Ever Want The Truth?
The truth is? It’s nothing more than a re-enforced commitment. It might take supportive influences to shift lifestyle habits and thought patterns, but we are glad you are here! This is the first step: your own conclusion. A number of New Year’s Resolutions have been made for this year. But this one is life-long. This is about quitting smoking: at this point YOU know your “why.” I add a potential “how” with this reminder of supporting healthy goals and ambitions.
The truth is? that very early on in my days I got caught up in a cloud of unexpected tobacco use. For the mere sake of curiosity I caught up with the trend of smoking cigarettes. All in all? My journey surrounding tobacco has been a rather tumultuous journey to experience. On one hand? There’s this feeling of relinquishment and reconciliation; a comatose abbreviation of blissful pleasure that I would get from the stimulation smoke entering and exiting my lungs. Added to that was this buzz-a-matic-like relief coming from the neural jolt of the nicotine.
On the flip side of the coin? there come to exist these wild flare up of thought which added greater anxiety, pressures and stress on my health. The incessant reminder of my responsibilities towards certain empowering leadership commitments I had made to uphold for myself and for others would seemingly fall flat In front of me the moment I crept back into another pack.
I noticed that my teaching others how and why they should quit smoking did not connect when it came to me. I insisted because I knew that there was a strong likelihood that an individual smoker would lose their power by not being able to appreciate the moment they are in. I shared vehemently with others that yet again the human species has been fooled into believing that vaping is a better alternative for a smoker, or that other nicotinic compatriots can be more beneficial to their successful cessation.
I am here and clear to let you know that these types of assistive thoughts will come. Heavy at first become the assault of seemingly viable options for a person. Only there is one sure-fire way: habitual reconstruction. From thought patterns to physical practices.
The worst and greatest battles to struggle through as an addict was to fight through the confusion arising from these alternative components. These manifestations of liberation only extended the period of my relationship with tobacco use.
I refuse to sugar-coat the quitting experience for anyone. While unique for everyone, there were terrifying dreams, night sweats, headaches, and the emotional turmoil associated with my past traumas not properly having been handled—all of these forgotten entities might show up. But then? The first day is over. Feels good. Sort of like an accomplishment. Then the next day? I remember having my clarity and perspective beginning to shape up. Then day three? four? five? six? each day had its own unique play on the mind. Each day presented a masterful game of overthrow. It is crucial for anyone who is quitting smoking to remember that leaving this object that has been along the journey for so much time is going to be a mental battle EVERY DAY for the rest of their lifetime! I go by the Hermetic Law of Mind—where everything is mind, even the physical. Smoking will continue to show up in life. No longer am I defeated by its external impression. I realized that everywhere and everything has the potential to trigger the same old reliable response: up until now. Day 7? Day 8? It’s getting clearer and clearer and clearer to a smoker that they have some power left in them: to be able to look back at the majestically abundant metaphorical island they left and to witness from afar the giant, burning smoke stacks and the cloud that surrounds the magnificent and majestic Earth. Here come the ash trays, the wet cigarettes, the empty beer bottles, the disappointment from family members and good people, the piss-poor friendships and relationships built over discomfort and errant trust. IT is CONFIRMED! No way! Is there any chance of returning back to that place! But wait? The ship you are in? YOUR VESSEL? requires that YOU, a.k.a. “the Captain” be facing forward and watching the waters ahead.
Here’s where Health Venom provides support! So what are the new coping mechanisms for quitting smoking that are being established to replace the habitual smoking response? WE do not care if you’re only a day in—five days IN—ten years of solid commitment. Great work aptly applies to the decision you have just made for yourself.
How do YOU deal with moments of boredom and stress and not having, or not doing or being where or who you want to be? Where does an individual turn then? Life is short, right? Too short to not define yourself. Nobody ever said life would be fair!
And right then a commercial on a television screen nearby comes into view. It’s a new gum that helps smokers quit. Well? Will you jump for it? It’s now your Day 9 and while it’s not exactly perfect things are recognizably better in comparison. Certainly gum sounds like it will be fun—to chew it and quit at the same time. But you’ve already quit! You’re already on Day 9 without exposure to any nicotine. To issue chewing gum would be like taking a step back. It would be increasing the chance for potential slip-ups in a freshly re-paved sediment. So why even bother losing what you have already gained for support that will only take you back to the beginning.
Day 10 comes with this “I can do this” attitude. A new level of self-confidence and reassurance begins to arise and develop. Freedom from tobacco is an experience of it being just around the corner…Pretty soon, ten years later comes and you have successfully implemented positively supportive physical and mental habits that chase after that FREEDOM. You agree to go to the gym several times a week and consistently. You attend talk therapy sessions. You make time to meditate and rehearse positive and generative thoughts. You find encouraging and supportive friends. You are here now, but you can see the whole picture. When is a good time to realize that you are never alone? NOW. It’s easy to reflect on where you once were and to begin understanding what you have overcome in order for you to get to where you are today. Acknowledge your progress. Positive thoughts. Supportive vibes. Stay present. Stay clear. Health Venom is here if you wish to consider us as a healthy choice of guidance and support. Let it continue? Make a shift?