HEALTH VENOM Holistic Health Structures for Support

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Welcome To The Matrix of Easy

Photo by Markus Spiske

    Let’s cover some basic insights and understandings for a brief moment. Mainly? The concept of “EASY.” To begin with, “easy,” or, otherwise known as, the pathway of least resistance,” is what is the most-likely direction and result typically to be sought after.  Humans know that they like pleasure and seek reward and so certain behavioral ways of being become more predictable especially when being able to rely on a strong foundation of empowered growth and support.

    Yet the “easy” path can at times become as being detrimental towards performance when an intended outcome is displaced by an overpowering “easy” behavior. Often times? EASY is natural, although there are many cases where it becomes learned and further adapted around. For instance? It is “easy” for some people to create artwork masterpieces of imaginative capacities, but for others? That type of action would be too much to want to mix up their time with. It would be a monstrously challenging difficulty. Redundancy aside—I wonder how people with tremendous dreams of accomplishments create an empowered environment for its fruition.  In other words: how is “EASY” able to uplift their capacity for creation within their constricts and limitations?

    The Matrix of Easy is where the process for creation gets to be fun! No longer is it necessary for a person to rely on the “woo” and their unseen effecting for enhancing their vibratory frequency. Now? An individual working a nine-five job along with a family to take care of at home and who has kids having soccer practice to go to in separate locations at two different times does not seem so overwhelming. Why? Because a MATRIX of EASY was constructed!

    How does a person construct their own Matrix of Easy? First! Download the FREE Matrix Worksheet to begin. 

    1. Get clear. Clarity enhances awareness and with a greater level of awareness the most important elements can be oriented and arranged accordingly.

    2.  Identify and analyze the pieces of the puzzle. The GOALS or TASKS being demanded of. THINK: Where? When? What? Who? And even a WHY? Then order them appropriately by their level of importance to YOU.

—HINT: Keep any and all judgments away from the equation—it won’t benefit the “anything is possible” over-arching mindset and will lead only to a swarm of doubts and overwhelming frustration. REMEMBER: Good is good—and this is known as quality is quality to anyone regardless of temporary circumstances.

3. With the pieces congruently identified and assembled and the generous kindness in nature emanating from the cuffs, begin the process of layering! This is where the rubber meets the road. Discover the challenges and obstacles: the difficult components to solving each part of the puzzle and switch the order!Make these details stand out and become easier to achieve. 

4. Create the MATRIX! All of the pieces and components have been clearly identified and it is well understood what challenges block the way to accomplishing the intended outcome. Now it is up to re-designing the immediate physical surroundings and building the cypher that will fulfill on the accomplishment of the task.

***For instance? “Weight-loss” Let it be understood that in this example being used the specified goal is to lose 10 lbs. By March 25, 2022. The Who? What? Where? And Why? Have all been previously determined. The obstacles are clear and the Matrix of Easy for this scenario might look like this: Fresh fruits and nuts are easily accessible at every resting point in the day. Meaning? At work, in the car, in the house or apartment by the places frequented the most. The thought of food arises? BAM! There’s an apple! Swift as the knee it comes with…or…whatever expression…the point is? An alternative, yet friendly and assistive choice was placed neatly and made easily accessible. 

5. The most important construct of the Matrix of Easy comes at the END of overcoming each hurtle and roadblock—like the apple, or fresh fruit consumed perhaps over a pre-conditioned favorite escapade to the vending machine? Or the local restaurant with co-workers? These are impressionable instances too! But YOU MADE A CHOICE to improve your circumstance AND it is only your willpower that will assist in overcoming the battle with consistency and persistence. NUMBER FIVE is ALL about CONGRATULATING yourself on your accomplishment. It might seem small, but hey? Want to know how to eat an elephant? ONE BITE AT A TIME! Keep going. Take the steps forward that are recognizably compliant and in agreement with the goal. The Matrix of Easy that was built creates support and fluidity in forward progress.

Stay well.


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