The Creator Driven Mindset


Our Featured Personal, Private Service: The Creator Driven Mindset (CDM) For Businesses and Individuals Seeking An Alternative Methodology To Increased Productivity In Work and Throughout An Individual’s Life.

What if you could shape your world according to the manner in which you envisioned? What if life was more akin to your desires? What if you had anything you ever wanted? A mastery of willpower is essential. A commitment and dedication of clear mind to interact with is vital. All fears, doubts, history’s, judgements, and worries must be abandoned. But what is the reason? What is the point? And how?

With a professional coach and development guide from our leadership team at, The Creator Driven Mindset (CDM) is now available to access for any individual seeking reconstructive mental re-wiring and life progress and performance. The programming that was initially offered within the current, societal realm of the world has developed a wide-reach and overall missing in personal structure and proceedings.

The CDM is a solution in practice-form for individuals to learn and adhere toward in order to develop a reliable, positive and beneficial modality of existence throughout their life experience. With ingenuity and persistence, our Research and Development team was able to overcome the challenge of constructing a uniform and easily digestible training program that utilizes the teachings, consult and research from reputable thought-leaders throughout the existence of mankind in order to develop a unique program of instructed practice to amplify one’s own ability to understand their fullest-self.

Now it is easier than ever to consider scheduling a brief 15 minute consultative appointment to learn more about our process and discover whether or not the service works for you.

JOIN US! to uncover your own true, majestic nature; natural flow state, and way of being. While CDM is available to anyone seeking the information, most will fall short of making this way of existence a fixed-habit form of interacting with reality.



The Creator Driven Mindset

A Personal and Professional Development Program

Designed and Introduced by through owner and holistic-health coach and creative consultant R. Hart Heiden. 

Welcome. Thank you for your time and consideration. FOREWARNING: THIS is a lot.

The Creator Driven Mindset (CDM) is's only enrichment development program. It is primarily based upon an enrichment series of well-known scholarly and psychological teachings and historically significant interpretations that have been presented to further evolutionary cultures and societies and while being based on inward-involved, habitually-induced thought-patterns; and, whereby? It becomes possible to dress the common phrasing, “Thoughts create things.”  It is our strong belief that these internal practices act as a causation for heathy, life-long support.

The CDM itself is an entire array of parallel, academically-structured informational practices that guide, promote, and enhance an individual’s evolution throughout life.  Our graduates ideally operate along the proper use of these  advantageous CDM trainings. skills and techniques for personhood, and when obtainment is finalized, this individual may have an entirely unique perspective of themselves and their world that they many never have considered before (due to commonly addressed concerns and commitments.).

  From our experiential standpoint, the greatest gift in life is to know one’s self.  Mankind seeks fulfillment throughout life and attempting to discover what that concept means for an individual, is always a variable concern.  With the CDM  being a space of compassionate-driven, judgement-free clearance space, the greatest freedom to discover one’s self can now become readily available; and, likewise? Fulfillment ensues. 

Within our program’s culture, the development of freedom from concern is one of our goals.  As it becomes engrained  habitually in the mind to become cause of their own world, the Creator Driven Mindset (CDM), offers the only organized and secure platform for self-discovery and becoming co-creator. Once achieved, the CDM will become one of the greatest attainments of an individual’s existence. 

The end result of finishing the CDM is becoming fully aware of oneself, and possessing the skillset to manifest anything desired in life.  A graduate of the CDM learns to become the cause of the environment that they wish to exist in.  It is a well-understood relationship in life that people enjoy for the most part, the interactions held through sensory stimulation. Humans are naturally born as data processing specialists. Meaning? The perceptual faculties of sight, taste, touch, smell and sound are attractively alluring each and every new life into exploring and interpreting the external world.  The concept remains absent of the  proper (CDM) orientation of cause and effect. It is easily perceivable that the external world causes the circumstance, however, it is optimized and becomes properly leveraged by  a person’s reversal of this understanding: that each of us IS CAUSE and our circumstantial, physical experience is the resulting EFFECT. Are you feeling stuck in your personal circumstance? Try becoming the cause and begin appreciating your situation, in  whatever temporary state it might be. The ancients had a great common phrase to live by: “This too shall pass.”

