HEALTH VENOM Holistic Health Structures for Support

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Doing Vs. Being: How Do You Interpret Your Existence?

Photo by Denise Duplinski

    [The system that society is arranged around is designed for human beings to perform in a way so as be doing things—task-oriented—ideally? Beneficial things, again—hopefully? It is easy to catch on to, but certainly not always the case. Doing could mean fulfilling on various tasks in order to carry out and fulfill on some end-goal.  Or? It might be uniquely fit for the individual themselves, such as in this article being placed before you. But whatever the case may be—the doing and performing of things is what keeps us BUSY. Busy exploring, busy learning, busy creating, busy donating, busy buying, busy building , busy playing “catch-up,” and so on and so forth.  We know the law of entropy very well: things are constantly changing and most of these things need fixing.

There is a large expanse of the time we have available for our majority of the population to be doing certain things. That’s how we understand the world and the way that our existence works. But let’s propose the situation wherein which there is no longer anything left to do.  What is existence for us then?

   Here in the performance-end of our blog we recognize the observation that the busier an individual gets doing things, the better-off that person is expected to become at handling a greater load of certain forms of doing. While a majority of our work here at Health Venom involves the support system development for the area of BEING: what our world of the human race would consist of in the pockets of limitless potentiality.

    To clear up the space briefly before we get started,  let’s go over the area of our performance called, “work.”  Well? what exactly is “work?” What is work defined by you as? And how is “doing” any different from “working?” Is it based on remunerations? If so, please take a moment to consider the time and effort put into this piece of work and pay us the value for which you believe it is worth.  Is this article not worth anything to you? If so, then why are you wasting your time continuing the read? It’s the valuation component, is it not? Value-added is a difficult concept to address. We will go over that later as we know it is important to understand our own value and self-worth. In this article, however, let’s continue to address this concept of doing v. being. We are gradually getting somewhere.


    The motivation here is to suss-out the insistent nature of people’s natural wanting of and desire to be “busy” doing something. It could be anything.  Anything familiar to us, at any rate? Anything rather than the natural noise coming from the external void of an obvious nothingness component of inward being.   

    Doing is more relevant to us than is BEING because it is present for us in our current society’s day and age every place we go.  It is obvious when another person is performing something on a stage or addressing a concern directly in front of an audience. People naturally enjoy being understood, well-liked, and sufficiently capable of providing value for others. It’s no wonder why vast numbers heave and thrust themselves into the face of busy traffic simply to pick up a needle that happened to fall from a lady’s purse as she crossed along the—exaggerating? It might be perceived as such from your perspective. But consider what you’d be willing to DO if NOTHING was present.  

    One of our missions at Health Venom is to create a pathway for individuals to become present to and more comfortable with a BEING as nothing That means that all worksheets and doing are limited to the essential components of existing: healthy food, pure water, comfortable shelter, and fresh air. It is a minimalistic approach to existence with the purpose of re-introducing their own life to a higher version of self.

    With the advent of new technology and all of the distractions it serves out, it is growing ever-more apparent that the societal world is becoming dependent upon us doing and ignoring our capacity for being. 

    Society, it seems, is ever-ready to evolve into congruent level of mechanical operational production and quite possibly abandoning the element of our intrinsic nature of BEING altogether.  BEING is becoming extinct! And in our opinion? Causes an irrationality of expectations on others; it generates disassociation and confusion leading to depression and manic neuroticism. In our opinion? Our world has become numb to the essence of existence. The one and only opportunity to achieve enlightenment and ascension within the individual has been clouded by the importance of fulfilling a task for the appropriate sum of money—learning to equate value as money. It needs to stop. This has grown out of control and seemingly impossible to deal with! 

    FORTUNATELY for us again, we think that a better option exists, it is our intent at to generate the distinction for people between either DOING and BEING, to REINFORCE the element of BEING within a person, and to assist their progressive realization of their highest self throughout life.

   We have begun our discussion with the element of DOING because that seems to be a consensus outlook on what performance is all about. So, what is work? If you’re a physicist you know the equation well, where work-(W) is equal to distance, or, displacement (d) multiplied by Force (F). The general equation appears to have nothing to do with monetary compensation, correct? Mathematically it is factual, blank-face, no-cap. (For more insights and information be sure to check out, Balance The Creator, the legendary study-guide to understanding and pushing through life more effectively, HERE.)

    Ask yourself: Does “work” mean attending a specific location? Could “work” be anywhere? How do you define the term of “work?” There must be exploration towards an intended outcome, correct?  There must be a level of learning of certain information concerning the intended focus area, right? There must be a heavy devotion to practice and realizations to have their intended impact, yes? These days? In this day and age? It certainly might not be the case that any of these intended ideations are followed through with.]


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Where giving means getting! Consider us thankful for your having made an impact on the evolution of consciousness and for your own continued personal commitment towards health and wellbeing.

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