HEALTH VENOM Holistic Health Structures for Support

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Which Tree Do You Choose To Eat From?

Photo by Antony Trivet

If I were to be clear enough with anyone and everyone I would be as terse as possible. I want to live in the new house. I want to ride in the dream car. I want to understand myself as a powerful creator using both faith and imagination. I want to have it all.  However, within this lifetime, I cannot resist the temptation of thinking on foundational terms: Natural Laws interwoven between societal and cultural standpoints and beliefs. Observations of my own developed through experience and tumultuous, but startling recognitions. Things like: for instance: thinking in the right manner the thoughts of which I wish to have to enhance both faith and purpose along with my desires. Or? Deeper contextual freelances such as: where did these desires develop? What is it that I need to do to guard my thoughts and command my attention with even more precision so that I am able to promote self-love and encourage internal peace?  I want a healthy lifestyle. I want empowering results.  I have held onto my beliefs this entire time, and they are true and becoming more and more interpretable and easier to follow through on as each new day passes.  Admittedly, I do concern myself with the future of humanity and what dilemma’s currently surround the source of the human condition’s survival. There is a perceived solution to becoming free from the tyranny.  For me, it comes down to this: the Biblical “eating” from the WRONG tree: The Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. If you would like to become rich? I would recommend currently dismantling yourself from this conversation as it has no intention of expanding your interpretations of material financial wealth nor riches.  It does contain the secret to interpreting and perpetuating abundance, however, and therefore? You might want to stick around. This is the conversation to wipe the wheel clean and create humanity’s existence on a completely new frame of mind. The wheel is already available both for and to anyone. It is the, Tree of Life! That we must learn to choose to eat from.  This tree is the source of endless and eternal light. This is the tree of growth and harmonious vibrations.  From this tree is where and how I discovered my wealth and abundance and prosperity that are in immediate accordance with the laws of the Universe and to which are aligned with the idea of creation.

The Tree of Life is what must be chosen. The Tree of Life is how we will all overcome the destruction. This is the mechanism by which we must all learn to live by and rediscover ourselves through. But yet? How does one person change the way humanity is being organized and oriented when the physical, sensory world offers so much of a way in immediate gratification? When people’s willpower and discipline have been ultimately weakened and decimated to the point where self-control and focus seem to be a moment of our past? The attention. Our focus. Our first introductory training. How do we know when it is complete? It is known to be on the level of “completion” when the individual partaking is able to identify any emotion arising from within at any given moment, but yet not allow the emotion to initiate a physical response, but rather a transmutation of the emotional energy into a more productive, or beneficial format.

So? The conversation continues throughout our lives. Where will the inspiration and motivation originate from? What will make this existence all worthwhile to interact with? First! Consider: what “tree” are you relying on for support? Is it as rewarding and fulfilling as it could be?

-Keep going!


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