Patient Sneaker
By Hart Heiden
Symposium sincerely benefitted from all the traction; added to the fact that complication compacted avenues of asymptomatic contraction. Convalescent homes convoluted by distraction compaction of embers. Merrily modest Motown malevolence shifted scenes of equilibrium based balanced dreams advocating for the right score. Catch the porcupine with just the quills standing up. Can you see it or not? Justify to believe it and rotate your plot. I have a good feeling you can match up with a good predictor analysis report. Most of those trials are sorrowful standards anyway so you’re in the right spot. Consider or not your driving perfection outweighs your own classification or standard od deviation from whence the crickets stood out by your window tracing a storm with their shrieks and outcrys. If you weren’t a lion then what would you be best suited for? Does monkey-see, monkey-do really contribute much of anything to you? Save for the fact that you were once there before. Now who you be is right timing for more. Second telling jamborees filtered no more yelling swearing through trees the justice of the universe. When did smelly get worse? I thought I could offer something of paradigm value. To make you think like a warrior—to make you share princess-like blessings on each individual you approached. Regardless of their flavor. Ignore the spank of roach. Uplifting consequences shifted and torn out forewarning systems denigrated show-bolstering Rodman, Clinton’sl. If you think I skipped a beat just let me finish. This war is meant to win us. The concept is easy to portray the first moment you stray and fall victim as prey and finish catabolizing reactions that you never could outweigh, but now truth finds reward. Integrity-driven parallels approach sinister highways and embellished accord. The instrument never slipped as much as muscle through the cord. Imperial doom. I wish the gloom was never haunted by the fact you left the room. Insidious creatures. Lambasting my own livelihood the why, the how, the features. My face growing a side remiss and longing for more teachers. My balance reading all my books. My occupying bleachers. I knew that waiting was my gift, but was not prepared how patience plays my only pair of sneakers.