HEALTH VENOM Holistic Health Structures for Support

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Late Soft Cells Shatter

June 29th, 2023

Getting high off the vestiges of coffee-ground introspections. The late, but great children are all a part of us.  How could they leave us so early? Genetic codons caught against adaptogenic compounds construed conveniently by corduroy, colored cordyceps. It makes sense if you look back at it again. But don’t do it. One more space bar over. Might get stuck again. One more lifetime suspended. Do whatever you have to do to get behind it, but surpass it. Guilty of the consequence—the consequences that will never be shared with you where it leads you. But now you’ll lead it. Purposefully I am choosing to explore the blessings of my own dealings as what I have been given. This shorthand note stand could never suffice. To bother me is to smother my growth. Everything is everything.
