3 Ways To Be Better Than Her...
This is coming from the ultimate dude’s (who also has a sister and a mother and a positive relationship with both of them) perspective. I can’t tell you what every guy likes, but each guy is unique. Likewise? Women??—are unique. That’s the obvious introduction written to exemplify my gender: male. Wow, right?
In this case, however, likely you’re a woman, or a young lady, interested in discovering the tiny tweaks and advantages a person of the feminine logos can make for themselves to get ahead of any perceived competition. A majority of it? As I give away the most precious secret—is not about what you look like, from the physical standpoint, but about what you radiate outwardly from within. Another way of putting it? What you vibe like is what will show through is what will attract.
To be honest, desperation is an easy to read red-flag. From any vantage point and when scoped out from any perspective. If you are interested in getting ahead over someone else? Then this will be the game of understanding and interpretation and all of which will be played within the mind. It is here where you will begin: the mind.
1. First thing is first: turn on your internal “have” switch and be clear, present, and assertive. Remove any potential for mishaps (lay back on the cocktails and be clear as possible). It starts with a remembrance of your fullest-self! Hold up the mirror to look at where you are already filled up on all of your various internal traits and characteristics like the 3-C’s of: Confidence, Consideration for others (need I remind you?), and Compassion. Add to that an element of curiosity from you and about the other people around you? Then YOU have straight out of the gate—officially taken the lead!
True story: being curious doesn’t mean being fake either…asking just to ask, for instance? Is BORING…I’m not interested in listening to the try-hards. And so that you are aware, FAKE reads just as easily as DESPERATION. Unless you enjoy trotting around with a bunch of fake people, I would suggest that you’d keep your questions aimed at fulfilling on a specific purpose that another person is interested in is raised up and made aware of. All of this? Takes CLARITY from the start.
2. Forget about competition. Right away, please? Staking your moment as a leader of the pack is all about creation. Adding to the entreé platter of your own divine nature is a no-holds-bar attitude of collecting yourself—gathering your confidence, consideration for others and compassion and carrying it wherever you go in the space that you find yourself in. Is it possible to be simultaneously creating intrigue, mystique, and curiosity from others? Can make a powerful positive impression from the others in your group.
PRO TIP: While this other lovely and gracious person (Trust me it’s about keeping a positive outlook on obtaining your goal) is heading off to the restroom to check their makeup and hair, etc. because of your divinity? You have created the space for ultimate advantages to take place and in which? CREATION creates a game of “catch-me-up” for the other party when they come back to their seat.
3. Make it count! Take mental notes—names, stories, habits, children, parties, etc. that might have later value-adding in situations further on. This isn’t about spying on anyone—this is about listening. LISTEN for your opportunity to speak and do your best to base your commentary off of what you already know, that way? YOU will come off as someone who creates inclusive and aspirational situations. A good listener can be challenging to find and in many cases? Not cheap. But always adding value to whatever situation an individual might find themselves in.
Ultimately? Nobody cares. Anything you say or do will be forgotten in the mind’s of others and they will go back to their own established ways of thinking and behaving. It can take a little bit of time to get adjusted to being comfortable around people as yourself, but trust also that you’re the only one who’s got what they all need and want. Keep being fantastic and thank you for your time and consideration.
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