Five Questions To Ask Before Committing Suicide
A friend once told me, “Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem.” It is my hope that this be the case for anyone considering that type of outcome as it leaves space and room for growth and understanding.
Yes. I do believe we are at war. It is not the type of war being fought on the ground with soldiers and military might. Not the type of war being fought on the political field signing laws and voting registration neither. This is a war that is happening in our own minds.
The societal human species has increased its awareness over the issues surrounding mental illness. Mental health is one of our strongest commitments: GET THE BOOK! One of which to note and discussed within this article, is that precarious corner a person might turn to that results in taking their own life.
While the “s” word may be triggering for some, it is important to discover what solutions can be brought about in a person’s life in order for them to overcome their situation. So, whether it be teen-suicide, adult suicide, or elder suicide we believe that an expanse of knowledge within our system is fundamentally missing.
As perspectives are enhanced, a knowledge and understanding grows with it and with this new understanding, a glimpse of the pure majesty and terrific level of power each human being possesses is birthed. And where does it all start? With our attention. Our concentration and focus are at stake.
Welcome. As taboo as this article might appear for some, it is becoming far more important than ever in this day and age to address the dramatic rise of suicide rates worldwide. Loved one’s are left with all the various levels of pain and grief and suffering and are forced into yearning for answers. Why? What? and who?
With thoughts like these left present in a loved-one’s mind after a suicidal experience has occurred life can unexpectedly become doubly draining.
Our work at Health Venom is designed to explore the expansion of human consciousness: of what a human is truly capable of creating and achieving for themselves by simply adding value-laden skillsets and knowledge devices. “Right-minded” thinking, for instance? Is a precursor to the action, but certainly that will take a beginnings of clarity and our Triple A strategy: Awareness, Acceptance, and Appreciation.
While the significance of human consciousness continues to be overlooked as having any relative consideration, Health Venom builds on solidifying healthy thought-practices as well as concentration techniques. It is our duty as a parallel structure of support for health and wellness to expose the truths involved with respect to our human consciousness. There is so much more to discover along in the journey when given the right information and support. A disinterest in existence should never happen to the result of suicide, but rather it should be challenged and possibilities pursued.
To end the blight of suffering of our fellow-man from this tragic occurrence we believe it is necessary to explore our mind. Any mind of an individual who has thought of, or, considered to think of this outcome should not be made ashamed of. Life and death are a natural cycle.
Certainly a self-prescribed notion of choosing an exit strategy could be viewed upon as being sensible, almost, for certain individuals in certain situations. However? Does this type of act (caused death) strike down on a religious or spiritual ethic for an individual who believes in God, values existence, but just as well feels compassion for an individual who is experiencing a level of suffering that one could withstand?
The most value likely encountered from this article, however, and in whatever situation an individual finds themselves to be in, is going to be placed up front so as to save as much time as possible. If you define yourself as being an individual who might be grieving, then to encounter this lengthy article with no specifically addressed benefit that we are aware of, would not be courteous to you in our opinion. And so it is this: consider becoming more aware of the positions, locations and placements of where, when, and what the attention is being placed on. Yes, that’s right: your focus.
Many great thinkers and leaders of our time have stated it before, however, we believe it necessary now more so than ever before with the bifurcation happening amongst humanity due to technological advances and marketing and advertising industries. In this case and for this particular stance we wish to share the reminder of the late, but great thought leader, Mr. Earl Nightingale. In The Strangest Secret, he shares, “We become what we think about.” With this comes the importance of thought—of mindset and performance and how it goes hand-in-hand with what a person acts upon and performs. REFRESH: Thoughts create words, words create actions, actions create behaviors, behaviors create habits, habits create…well? you get the gist: the greater the strength of mind? The more powerful and precise the level of performance and the greater the sense of fulfillment.
In this article we intend to take a look at FIVE questions ordinarily overlooked by individuals considering taking their own lives with the hopes that a new understanding offers a different outlook and an expanded perspective on life, and perhaps even a powerful glimpse of their own best version of their highest ideation of self. Life is a delicate balance and a terrific and exciting journey of acceptance and letting go once it can be recognized and accepted for what it truly is: the only way out is through. The only way through is in. And upwards we arise. If this is you, or someone you know and care about? Please do us a solid and take out a notebook and pen to write with. This might be something worth hanging onto. Thank you for your time, your consideration and for your support.
