no interest in depending on. Reliance and dependency go pretty much hand-in-hand and they are both tied in with consciousness’ takings.


Best supplement recommendations for heightened awareness and increased attention forces: DEMAND FOCUS ON THE PRESENT MOMENT!

-Vitamin D3

-Ashwaganda (Himalayan brand)

-Vitamin B (Full-spectrum)


Consider donating for another boost of antidotes! Thank you either way for your time AND attention.
