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Food For Thought and The “Harmony In Hell” (HIH) Project
[I offer the idea that thought is work. The famous book, “Think and Grow Rich” nearly states it all for us, simply outright. But how does thinking make a person rich? Good question. Of course, we could get into practical applications of operating the use of thinking in order to accomplish a specific systematization of a drawn out plan, and rope in enthusiasts for the sake of marketing that plan and spreading the new program, but this is not even what I want to share—to most of us? This is old news and is stomped out completely by upper-level competitors who gain sight and interest of the material compilation. For this instance? I am referring simply to thought, in a specific intentional orientation toward a desired outcome. And even this simple act takes work—in fact, some of the most difficult work in the world. The occult-realm expert Wallace D. Wattles was quoted in his book, The Science of Getting Rich, with the most difficult work in the world being in the form of, “sustained and consecutive thought.” And here is where it really starts to get interesting. When approaching the concept of “work” from a Physics perspective, work is defined as Force multiplied by distance; and one could easily search this definition out in any elementary level physics book, or internet-based search on the topic of “work.”
When noticing the way in which the neurophysiological pathways are altered due to certain thought patterns, it is simple again to interpret that certain thoughts create distinctly relevant, or inter-related channels that occur as repetitive thought patterns. The greater the frequency of thinking, or interacting with the same thoughts? The more-developed the channel gets. The stronger the outcome, or behavior. A good metaphor to think about is the trickling of a stream evolving into a powerful river, and then expecting this thought pattern to become expressed in the external, physical world. I mentioned briefly that this would be where it got interesting, but this is the general premise behind the significance in one of the realms that I operate in, which is the realm of one’s attention, or, I.e., the “war” being on our minds. Thank you for continuing your introduction into the dedicated sponsorship of Health Venom.
Generally most people’s relationship with their external, world-without is such that it represents the “cause” versus the “effect” of their specific thought patterns. And while this may be true for some, it is important to note what an individual has been paying attention to in order to have resulted in obtaining this disoriented state. More likely than not? It has to do with an internal state of valuing their own self, and therefore, time.
It is this outcome that is becoming more familiar in today’s society; and translates to my world as being a matter of an individual’s denial of responsibility in the accumulation of choices and decisions being inherently made based upon their relationship with the external world, or? the given temporary, circumstantial situation. This disoriented and feeling of powerlessness or victimhood, is generally pivoted against one’s own unique set of values and beliefs that are held as being true to themselves. So what is truth? Great question. There are a multitude of truths, I am certain, however, in my book fundamental truth is broken down into two things: Abundance and Perfect Health.
Even more likelier still is how an individual behaves and relates in their life in regard to the concept known as, “time.” While time is agreed externally as being a man-made and widely, socially accepted concept, it is a concept that is expressed externally to an individual in a way such that moment by moment is either, “off” or, “on” and generally encompasses the whole ideation of what “work” means to a person. So “time” becomes better known with the art of calendar scheduling, clocks, versus the suns and moons, and seasons, or the “internal” voicing of time. The externalized concept nonetheless, will connect and interfere with an individual’s thought patterns and choices based on preferences. Hey? Real quick! When was the last time you’ve witnessed another person in a swimsuit and sandals standing outside in the sub-freezing weather? Crazy, right? But I would guess likely less than the fingers on a person’s 5-digit hand. NOT OFTEN! The point here is not to influence anyone to go all hoy-paloy out in the winter and get hypothermia, but it is to accentuate on the fact that human being’s possess internal clocks as well. This internal concept of “time” is what I would like to address, as it is likely, within a lifetime, to have encountered an 80 year old who claims that they feel like they’re still in their 20’s. And why is that? Well, it is because the external-time oriented body expresses one result, and the “internal” mind another. Yes! Believe me, this is pretty incredible. But it is simply due to the fact that internally—mentally speaking—a person who experiences this mind-shifting moment is acknowledging their realization that “external TIME,” as it relates to our physical body, does NOT correspond along the similar timeline with respect to our internal and eternal SPIRITS. However, it is this external impression of time on an individual’s life that influences behavior and ways of interacting with the outside, connected world.