“Am you clear of mind?” Perhaps our best form of support to offer is not that of the cohort of individuals that are ready to come to the aid at the flick of a button, but a question to begin with to clarify the presence of what is being experienced. To put it another way, “What is life like for you?”
At this point? We would like to envision for ourselves that you understand what all the drugs off-market and on the streets—are capable of doing, and maybe even how they interact with the body and mind at least at a basic level of understanding. We also include that you know what alcohol does to the brain and body and how it’s not that great. Ever. Likely also, you have become well adjusted to and acquainted with the medications that are out there. The doctors and therapists have done their best work to analyze and prescribe and outfit the right medication most suitable for you: the proper applicant: YOU. It is assumed to be true that you also have an understanding of where we stand on medications and are aware that there is no judgement here. These answers are yours and yours alone. In fact? Do NOT send us your responses to any of these questions as we are NOT medical professionals. Consult with your medical practitioner as inspired to do so.
But honestly? ANSWER: Did it fix your situation that you were experiencing, or did it numb it out, or what does it do for you? Did you really need medication or were you kind of just going along with the flow because of the pressures of knowledge and acclaim and praise and how no one ever told you about any other decent, better-is pathway? Answer: Was the medication ever working? If so? ANSWER: How did you interpret the medication as working? ANSWER: Was there ever a moment experienced when reality was considered as being fictitiously-oriented? Meaning? Did your physical perspective ever experience cartoonish-appeal? Did it change or alter in such a way during any moment of medication-taking.
Either way, FACTS: a clear mind makes for solid-footing. To live life effectively and powerfully the most solid grounding is in what’s known as the, “self,” or, the identity of you that’s NOT the ego-self, and NOT the persona-version. There was good reason for ole’ Socrates to have said what he allegedly said, to, “know thyself.”
You’ll want to be clear minded not only to make rational decisions, but to be able to create your own space, cause domains, define your terms and boundaries, clarify speculations and misinterpretations. These situations happen all the time, really. Most people are…PEOPLE. And that’s pretty much all you can go with for now. We have a lot of experience to offer what people can potentially be like. Most of them are full of themselves and lie about it to our faces. And that’s quite attributable to our understanding of “normalcy” at this point, because why not? Why NOT be full of yourself? What a fantastic way to exist through life as, right?
Clarity? As it grows a stronger presence in your life for the reasons we just mentioned, will also be the leading tool needed in order to come to a state of acceptance. Acceptance is simply put: like a clearing in a field, or? like a new canvas for starting over. Only it happens in your mind and no place else. Harshness? A little, maybe. Briefly though. Toughen up about it, right here: nobody cares about you, but you in this lifetime. Simply because only you know exactly what you need and require. So give close mind towards clarity and value it in order to appreciate and uplift. We are not suggesting that you eliminate your medication regimen that perhaps was prescribed by your doctor, but we do wish that you consider right now to take note of it and perhaps how it may be having an impact on your level of clarity and judgement. Understand it simply means you are getting to identify with your truths, YOUR facts of what life is. Not other’s opinions based on societal inputs or constraints: your life. Your truth. Define it.
And, yes! Big Pharma despises us, but we share our message so publicly and proudly: Start with clarity, or at least the identity of such. Then you gain a fuller understanding as well of who’s rules and terms your living your life by. ANSWER: Are you living life under your own terms? Evidently? By now you are aware that this was an article containing more than FIVE questions, but take note! How the terms and boundaries and conditions were all within our domain and guide as we used numbers to generate the prompts and establish our integrity. Misleading? Yea, of course, but look on the bright side: you’ve got more life to live. Awesome job so far. Keep going.