With the successful completion of our CDM course, an individual has acknowledged and ideally they have become the cause in their world; the accompanying sensation of fulfillment with that experience provides more motivation to continue.  As a BONUS in the CDM course are provided the tools and insights necessary toward developing feelings of power, joy, love and satisfaction for oneself. Becoming a CDM graduate, takes a serious commitment to  a life of progressive realization and the acknowledgment of inner-self.  The newly acquired skills and understandings in order to shape thoughts into things is much more likely.  To analogize briefly, the CDM is much akin to an experience of a journey through a martial arts study where the belt color signifies a ranking of the practitioner as well as the Master. In our case, however, the CDM platform offers no visible ranking systems, has (as of 6/6/23) no actual formal, academic testing (this is very subjective material given that the vast-majority of coursework needed to arise through a multitude of unrelated, esoteric, and often variable sources.) and thusly there is no way to distinguish between a “master” or, a “practitioner” (pupil) unless made physically apparent based on common-introductions.   By attaining a master-graduate level within the CDM coursework much greater rewards become available, and anything—ANYTHING, becomes possible.

The Universal Laws are significant foundational elements that the CDM  works from. Many Universal Laws and Hermetic Principles will clearly govern the realm of limitless possibilities for individual’s interested in getting what they want from this lifetime while experiencing a more resilient and uplifting standard.  The level of awareness, for instance? Will heighten over time due to the fundamental element of “Clarity” that is incorporated in the CDM.  And with this new refined version of existence? The reactionary, hyper-polarizing physical, lower-carnal mind will become exposed as valueless and will likely eventually become abandoned.

One might desire to start with this material on the premise that All is Mind and Mind is All; a principle tenant and one of the Universal Laws covering the Law of Mentalism. When working with another person in their own development what is important  to steer clear of and keep away from, is any concept or understanding of esoteric, paranormal teachings. Why we cover the Natural Laws is to provide a foundational basis for what works and what does not for others. In my personal experience of life, so much has been left unexplained or up in the air of conversations that might otherwise have been logically explained to me through understanding these basic laws. Technologies and psychologies relating toward the identities of telekinesis, or telepathy and benefits that lie therein are well-established, however, the CDM program has no use or application of them. 

The concept and one of the Universal Laws: The Law of Mentalism, is structured into our program’s foundation and is meant to be interpreted by our  participants as, “all is mind and mind is the cause of all.”  We recognize the responsibility each of us individually carries on the world external to us and as a result of our thinking and thought patterns. This might also be better described as the circumstance of our internal world of existence is that which causes and creates the external effect of our reality.  The commonly used colloquialism, “Thought creates things,” describes it for us quite simply. And it is on this premise where we can begin a deeper discussion on what's Creator Driven Mindset program is designed as accomplishing what we define as operations.


But even before I begin? Let me note for you what this CDM program is NOT.  This material is not an issuance of charges or condemnations against another person or peoples, whereby people must become obligated to change or fix themselves in who they already are. Participants are free to act and behave as they deem necessary to fulfill on their goals with each future task, or platitudinal  question, “how badly do you want the result?”

Also, this is not meant as a message, or alarming call to take action of any sort, nor does it wag a finger of disdain toward anyone’s previous potential wrongdoings, misfortunes, bad decisions, or behaviors. This material is not intended to foster or promote any “high-pie-in the sky,” type of outlook or philosophical discussion where a conversation of psychiatric neglect or illegitimate, psychological deconstruction, kundalini-type ascension practices, or esoteric what-have-you’s might allow a participant to perform better—Although? The developments proposed within this program’s training demand strict action-taking procedures that will propel the formation of our desired realities. We do stress, however, that it is in our best interest to offer that we do consider thoughts—with the proper principles aligned—as being actions as well. The purer the thought, the more supportive the thought pattern becomes, and with the applied feeling of the  desired result added on top of that, the greater the likelihood of obtaining the desired result becomes. This type of work goes boldly contrarian-wise, or, counterintuitively, toward the normal shaping of societal outlook and design. But the CDM, we assure you, is the upper-hand level of training in providing one’s own life with fulfillment, identity, and ease. 