What does all of this mean for YOU? The individual? As it has become available to recognize over and over again—we are nothing more than the accumulation and storage of our own thought-patterns and experiences that shape our relationship with the realm of “satisfaction,” or, reward that thus, moving forward, will influence our livelihood.
Person’s in this lifetime live for the satisfaction from the pleasures bestowed upon them, or of accolades and achievements that are understood as being indicative of a powerful achievement to the masses, and a prominent support structures to apprehend the next level of accomplishment. This is a completely normal way of interacting with the world being the cause, however, it is the “light” that I believe, we all carry within ourselves, and that is meant to have an empowering impact on others. This message intends for the individual recognizing that “we” as unique individual’s ARE the cause.
Anything externally driven will eventually have a diminishing impact over time just as these words here will likely fade quickly amongst all of the interactions, and just as man created both the perceivable ideas of both money and time.
Some might even issue a statement similar to the idea, or notion that money is time, or, more commonly shared, and that “time is money.” Well? Money is a form of energy also, right? Does that mean that energy is time as well? And? If work takes energy and thought is now being considered as work—does that mean that…hmmm?—Full circle. You decide. Enough shared. Be well.
These are some thoughts to ponder over certainly in many of the manifestation practices I offer here at, and a mental activating digestion strategy of my own personal philosophies that might not be essential, persay, for an individual to work with, however, at least this communication perhaps gleans a little bit more toward the types of dedicated, esoteric, or metaphysical conversations I have with people in regard to what a client truly cares about and wants to get involved with over through signing up at
What I really want to offer is opportunities for growth and advancement in consciousness. The camera-work? Let me know if I can count on anyone to provide assistance with learning and operating with through this monstrous endeavor. I appreciate your time, focus on the NOW, and THANK YOU. I am looking forward to following through on this HIH project together. Don’t forget to pray! Where prayer= YOU already have that which you are seeking! ([Yahweh])].
Coach and Consultant
“Training the trinity of mind, body and spirit.”
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The significance of completing and acting on behalf of the inner-work and forcing all of the problems of our lives to be diminished—to have all problems seemingly melt away? It would be nice. It is almost as if the problems could not interfere with our empowered stance of awakening and elevating to a higher realm of consciousness.
But ever start to recognize that our lives seem to yearn for an easier path? It can almost feel as though an individual is paddling up-stream; like the current is against our desired destination, or outcome. Then life would become so much easier to get a job and disband away from all of the expansiveness and limitlessness to our lives. All of our “free time” would then be declaratively controlled by forces ruling over the realm of responsibilities and tasks geared toward a specific outcome perhaps adjacent to, or otherwise, one’s sense of fulfillment and satisfaction in life. Would there be any reason to have thoughts that supersede one’ s circumstance while going through the daily list of requirements and tasks necessary to fulfill upon the requirements of one’s duties? Of course! But could these thoughts be corralled into the passages of one’s desired state of true fulfillment? I would argue that they could not be as clearly illuminated, or concise as one might require them to be.
Not every person out there is seeking the EASY road, or, the most comfortable pathway. In fact? By mere acceptance of a job, or, commitment one is agreeing that they will nullify the impacts present for them due to their co-workers, team, or management structure who might not have a similar perspective, or outlook on life that takes into account one’s own requirements for fulfillment.Not to share that I hold anyone’s perspective, however, there is an intention of mine to recognize the uniqueness of the individual and illustrate the conceptual belief that each of us has something of value to offer one another—inherently. By the very nature of our essences of being these, “uniquely attributed snowflakes,” we have all been gifted the privilege of ownership of our lifetime, and, moreover, in a sense, this is what I am directly speaking of: our time.
The external, man-made concept of “time” offers us all a certain format of organization, ideal for optimal production and scheduling, etc., but recall the introductory question where a person might ask themselves: “What do I do with my time?” And for me? That conversation leads into the internal aspect of time—where a person might share that they feel older than they are; or, younger than they feel, or look for appearances-sake. Clearly some of my readership might be checking their own digital interfaces—both useful, popular, and convenient to share in the least, but hold up for a moment! What “could, “or “should” comes up with this information with respect to “time” as a result?
