The Pressure of Love
What is taking so long?! I have all the solutions! I put them right out in front of people. I ask for nothing, NOTHING! but to allow for donations as opportunities to get involved while at the same time host a brilliant array of assets aligned with enhancing one’s self to yet be chastised for it? And to make available the informations necessary for an individual to begin understanding their own right to life! To existence!? To freedom! FREE from unruly paradigms and outfits of chains that separate one from oneself. Get with this! This is an actual Universally Truthful paradigm I live by! and the idea that I am just another “cog in the wheel?” is a gigantic, “Fuck You” paradigm that you seem to be increasingly growing steady-familiar with. Stand in the line! Follow protocols and procedures—Wait another minute and see the wealth washing over all of what I have accomplished will arrive! And don’t you think I haven’t done that already? Master’s of Educations on my walls? To be standing here, waiting in your line while my children weep in absolute filth and horror for their meal—and yet you think that I am joking? I have contributed to nothing less than sacred, nothing meant to share in polite conversations and indulging in relationships of fun, And you? YOU who have control over the box? My Box. Just ONE click, ONE swipe of your hand away from threatening shut-down? Oh look, there it goes. I’m not here to beat your system! I am not here to compete against you nor anyone for that matter. I am here to provide adequate support for humanity, not to check your plan. It absolutely sucks! For one thing—let’s just be honest. If you give the species nothing to hope for or live through in authentic, joyous fulfillment—how do you expect the strongest, fastest, most prolific species that this Universe has ever created—to carry-on willingly submissive? Is it because you continue to cause the dumbing-down of the population? Dependent on making certain that they behave within the reigns of the system and willingly pay off their credit-cards to defend against the %16 interest rate? I get it! They don’t. And I vs. THEM? Lose. The one versus the many. Impossible—improbably and highly unlikely. But then you’d control the population to swerve and drown me entirely with the heated pressures because each person needs a breakthrough of some sort to happen in their lifetime. And it’s not childbirth! It’s just not that miraculous moment where a parent gets to separate from themselves for once and consider the options that are available to them for once, but then realize that ultimately, that they are stuck in the exact same spot and now having to take care of a little dependent. It’s just not. It’s not the same as unchained freedom; or, as clarified liberation. There is no moving on into the next level of experiencing existence in human form. And so? This is my appeal to you—dear Sir or Madame, this is your happy hand. This is your open-hearted slap me up against the wall and take advantage of what you will because this is all I have and this is all I ever will be. I MADE THIS SHIT FOR YOU—motherfucker. That’s a great way to end an already epithetically concentrated sentence. But WHO GIVES A SHIT!? NO ONE! NO ONE AND NO THING could ever interfere with my ULTIMATE LOVE for THIS UNIVERSE and planet that we exist on. So while you persist in persuading and controlling societal human-kind, with likely thoughts that you can get rid of me and all your problems will be solved? NO! There are millions more out there who are just as frustrated and if not—more frustrated by the mismanagement of our experience here on Earth. So? What do you suggest? You ask? Is it more amphitheaters? Amusement parks? More Carnival Rides, or fighting monsters?! No! Not at all! Nothing at all like this—closer to PEACE! Closer to SILENCE! Closer to EMPOWERMENT! Move your hedging of bets closer to genuine human EVOLUTION whereby an individual gets the opportunity to explore and expound upon themselves within a lifetime—and independent of your obnoxious games.
Honestly? I don’t know what your perspective is, or entails in your fictitious proceedings, or engagements that are awfully real and stubbornly visceral to the public, but at some point you have to stop pointing the finger outside of yourselves! The real engagement opportunity is just as Yeshua mentioned: to be found within. And to discover that the term, “Boring” offers a legitimate opportunity to harness upon and develop one’s own uniqueness and superpower of “self,” is supremely most notable in the evolution of our species areas of concern. Money? It’s great I love having it, and lots of it—but let’s be really real for a moment and recognize that “money can make the world go round,” is only an expression, or colloquialism meant for the people involved in it. Money can have a real impact in their life—allow them to experience and perceive things they might most often overlook or never gain access to—understandings and teachings offered only to those with the highest available clearance levels. Because perspective—being able to view the world from a larger vantage point—allows an individual to begin understanding the much more significant picture at hand. I am but a physical man. I know my spirit and I know what contents lay within and my word is my stand. That’s it. That is all I have. You have silenced me and my work exploring human potential enough, wouldn’t you agree? That I am a false-stick stuck deeply in the toxic muddy stew is not my experience of existence. This is only your perception. For me? I know that all is mind—and that my divine right and privilege linked directly with the highest source, creator, Universal God has nothing to do with your contrivances, or inharmonious imbalances for glancing the world with considerably similar, like-minded buffooons. In laymen’s terms? I am like the Lebron James of overcoming hurtles and obstacles. I am my own world—I am a shielded warrior who with only a fingernail left on this Earth will continue multiplying strength in order to raise awareness and continue the fight for justice for an entire species called, Homo sapien sapien. The suffocation of our own awareness of ourselves simply outstanding due to our innate desire for pleasure and relief from all of the tension and stressors and comprehension of what human being’s are truly capable of is exquisitely and unjustifiably perpetuated as obsolete and irrelevant is what is criminal. Instead? You keep the majority of us stockpiled conveniently upon your shelving system and waiting for just the right moment—the exact space for placement—where putting a person in their place configures to the ultimate plan that you have held up with no trace. Your goal is to play the director of our own individual movies, however, can only view what is perceived. The monkey in me is not so easily deceived. There are rebellious types just like me—individuals who recognize that the game is rigged and to stop fighting toward the sun. Objectively? It makes sense to dream—to have goals and aspirations. And whatever you are fighting for will come along based on only expectations. But this is not true. This is not the way life really works. The Universe holds greater strength and this is where we find you’re cursed. It might feel good now. It might be fun to hold your head up high and pretend like you have won, all the games that you provide are what every person could ever need or want. But I am different. I have had all of that. I have been everywhere. I know they exist and it’s cool between us because we understand that the greatest Universal Law is LOVE and LOVE pours out from every molecular construct of my physical body, my mental and spiritual world. And if you hadn’t already done your homework? Well? Right now I am doing it for you. Here, write this down: I am love, and love evolving. For me there is no place for you in any of your erratic, higher understanding. There is a presence here. It lies within me and I’m the only one who fully embraces it now. Regardless of the circumstances, consequences, the horrors and tragedies you cause or impinge upon my life and all of those who I cherish and love all around me—you can not win. You will not win. There is nothing you can do to overturn it, own it, or even possess it. This is LOVE and it is the HUMAN SPECIES and it is a fire that will never be extinguished. No hatred can defeat it. No sickness will delete it. I speak for all when I challenge the term, “we,” and so I mean it to the bitter-end of time, or, however long this experience continues for me: Regardless of my physical presence and limitations here on Earth: We will not stop. The embers still burn. You have lost conclusively. Do not think I am waiting for a new computer, or life-line savior to come and rescue me. These are not social antics. There is a deep wealth of knowledge of the incredible and monstrous gigantic wall that I am encapsulated by, and/or up against. This is a stand. A teeny speck of dust on a grain of sand. And yet I know this. I am endless and whether welcome here or not.