Again stated, the constitution of this program is not a materials designed to fix or change anyone for any reason.  The CDM coursework is geared toward diminishing the harmful and destructive impacts of a carnal-minded individual expression: or, also known by some as the “lower mind,” or, “left-brain.”  

There is a discussion of left-brained thinking versus right-brained thinking and the concept of “right, and wrong-mindedness” might appear in order to clarify the context of which mind-portion is playing a part. But it is important to note here that “wrong-mindedness” or “lower-self,” and the aforementioned labels given here are not implicating any morality of substance within its domain. The CDM deals with all concepts that are designed to clarify for participants; and help create the distinction between what works and what does not work for an individual’s life. And while important and fundamentally critical to adjust to in an optimization-like fashion for getting what you want from life, our belief is that by becoming of “right-mind” an individual can attain, and thus, become familiar with utilizing a higher potential.  Certainly the carnal-mind/left/lower mind will have its own degenerative impact on an individual’s life, and will also have a  forward-promoting element to it as well.  However, this resulting consequence is Law-based and unrelated to our course-design.  This material is intended for the highest good of all.  To be used by individuals seeking answers to themselves and not corporate-funneled “run-arounds.” 

By highlighting specific details and achievements to arrange oneself toward, this information may also be utilized as a mapping guide for enhancing and improving one’s own internal quest through life in order to create a life lived by design with one’s own desired state of physical, external circumstances.   In my personal opinion, the society of today is currently led into an addiction of sensory stimulation offered by a somewhat specific and carnally-driven, external and physical experience of our world. Because of this apparent reality we have been borne into, each of us, and for the most part, has become addicted to sensory stimulation from the data imprints coming through sight, taste, touch, smell, and hear.  Survival, along with early-competition sports, are known to encompass the proper functioning and utilization of these data points and so a heavy dependence on them is generally acquired from an early age. Figure? Competitive sports.  Survival mindset to establish safety and security.

Much like an old arcade shop, where video games could be played with a continued streaming input of coins, this mechanism of life’s “conveyor belt" only lasts for as long as the machine has quarters being dropped into it, or, as it occurs for myself, in order to play the “game of life,” a financial source is necessary, compulsory and socially advantageous and viable in order to produce the desired outcome of appearances in having an abundance; moreover, and whereby, the greater the financial means an individual possesses? (As interpreted by most) the  longer the playing time and, ideally speaking, the better, or more proficient one becomes at playing the game; i.e., more information acquired equates to a greater understanding of the way things work, and therefore? Likely a better strategy will be developed.  A higher value might be esteemed on the individual.  Logical it seems, and yet it is within this current, notoriously failed and failing system of society whereby the American public continues to be wrapped tightly in their faith (as it has historically been proven) and what’s worse? That in spite of the system’s obvious flaws (in educational academia, or? In perhaps the overall idea of leaving some misfortunate individuals behind) and whatever other disturbing characteristics left unmentioned, this system has embedded itself so deeply into the psyche-programmed naturalistic pattern of American, societal existence that the population manages to rely upon it in spite of all of its failures and shortcomings, and most importantly, has forgotten about their intrinsic, God-given blessings.  

Regardless of significant historical atrocities and representations of readily apparent failure of a system (such as within the domain of our food, or energy systems), The United States has been built to support and stand firmly upon its  perceivable, foundational principles with very minimal alterations. This begs me to ask the question, “Well then, what are we, as individuals, to them?” If the system is clearly broken and yet designed to short-change only a few, certain individuals through blacklists, or individual character traits from experiencing their fullest selves within this life-experience, how are these people expected to view this system as being a healthy and reliable platform to engage and interact with? And, moreover, could it be that this existence within society is wildly missing the point? What is the point? Why continue through life with nothing, but nothing? Well, in our opinion it has a lot to do with fulfillment through enhanced awareness levels for self-discovery of what one is truly capable of. Without a dependency mechanism, such as the reactionary-external world has so graciously offered, an individual is forced to uncover and begin appreciating the intrinsic blessings that were naturally given since birth. Namely? The ability to feel any way at any moment independently of places, peoples and things in our current, but temporary circumstance.

