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Have You Seen It Yet?

Perfection. Bliss. Elation. Wonderment. Appreciation. Those five words…

Now with some of these ideas, a person could really get themselves into big trouble in this world. So? Simply use your good-judgement to determine whether or not any of these particular words could provide any relative value for your life—as such is the intention. And if you do want more inviting and engaging prosperity-oriented, positive mental words CLICK HERE to purchase our workbook: GENTlE WORDS. Nevertheless, a trickling, snow-ball effect is likeley to occur wherein one thought leads to the next and so on and so forth, generating self-empowered and positive momentum.

Having mentioned that it is best to start out simple with a well-known fact such as the observable patterns in any organisms existence will be catering toward the path of least resistance for that specific organism.  In other words, nothing wants to go uphill for the “cheese,” or remedy to the problem, the organism will always sort to find “easy” and choose to go downhill with the gravitational forces, at the very least (and G-force is not always that easy, if you’d like to be thoroughly honest) and while providing ample pairing alongside with momentum.

In a similar way, the human brain operates in accordance with this pattern: the brain will choose the thought of least resistance. Naturally. Unequivocally.  But the interesting thing about the human brain is that it seems to have a natural craving for information, hence the data-centers to pick up sensory information from its’ surroundings.  The brain loves to pick up on things and become aware and feel like it is doing the best job of keeping its’ vessel, also known as the human body, SAFE. Away from danger and harmful outcomes. That is somewhat redundant, if not already, robustly clear. Yet there is something even more fascinating about the human brain from my understanding that I would like to know more about, and it’s that these sensory organelles of the brain are used not only to acquire information, but to predict the information that is about to become already apparent: fascinating. I might want to have my fact-checker’s research that one too because it is certainly something I myself have to pontificate over.

What this means then is essentially that our brains are predicting the external world through the use of its own senses. At this point then, to me it’s like the human brain is constantly playing a monstrous and undeniable game of trickery upon itself: a tremendous joke, in a way. Because if this were the case then wouldn’t everything have to be okay? Wouldn’t everything be perfectly just as I imagined it to be? That everything is alright? And that is precisely the point: emotional energy.

I have heard it said before  that the easiest lie to believe is often the biggest one to swallow.  See, the thing to do for anyone in existence is to sense their perceivable reality. The reality that appears right before us. Right? Open your eyes! Or, just listen to the sound! Etc. and so on and so forth .  This reality is our rationalistic, reactionary and  seemingly reliably dependable source for information to keep us alive. However, in this day and age we are not facing dinosaur-like threats, or wild-west type wolves and gunfire ballistic war-like scenarios and situations that present themselves in a dangerous, life-threatening manner.  It is us—societal human beings—more often than not, and “group-think” conformity, who and where we have to be concerned over our livelihood and survival.  In a way, it’s like getting the newspaper and opening it to read: “These events have already happened today! Come and take a look at the past and see what you can find.” versus? Utilizing the brain as a tool to create the future.  In the case of the newspaper, our brain is merely feeding back to us what it wants us to believe AGAIN is already so. 

Regardless of whether or not you can draw anything of value from that type of convoluted, I would admit, type of conversation—it pairs well with Matrix-like rabbit-holes, but the real point to make is that the much more difficult yet significant usage of the human brain is available to anyone with the interest and mental faculties to do so, and at all times. This is somewhat a place to recognize Gentle Words, as being like that bridging mechanism for getting more accustomed to using this type of forward-thinking mental patterning as it is typically not automatically transferrable.  This is our interpretation of where the use of the mind comes into play for most people. Others might suggest the obvious rationale that the mind was always there and that it was already doing everything from the beginning. And here’s to you, fellow chap! Here’s to you fellow soul. But what I want to introduce is much of what many great leaders, thinkers and philosophers; orators and particular notable figures of our time like, Neville Goddard, have been advocating for and for a long long time: that our mind’s are capable of use of an inner-force known as our imagination. Of a particular concentrated focus of believing in the unseen.

It had been shared with me a number of times and throughout all of my life, that the most challenging of all work in life is that of sustained, consecutive thought. Members of our society were cast down upon for this understanding until the late, great, Napoleon Hill and Wallace D. Wattles came about to expound upon the philosophy and make it more digestible and understood that our thoughts create things.  The boldface truth: it’s not easy to pretend. Following along that pathway of the great mystics of our time were even more prestigious and notable thinkers of our time like psychologist, Dr. Carl Jung and so many others.

The real takeaway is that it all started with an idea. The tortuous journeys of many could be eradicated simply by pressing their “Faith” pedal to the ground and assuring themselves that it has to be alright—that everything is perfect exactly the way that it is and to accept it, and furthermore? Appreciate it. 

Life is a bundle of sticks and layers waiting to be unraveled. Thank you for your time and consideration in purchasing our book, Gentle Words, to get started thinking in a way that promotes your own idyllic self. 
