If not of recently enough, I have found myself submerged in the realms of caffeine again and nicotine use as well. While it is unfortunate, for my sake, I find that both stimulants provide me with a sincere level of activation sensations all around for sensible mechanations of progress—such as typing out these ramble-heavy articles and publishing them to the site. Now? In having come clean with this informative share—are they of any value to my physical or mental progression of intended ascension and awareness? I would argue that without a doubt they enhance my physiological symptoms greatly. In my aspirational pursuits to heal through a holistic, consciousness reformation it experientially appears that these added components, in spite of their inducing pleasure into my life, are exactly as I had initially described them as being: meritless. The incursion is the direct resolution I desire to have for the abandonment of physical pleasure. For my sake? Eating healthy—avoiding mass-sugar quantities and starches; including dairy-products—and maximizing exercise duties for the entire body; including stretching and TVA-work, balancing procedures, and low-impact workouts like Taiji, seem to be enhancing my ability to reformulate my physical structure entirely. No doubt—and for anyone, for that matter—this takes genuine discipline and heightened clarity levels. I have found massive value through my recent discoveries of the works of Edgar Cayce and other leading consciousness professionals out there, however, I agree that in order to change? One must start with the change within self. The habitual tendencies for coffee and nicotine (pouches at this time) are completely embedded in routine, and much more often facilitated through family and friends, and it is an even grander underlying feeling, for my sake, of missing that close-knit bonding experience of existence. I can feel so lonely and trapped in my physical body sometimes, and I have discovered the stimulation of even other people—whether healthy influences or not—provides a sense of relief. All of this to say? Perhaps I needed to develop a greater understanding and relationship with a higher power—something of which I will frequently comment on as being, God, Source, etc.—and to have a stronger hold of my intrinsic value that I can provide to the world. As a young child on the playground of the schoolyard, certainly I had a greater knack for being accepted by my peers. I was youthful, exhuberent, cheerful, kindhearted, intelligent and compassionate, and so effervescently courageous. My grasp on STAYING here now, often clings tightly to those values and moral-ideals. I never wanted to hurt anyone. I never desired to antagonize or tease much of anyone but close family members. I found it a particular joy in simply existence alone. There wasn’t really a defined concept of God quite yet, and passing my time usually meant strenuous physical activities. The feelings of “outsiderness” for lack of better terms, did not really enter my life until I reached high school. The awareness of each person had shifted as the school system I was a part of strictly demanded that we separate into different “teams” of individuals. There was the “white,” the “red,” the “yellow” and the “blue,” if my memory serves correctly. And all of us, as students, were expected to be ruled by these section-oriented colors in the name of organization and nobody seemed to care or budge. No one knew what the color-scheme actually meant. As children we only guessed and assumed, but in doing so? We all guessed that it meant we were a part of the “best.” And because of this invented “betterment” scale, we grew into separate flocks of young students who had no claimed sense of identity or purpose yet, but could it have been a matter of conditioned “grooming” for us? That one day—far off into the future, or otherwise—we would have to be separate entities amongst a collaged network of randomized sociopaths and be okay with it? To gain a sense of comfort with the oncoming natural separation that would inevitably occur in our respective futures? Certainly—I never could have predicted myself in being here…at this current juncture of my life…and feeling mostly like a “horse led out to pasture.” The idea of, “What do I do with myself?” Is of no longer a concern for me—I write, I read, I act, I sing, I make movies, I LIVE! For heaven’s sakes, but it is about who I am and what values I am capable of holding onto for the sake of my being and while at the same time? Providing that value-encompassed package reliably for others.
This life is a commitment, and a miracle in and of itself. If you have decided to link up with me and interact on a one-one basis, or have considered joining up with one of my programs attributable to solid, stable and healthy growth? I thank you. Clearly? My transparency and fearless authenticity will show you that I am not perfect—that maybe you are on the path of stimulant-avoidance—but this life itself is a long-haul and I believe that everything shapes up in the end for us. Just don’t shoot yourself in the foot (at least not too often) and forget the truth in life—no one is making it out of here alive and it is not to be conceived in my opinion, as being our rightful choice. Only God will decide when, and until then? I am grateful and appreciative of all that has been bestowed upon me (the good and the bad). This is a life where I have been given the opportunity to fulfill on my grandest sense of self. And in His own divine image? That opportunity is taken starting now, and now, and now, and…
-Cheers and congratulations!