   For individuals who have awakened to this notion, and have ascended toward the right-mind, bringing this person to realize that they are far greater than they have ever known themselves to be? There has likely been incredible sacrifice involved that goes left unseen, and unwitnessed. The tragedy-element is the fact that the average person will judge based on appearances and current circumstance.  This judgement ethic leads to more of a devastating impact on the  forward evolutionary aspect of humanity by being like a limit-stop each time.  Until the Creator Driven Mindset course was generated, there was really no reliable program to offset that limited sense of being within this lifetime.  The CDM curriculum is specifically designed to change that.

The Creator Driven Mindset program offers a the educational vantage point to begin pursuing life from.  CDM offers a significant space of relief in making available to its participants the becoming of a pro-active, and healthy, productive source for creating one’s own life by design in the face of being up against the reality of programming that they experience each and every day.

Within the reactionary-external context of the world, consumerism becomes the popularized mechanism of fulfillment. We need things. We desire things. We like things.  Our economy is based on capitalism—capitalism breeds consumers—and consumption offers an individual a potential prime-level  stimulation through a sense of gratification when all-else fails. Thus capitalism becomes entirely more widely popularized and accepted and a population of humans meant to evolve suffer restrictions and limitations of their own abilities and natural privileges of existences and for which they remain unaware.  For instance? Let’s say I want to purchase something right now, I have to be honest, I don’t have to buy anything, because my life is complete—there’s no real value other than the temporary relief acquired from the purchase, and/or in the temporary usage and benefits derived therein. Then I either go again—or, I don’t, and purchase something else. Point is? Consumption, in the economic sense, can become an addiction as well as in the sensorily-driven sense whereby, consumption essentially corresponds with essentially seeking out stimulation.

  Independence, individualism, recognition and the pursuit of happiness for a single individual are being cut short by the contagion of a “ME-FIRST!” attitude and a missing of properly-trained support streams that are designed to not only protect our elderly and more fragile demographics, but to accommodate an  individual’s desire for empowering and effective, real-world support that offers benefits unendingly. One quick example would be remarking on the well understood notion of resolving a particular aspect of depression. The CDM modality begins with the inclusions of a few simple reflections; one being from a line of a historically significant Shakespeare’ play entitled, “Hamlet” with Prince Hamlet of Act 3; Scene 1 being, “To be, or not to be? That is the question…” Where back in the real-world view could be noted as, “Okay.. Got it. But so what?” “So what? What does that have to do with me. I’m not there in that storyline, or an actor of that play. That’s not me.” CUT TO: but now combined  with: the essence of one of the three Greek messages to live by at The Oracle at Delphi’s of, “Know thyself…” Okay? So, what does that mean? To, “know thyself” and how does it blend in with “To be or not to be…?” Well, and for starters? To be able to, know one’s own self and to know both fully and completely I would argue that full-clarity is fundamentally necessary. Clarity is needed because everything must be out of the way! Get it off the table as whatever it is that is set there could potentially be having an impact or effect on one’s self that they are completely unaware of. NEXT: the, “To Be, or Not To Be…” component. Because as an individual who has found himself in deep-levels of depression I was able to notice a familiar question arising.  It would ask, “What’s the point?” Meaning? What is the point in continuing this existence? Carrying on with life? Because living life like this when I know that all I can do and all that I have been doing and yah-dah-yah-dah-yah has not worked out. I am just getting older in this physical vessel. Older equates to [slower, weaker, less-significant, etc.,, and I have better things to do than…] The aging element at a certain point might feel futile to enjoy; and certainly missing the mark on so many escapades and ordeals can become very self-diminishing to endure as the stress, anxiety, and confusion may very well become overwhelming—as they had in my case. 


