It Worked For Me!

*THIS IS NOT A PRESCRIPTION OR A CURE! THIS IS NOT AN AUTHORIZATION OF APPROVAL TO TEST THIS FOR YOURSELf of any sort! Bu it is good news! Genuinely I want to share my joyous discovery in the use of the alternative supplement therapy for low-energy and focus known by the Himalaya Brand as, Ashwaganda. The plant is a nightshade that does have a number of other plants that mimic its morphological appearance. The plant is a native species of distant countries like India, China and some southern European countries. I want to make this as short as possible for readership’s sake as I do not know everything about the plant and I do not find it essential to know anything more than what I have already mentioned: name of supplement, brand to purchase.

Benefits I experience? I began dosing two-tablets of 380mg+280mg =660mg powder+extract respectively. Which equates to 1,320mg with both combined with recommended dosage of 1pill orally/day. I have also reached a maximum dose of 4 pills/day and for 2-3 days per week and have not experienced any adverse impacts. BENEFITS: Energy and focus. A willingness and spirit to live again and defeat the manic mornings I experience of general depression. Positive certainty and control over thoughts brings new life to my stride! Good tidings!

If you feel inspired to offer support of holistic supplemental therapies for diseases such as Multiple Sclerosis? Please consider DONATING to the CAUSE. “It is God that worketh in you…” (Paul)
