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Let's Kick The Carnal Mind!

Photo by melissa mayes

  The Carnal mind, as it is being referred by us within this article, is the entity belonging to the conscious mind which generally shows signs of irrational types of behavior in humans. Theoretically? It is useful. It allows for survival of self and our species. But within this article we are going to focus mainly on the idea of its negligibility for these concepts as this portion of our mind can misrepresent and often limit our much greater human capabilities. Any time an emotional sense of agenda leads the way into the physical world known as reality, quite often more harm than good will be done. The carnal mind is related to the physical, objective world in this manner. Also, it may be otherwise apparent by the likes of compulsion, drug-use and addictive behaviors, sexual pleasure, competition, jealousy, envy, greed, and many, if not all feelings that involve limiting our ability to enhance our vibratory frequency and attract that which is desired.  

    Our concern at is noting how the carnal mind is becoming a more difficult adjustment of control to witness as needing correct attention within oneself in order to glide on a lifetime of inner peace. The guidance from a balanced perspective can allow for the making of abrupt, or even, challenging life-decisions often necessary for today’s pace. Competition, and thus, the “reptilian brain” is pronounced as being the ultimate way of settling a disagreement of stature, as status and position are more heavily desired than ever before.  However, with the carnal mind of competition also come more harmful affects such as lustful intentions, jealousy, rising animosity and hatred towards others. It has been observed that people continue about through their lives oblivious to what they are truly capable of only because of an unnecessary hangup blocking their view.

    Considering that the rates of suicide within the country are at an all time high, according to the CDC, what are the mental health solutions being provided to people where any person could take up and benefit from immediately?  Meditation, for one, is an easy and viable solution often overlooked. While we do offer therapy sessions through our help desk, we are also aware that a multitude of meditation therapies and options exist and which one is right for you will remain unknown unless the question is asked by clicking here.

    A competitive outlook discussion is not our intent. This article is designed to support the removal of the carnal mind and while meditative therapies might assist, we think there is an even greater possible undertaking for others. Let’s start by describing the full picture in order to gain a better understanding of the carnal mind and what it is capable of.

   REMINDER: The mind and brain are separate. The brain is a tool. The mind is the All. Everything occurs in the mind; translated more simply as: consciousness. The brain receives messages from its surroundings and translates them to be perceived by us so that we are better suited for avoiding pain and finding pleasure. 

The brain can be divided into many different areas.  We will only mention a few, but refresher? The left hemisphere of the brain controlling the right portion of the body; and likewise, the right hemisphere of the brain operating with the left side of the body. But then a less physiological capacity we begin to note that different sections of the brain aren’t necessarily correlated with any physical response, but more or less a psychological one. And here we begin to discover the differences between the conscious and the subconscious mind. Why our lives are the way they are? Because of the subconscious mind, etc.. But the reptilian brain is the inner-most, survival-based component found within a mutually exclusive tertiary divide, we’re going to apply, where the brain functions and behaviors can be viewed at as pertaining to the neocortex (the outer-most), the Limbic brain (the middle/emotional), and the Lizard Brain (the reptilian/carnal mind), or, the inner-most, incapable of lying portion. 

    Because the carnal mind is incapable of lying, according to Dr. David Snyder, the “Lizard Brain” is considered as having the most forthcoming appendages of honesty. Breakthroughs of vulnerability, right? And yet? Within this realm of honesty and sensitivity also exist the qualities of rage, animosity, jealousy, lust, lack of control…ALL of the blind-sighted components and partitions of existence that most people will feel threatened by and want to get away from. The major issue? Is that the individual experiencing these types of behavioral displays are incapable of recognizing it within themselves until after the fact.  So? It becomes a pleasant game of perspective shifting for an inquisitive person: stepping outside of one’s own self to look in and examine, but then stepping back into the current life in order to make the desired corrections.

    The carnal mind, as we mentioned before in our opinion, is being conditioned and approved of as the normal state and nature of mankind’s existence. Yet? There is a much more enlightening approach where nothing needs to be given up or destabilized, so to speak, and with communication and healthy support on hand. An unhealthy approach to life means to us that a life does not stand to benefit all whom support its progression and so therefore, it is best to discover the pathway that affords the most sensible relief.  

    We mentioned meditation as a source for separation from the carnal mind—to enhance one’s perspective and be more cognizant and aware of the impact that the carnal component is having on one’s surroundings.  But there’s also a sexual component. This component is lesser talked about, but has serious benefits and enhancements to living life free from the carnal mind if one is capable of manipulating the carnal energy into a more useful form of energy.

We know an unhealthy amount of desire and lustful intentions that are loaded onto the human societal race can increase sexual energy and also effect normal codes of conduct such as self-imposed restraints and expectations. It is important to diminish the sources of any sexualized material from wherever the material-world case may be. Likewise? For men to begin to understand their own unique power given to them at birth and of which they possess between their legs and the women to understand their nature of position just as well. 

    Altering sexual behavior is likely one thing that could help eradicate the carnal dependency, as it is a necessary component for our survival.

SUGGESTION: Give a buffer of time to experience what life is like without interfering with that realm of interference and learn how to enjoy the other pleasures that this life affords in other ways. 

    It is difficult to stand idly by while the generations going by become manipulated and engrossed with and guided by the educational platforms and programs that were relevant to the 19th century workforce. In our opinion without being given the fullest opportunity to fulfill upon their self-growth and understanding these young members of our society become lost, frustrated and confused—almost like they are seeking answers by hurtling themselves again and again at the same steel wall and expecting different results. The school system that I knew taught us nothing of the nature of mankind and the willpower that each one of us can potentially attain.  

    I want to do something about it by creating a cause for uplifting education in regards to our human consciousness. A part of me bobs on along the surface of identifying that it may be too late…”resistance is futile…” type of thing.  Always one move ahead on the board? But checkmate is checkmate—END GAME—folks and as the late but great baseball hall of fame catcher, manager and coach of the New York Yankees, Yogi Berra has been known to have shared so delightfully with us the idea that, “It ain’t over ’til it’s over.” The point is? There are an infinite multitude of proper resolutions and everyone has an opinion on which one is the best-fit. By removing my sensitive level of urgency to do something about the current educational dilemma and simply considering the direction and outcome I prefer to happen for the benefit of everyone I am relieved of the immediate stress.

The next time someone asks you for your sexual orientation? Don’t immediately react (reptilian brain) and punch them in the face, but rather consider letting them in on perhaps a lesser known secret: “that it’s none of their business.” And offer them compassion for not yet reaching that space of understanding like you have. Continue to live on powerfully and committedly as the strong fearless architect that you are and thank you for your time.


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