HEALTH VENOM Holistic Health Structures for Support

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Gut Health Prevails As Key Factor In Mental Health As Well

The mind-body connection, from our perspective, is finally beginning to take hold of Westernized medical culture and along with it? the broad-side of cultural society. Is there a consecutive tire-like distribution held around your waist-line? No worries! More people than ever before are coming to realize the alarmingly powerful influence of the gut-microbiome, and it is important that an overall comprehension of this relationship is ingrained.

There have been numerous societal references that the stomach (area) can be thought of as a second brain. Meaning? It’s good to know when the body needs food in order to not starve, and more often then not it is the stomach that will report that requirement to its’ “master,” that it is time to eat something.

The SAD part neglects to inform us that what a person eats should also be what will add healing benefit and, as Hippocrates, father of westernized medical culture's Hippocratic Oath; an oath that every new doctor must obey, is often quoted as having said, “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.” It is more than likely, however, that the food selected by an individual is part of the Standard American Diet (SAD), and will be of little to no nutritional benefit for the overall maintenance, performance and welfare of the body. You wouldn’t feed your pet marshmallows and gummy-worms and expect it to stay healthy, so why would we do that to ourselves? Well? Primarily because it tastes so good! There is pleasure awarded from this where pleasure-centers in the brain release the pleasure-inducing neurotransmitter: dopamine.

Because of the influence on brain-signaling patterns, habitual behaviors can be strongly related to gut-health as well. Preserved foods get to rest in their packages and be stored on the shelves of our grocery markets for as long as it takes to sell them.  These products will likely contain ingredients that impact the brain’s thought-pattern-agility. 

    With this analogy it should become apparent how the food we choose to consume, might not always be related to the “best physiological” right choice, but rather, more likely correlated between the bacterial gut-biota that has cultivated the inner-gut and their outcries for “MORE!” To the brain.

In SUMMARY? A person will likely eat something habitually likely because of the fact that unbeknownst to them, their gut-biota (living micro-organisms) are telling the brain (the mechanism) what to eat. It is a positive-reenforcement mechanism that will continue unless something is done about it. That, “something,” is in each and every one of us—independently from one another. It’s called, “choice.” We, individually, hold onto our power of choice. Whether we choose or not is dependent upon our level of discipline. Discipline is a very powerful inner-force that stems from one’s ability to perspective-shift. For instance? With respect to dietary fasting. A person could, rather than say, “I’m starving!” Create for themselves an alternative challenge-paradigm to interact with like, “I have an abundance all around me.”

Making lifestyle choices in the way we consume valuable nutrients can be life-altering and complex for a variety of reasons. Please do consult with your physician or healthcare provider before attempting any drastic shifts in diet and behavior. You likely know what is best for you? But we have to share it so that our opinion does not cause conflict. Copy? Cool.

-Health Venom Team

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