But what if it wasn’t about the DOINGS and more about the BEING n our life? What if a person consciously chose to validate their commitment to existence by BEING their fullest-self, and in feeling a sense of fulfillment and satisfaction was able to attract that similar component from the outside world and to themselves? This type of “work” really takes a heightened sense of self and clarity upon the moment- by-moment unraveling of each…well? You get the idea—TIME. This completely and seemingly frightens the masses simply because of its’ levels of intense focus, but not only that? The level of interference and disruption inflicted upon regular demands and protocols. Nevertheless, I believe it necessary to sustain a level of acknowledgement for everyone, as I shared earlier, “we ARE all unique snowflakes!” All with individual needs, desires and satisfaction that usually go outside the realm of a labor-oriented routine, as the “snowflakes” are all melting. And because of that fact alone—EACH of us has something of value to offer one another. Whether it be servicing of their light for others, or? Through taking a specific, beneficial action that goes above and beyond their realm of natural, repetitive behavior. Just last week, for instance, a young and wonderful human light came out to my car and asked me if I needed assistance carrying anything—above and beyond tenderness. This person, who I will refrain from identifying for the sake of privacy, went noticeably above and beyond my expectations, and quite certainly outside of their routine (Morgan, I see you. Not you specifically, but the other Morgan I am thinking of right now. Pardon, it can get confusing sometimes what with all the names and the yim-yams and so on and so forth, so, who am I really?). But the point I am making has to do with reconnecting with that inner-essence of self in being present to the NOW-ness of it all, and that could truly make a difference for someone, or someone’s in this lifetime in such a small, but precise and impactful way.
Certainly, life gets complicated for us by all of the intense demands and sociological impacts of society, either made up by us by our own minds, or, otherwise integrity-driven commitments, etc.. It remains, however, to remain inherently present to interpret one’s fulfillment throughout this lifetime—FIRST. My initial argument would rest on the grounds of self-discovery through clarity—a portion of my own commitment in my life, and that experience of my own life that I can defer, or, dissociate from my own identity with a, “RUSH! RUSH! Hurry to catch up,” amongst my peers and associates, or: everyone else.
Having shared that? No one in this life exists here alone—in spite of perhaps feeling this way at times. The individual—even as a single soul? Will always share conjunction with their world. It is an unseen, intangible energy of all-knowingness, or, omniscience. Ever-present and far greater than anything money, or power in this human life-experience could ever compare to. Life grows—and it gives back in exact proportion to the manner of giving.
Agreed? One must live their life in a gradual discovery of self and interdependence. And they must take physical action—much as the song won’t write itself? Or, the email won’t make it to the intended recipients if it’s not sent. But whenever the confidence in being able to rely on others is present? That is a magical gift, and it sources even more confidence on the individual themselves.
Along in this journey it is important to remain clear and steadfast in decision-making, but while at the same time doing one’s best to refrain from judgment and detaching from past emotional relationships—to explore the rationale for their experience and become more closely aware of their origins and determining whether that feelings is benefitting their life somehow.
The physical aspect of life is short, but yet can at times be experienced as quite long for an individual on the same coin. It does not feel good for me to experience another mentioning that I “missed out” on another opportunity (and most-often described as another doings, or getting and having in order to—accomplish, or accumulate, or become more, etc.), but rather then? It becomes my opportunity to announce your beings in this lifetime and how fortunate we all are to share this journey together.
In closing of this rather long and arduous email, I thank you for reading (your time) and would offer to challenge anyone who has read this far to consider what they will do NOW with their time? Might I suggest to begin by perceiving each moment as an opportunity? To think—or, to choose a better thought?
P.S. (Post-Script) Let me know who wants to learn about camera operating and specs moving forward on HIH? See you soon!
P.P.S.S. What if you were Elon Musk making $345M/day? How would you spend that money? Would you save it? Oh? And FYI? After about 2 days, the bank would likely be getting upset.