Time: A Unique Way To Contract and Extend Your Life
Jan 20, 2022—Time has invaded the territory of the human species since the beginning of civilization. There must be organization. There must be a code for progress to occur. There must be a way to guide and motivate the masses to convert: there must be TIME.
In its unique construct and accord, time offers an opportunity for its own ideation; an interpretation that results in an infinite number of possibilities. This constructed level becomes more clear when an individual defines “time,” regularly thought of as the seconds, minutes, hours, days and weeks, and so forth, into the infinite exploration of a “moment.” How does one define a moment? Perhaps it was split seconds? Maybe it was weeks or years on end…but either way and in any way, there are limitless definitions that could be applied in order for it to be understood by the masses. Here’s the glitch in time: a moment is controllable by the individual. Not only is a moment explorative in its perspective element, but when awareness levels are heightened in an individual there enters and arises a unique capacity for extending and contracting a shifting of sorts, as though it were a muscle.
With each moment being granted the new thought identity of time having muscular capabilities like extension and contraction, a person could rightfully learn for themselves how to build moments. The trick really relies on an individual’s attention force and believing in a separate stream of consciousness. With the programming that’s been reinforced throughout our lives, going against habitual thought can be quite challenging. That’s not to label it impossible, but just to say that there are only a finite number of options a random citizen in the USA can facilitate throughout their day.
Scientists are in alignment with the fact that close to—if not, greater than—85% of thoughts are the same as they were in the days, weeks, months, or could even be years prior. What an individual could start doing then is building themselves up again with a unique story of sorts in the realm of who it is they idyllically prefer to be. Who is it that a person can imagine as being themselves in their best shape and form is really all that it takes, but then applying the created story of their lives to be of beneficial support for that ideal component birthed into a reality for them. Call it, “Quixote-ism,” call it whatever, but it is factual that a belief is no more than a thought that is continuously held. A belief generally holds a certain paradigm or perspective associated with it. “Time is infinite now. I am the greatest person alive. I know there are ways to extend my life and I believe in that. I am healed.” So on and so forth, thoughts can be manifested into reality by the use of words. Words on a page. A person should be writing their ideal self onto a page with a pen. Make it real for a moment, right? Time is passing, all the while opportunities are as well. Meditation along with clarity and a new definition for “time,” are what Health Venom believes to be the challenge towards societal understanding. We certainly did not invent it, but we are presenting it here for consideration. Thank you for your moment;)
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