I am gifted and I am grateful for being here. Existence, eh? Wow. What an illustrious journey! What an interesting ride this can be…I have made it to this place thus far and it is quite interesting. Not exactly as I had planned, but it’s an experience. This time-space continuum we call, “life” is a complex, ornate, and sensitive gift. Yet it is so simple to exist within this life as a human being, at the “top of the food-chain,” as they say, eh? And as a human being, how am I “being?” Just what is the very nature of my emotion right now? At this perfect moment? Where in my body is it arising from? Can I “catch” it? I wonder…Can I make it my own? Meaning, can I absorb it into my essence and become one with it? What? What is going on here? Have I lost sight of my own self? I know I am feeling something, but do I really even want to get into it? What is the point!? All I am concerned with at this very moment is that I can exist. And existence means a lot to me! and I have a job to do, and I am going to do it well! What is this article even talking about? They want what? For me to “focus on my breath?” Right now? I have problems I am dealing with. And sure. I get it: we all do. Everyone’s got problems, what good does it do for me to talk about my problems anyway? In hopes that by sharing them with another person so that then they will be able to tell me their problems? Or, worse, maybe even try to solve them for me? They don’t know who I am, or what my intention is here! That’s not even fair. Do they have any real understanding for who it is I am and what it is I stand for; am committed towards; or what I intend to accomplish in this lifetime? No. Huh?…OK, then: Back to breathing I guess. This is fun. Focused breath work. Really? Stop. Just stop. This article is worthless. They want my breath to come in and out like it usually does? eh? Just an altered level of appreciation and relization that my body is doing all the work all on its own—all by itself, and I am completely capable and deserving of it. Great work, body! Ha. You did it for me! On your own. But this? Ha. If only life were THIS easy! HA! What an incredible existence it would be, right?! Where all I have to do is BREATHE! One. Two—IN. OUT. Oh goodness! I am realizing that I have gotten pretty good at this. Let my problems be there. They still exist. They’re still out there. I get that. Everyone knows that. I’m not avoiding them, but there is nothing I can do right at this very instant. I am doing this. I am actually enjoying this. They aren’t doing anything. I’M the oen breathing. This is ALL ME! I thoink I am really getting into the groove of this good feeling of health and well-being that is beginning to happen all throughout my body. Just by breathing. Just focusing on the in’s and the outs. The natural processes of my own body. Wow. It’s almost as if my body is healing itself. I’m in this good place right now. I have loosened up. My breath is a powerful tool for me and I get that. I can really improve my future this way. Wow. So simple. I am ready for the next one! Bring it! HEY! I’M Ready for the next one. And ready for the next one. Simple. Light. Easy. Pure. Rambunctious. Bountiful. Beautiful. Courageous. Bravehearted. Warm. Kind. Compassionate. Freedom from concern. I love it. I love it. I love it! Welcome life! i have arrived.