But in BEING! It tags onto clarity as well! And TO BE, or NOT TO BE—sounds very symmetrical to a light switch: ON, or OFF? And NOW? A different GAME has come to appear very conveniently and of which we all play. It is the GAME of LIFE! Existence is in being PRESENT! BEING PRESENT is BEING ON. The grazing gazelle is not flustered by the passing of a loved one, or the missing of an event! The grazing gazelle is BEING PRESENT to its’ own real-life, current circumstance called, “Grazing.” Human’s aren’t like gazelles with a one-track mind. Human beings are all across the board on all distinctly different avenues and conditional circumstances within their own mind; for the sake of their own lives and it is no wonder that, TO BE PRESENT, has escaped the mind. There are many more important tasks and things to acquire and alleviate the stress of.  And all of which remain in the forecast; i.e., they are looming events that could potentially happen. And this is where distractions come into full-play. Advertisers grab the data-sets surrounding an individual’s predictable consumption methods and release advertisements that pertain to these wants and desires.

The Creator Driven Mindset course offers the skills needed to deflect distraction and maintain course. Each present moment is regarded as an opportunity for an individual to choose. To choose on the level of thought and pause, grab hold of something stable and connected; and then through the usage of our powerful materials? allow for positive, fulfilling and independent growth based on an individual's harmonious accord with self and a strong backbone of clarity of mind in order or greatest access to the point of this existence: to be here now. 

There might be good reason to share how those person’s currently holding  power in society would prefer that their constituencies not know and to avoid reading these materials because they would interfere with their process toward fulfillment significantly.  To simply dim out the igniting of perspective and truth that each individual person holds a key to: infinite levels of power with unlimited, and free access. The intent is to derive questioning.  One question that might arise is, what if each of us only knew and had faith in our own power?  A world of new possibilities would exist in tune with the evolution of the most powerfully dynamic living species ever known: Homo sapien sapien: the human being.

The truth is? Our dependency on conveniences and ever-evolving technology provokes us into doing our part in strategizing better pathways toward our uniquely defined manner of fulfillment.  This evolution has ingrained in us a nature of imbalance and unreliability of self, and a furthering dependency on technology and consumerism for our sense of relief.  Another issue arising from these helpful-harmful instigators is the separateness factor streaming out across various demographics in religion, ethnicity, age groups and whatever else might divide a species. I would argue that from the very moment an individual is born on this Earth three things are immediately offered: abundance, health and all the  imaginative power to create with. Conscious, imaginative techniques, otherwise known as, “visualizations,” are what we use to construct our unique realities, are dismissed upon at a very early and opportune age.  Many events have transgressed preceding from that moment that make it more challenging for the individuals to want to depend and rely on their own innate divinity. 

     Perhaps far too many stay connected with this material, but it is best addressed with the furthering assumptive, yet factual statement of an individual whereby they comprehend that: this life is not the physical body. This life is more about the metaphysical, unseen world. Because when an individual is capable of gathering their identity in the form of infinite-perfect spirit rather than from the imperfect, finite physical body, often times they will become better-suited to connect with the idea that their abundance and health, and their own ability to manifest and create is exceedingly more possible by becoming aware of the self.  Furthermore, an individual might become attuned to recognizing the ultimate conclusion that their experience on Earth, and, in their existence, is not so finite as it once was posited. A pleasant thought for some? and for others who wish to disregard and  instead further ask: “but what happens then?” Well? Then there’s a powerful discussion surrounding the discipline of choice and whether or not amplifying one’s manifestation skills, or learning to develop oneself, is possible for an individual who might be overly consumed by the external-stimulus-oriented reality.  During the CDM process, a person might awaken themselves to the idea that they matter much more than they might have initially thought, and because in learning this, much more of life becomes available to them through the boost in significance.  

Finally, in reaching the spirit-essence of existence component of the CDM where transformation and breath-work become much more sought after habitual practices, one might also begin to presume with confidence that their journey of a Creator Driven Mindset has initialized. The space-ship has exited into orbit. This is the world anew. A completely new perspective of self where existence is reborn and where it all begins. This is you. Congratulations. Welcome to the big show! Fearless-leader level accomplished; a first ranking in our pursuit of “Freedom”—in our opinion obviously.  