2. Bold and fearless leader, the next question we would like to ask is whether or not you have spoken with someone yet? ANSWER: have you shared your perspective with an attentive and un-biased listener? This might be a therapist? But it could also be a passer-by—so long as either individual is not connected with you or your family and neither person(s) wishes to give you advice afterwards you should be clear on that. Having someone who truly listens to what messages you are conveying and even to what impressions and messages you wish to convey are easy to encounter when you know where to look. You have your mind in check now so the awareness of the fact that there is no one else like you out there is covered, right? And that only you have the solution to something the rest of us all want and or need to a certain extent, right? Whether by idea? Thought? Sound? Artwork? Basically saying the same thing: the context of our existence is dependent upon our willingness and fearlessness to share that thing that is yet to be uncovered. What if you don’t have fearlessness? What if you’re not confident enough? These questions are always around, but ANSWER: How confident are you that you’re not confident? FIND yourself a good listener and share everything with them until it pours over in the sink! It might take time, but it’s worth it. REMEMBER: There is only one YOU. It is our opinion that the human being possesses the highest capabilities of KINGDOM ANIMALIA and therefore? It might be considered worthwhile to congratulate yourself for making it to the ultimate level. Great, yeah, there’s fungi and paramecium and lobsters in the sea, we get it, but who wants to be reincarnated into that? You’re at the top of the food-chain, you made it through childhood—you’re not a baby anymore, whew! Right? This means you get to start calling the shots. Declaring your universe. Commanding your presence. Exploring the uncharted. Liberating yourself from your past experiences through a dedicated and active, unbiased listener—who, let’s be reasonably compassionate of this person’s own struggles and ordeals in life too and be vigilant enough to make sure they are prepared for all the muck you have in store for them. You will be more appreciative and feel more fulfilled because of it, trust us.
3. What is your educational background? DO NOT PLACE ALERT SYSTEMS UP, BUT DO ANSWER: what school did you attend and where? Where were you born: (City, State)? ANSWER: How often do you watch the television each day? week? Social Media?TWTR? iG? Snap? Fb/Meta? Who often do you read books not on a device screen?EDUCATION comes in a variety of ways now from a whopping universe of sources. It’s information—much like the information addressed in this article (and thank you for your time), it is data spread through distinct output-factories, distribution centers let’s say. Each area is targeted with certain applications and information sets that most others will never see or experience. It’s all about programming! How have you been programmed? In other words—the question: what is your educational background? only covers a certain level of what you may know or understand to be true. The information set might not even be true at all! AT ALL?! Yup. We’re dishing it for you. There is a chance that a significant level of misinformation has essentially reprogrammed your mind, OR, the information you regularly digest is retraining your brain how to think.
It is important to gloss over conscious and subconscious mind given what was stated above. The subconscious is the mainframe. The conscious in the bouncer at the bar. This is where (1. READ AGAIN) of being aware, comes back into play because you literally have the ability to retrain your brain to think the things you want it to think. The training takes time and focus. Best way, in our opinion, is to consider that there is an external and an internal world. The external is everything you sensorily perceive outside of your body. The five senses. The internal world is the thinking brain, the intuition, the feelings and moods that coincide with living a healthy lifestyle.
4. Have you chosen to live out a healthy lifestyle and have you dedicated yourself to what living powerfully means? ANSWER: What does a healthy lifestyle mean to you? ANSWER: Is this a possible way to live? Not is it possible for you, or, is it possible for them, but simply, is it possible?
5. Does it ever seem as though no one ever takes responsibility for what they do or say? You might have noticed then, my ability to play the ineffectual one, where certainly by lambasting the post with onesy-twosy word shows of “ours” and “we’s” slightly frames a bit of a distance and separation even more-so than having it being read on the internet. Oh, then the understanding is coming to light! A new perspective is gathering and fortunately you have the clearest of minds to celebrate! But, ANSWER: How do you celebrate? Being “off” the beaten path of depression and melancholy sadness, despair, frustration, loneliness, not ever fitting in or feeling like I belong is a tragically difficult road to return to full-tread. I have found my way and what works best for me. And therefore? Consider finding yours as being whatever is best for you! BUT REMEMBER: This life is a gift. Only one you’ve got. You are human. Highest ranking on the food chain. Intelligent. Capable. Witty. Kind. Nurturing. I could go on…but VALUE? REAL VALUE is within you and no one can ever have that unless you share it. If it is money you are seeking? You’re cutting off your own legs. Seek the VALUE within. Re: BIBLE, Luke: 17:21. Caress it. Soothe it. Care for it. Life is here FOR you.
And THEN? If you’re really finished answering the questions and considering the new adjustments that could potentially be made and further, actually commit to doing them? That wicked thought persists? KNOW these: All is Mind and Mind is All (Kyballion). Suicide is a PERMANENT solution to a temporary problem (Alcoholics Anonymous). The only way out is through and the only way through is in (Health Venom). Enjoy your time love, and may I one day be so blessed to share another moment of your time.
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Where giving means getting! Consider us thankful for your having made an impact on the evolution of consciousness and for your own continued personal commitment towards health and wellbeing.