What a powerful exploration and rewarding outcome for anyone anywhere, and is set to aid and completely manifest into a habitual lifestyle and within this lifetime. And from this point moving forward. Thank you for being here. You have welcomed the CDM into your life and everything of it anew.  This particularly worthwhile endeavor ideally added benefit through applicable discovery of self, of manifestation potentialities, and of lessons that are of a unique realm of occupancy that most inhabitants within this existence will never get to discover for themselves. 

I feel fortunate and blessed to know that you have both the level of faith, commitment and trust in yourself to take on the “me” portion as being your guide and companion throughout the CDM journey.  I will do my best to offer my participants as well as my readership the safest, fastest, and most practical, efficient, value-driven guidance to ideally deliver the skills and tools necessary for success.   And perhaps the best thing? You won’t have to go anywhere, but wherever you are in the moment. It works from anywhere! All you will need is the manual download and a quiet, comfortable place to get away for uploading the materials.

Before beginning, I must transparently share and forewarn any participants that this work will absolutely take immense levels of disciplined concentration, open-mindedness and persistence. Again and again: the most difficult work in the world? Sustained and consecutive thought.  I will do my best to offer a good deal  of training through our video portal which may be helpful for certain participants who have a definite and preferred way of learning.   I must admit, I do not know everything, but I am deeply invested in the practice and power of this CDM work.  Likewise? There will be many trials upon trials of error after error for anyone attempting this process, not only that, but serious re-wiring of programmed thought-patterns, poor-decision making skills, and “sour-grapes”—habits will need to be thoroughly abandoned. So? Please pay attention when you read this: be truly forgiving of yourself!

Have patience. Easier said than done. Life comes at us so swiftly and unexpectedly. You have made it through a lot, no doubt, and to reach this point. Not only will forgiveness of self make your own life easier, and throughout the CDM course, but my professional life will be much more rewarding if you choose to stick with this work within the Creator Driven Mindset program.  Perhaps an  initiate discovers some unique super-power they have never known they had before and suddenly? huge successes. Practical? Absolutely. Value-packed? Truly. Impossible?  This material and mathematical percentages are strictly geared toward the select few individuals who are willing to take the materials seriously and refuse to cut corners along the way—to wish to take one’s own life onto the next level of growth with a unique, precise vision being fully in their own construct and within their own realm. This is the materials for clear-headed, unrelenting dreamers who know that there is something more to this “GAME” called life, and that all it takes is a small gust of support to make the position worthy of the direct and clear-cut channel of prosperity.  There is a limit stop to the external-sensory, stimulation-driven, and fear-based-cultured conclusion to operate alongside of, hold, wait for it? A reactionary mentality. The CDM is the deal that holds endless quantities of relief. And, yes, again—this is more than a challenge to get across the templates of a nation, much-less a world.  My hope is that one might begin to get an idea of where this type of work might fit in their own life and while also becoming less complicated for an individual to pursue



After years and years of failure in finding my proper fit, I stopped taking life seriously.  I could not see, or uncover what it was that was limiting my progress; why I felt so afraid to get out and make the necessary attempts to get through, and after awhile these masquerading elements began to really wear and tare me into an individual who unknowingly began to take pride in their victimized mentality. Like, “I got through all of this! I made it all happen in spite of my challenges…” I was not even aware that I was behaving this way and it felt natural.  In my opinion? I was holding onto the past because it meant something of a victory to me to feel as though I had accomplished and overcame something.  Everything I had done and all that I could possibly do to succeed in life felt limited. I had my familiar situation of zero dollars in my bank accounts, and no matter what I did to dig myself out of the hole I was in? Yeah! You get the picture. I figured out that the work I was doing from the employment opportunities I was getting, was only giving me the reason to continue working, unnoticed, unappreciated, and continuing to live a life paycheck to paycheck, bread-crumb to bread-crumb: just enough to get by.  I was sick of it. 

I knew that aside from my self-proclaimed talents that I possessed some intricate and valuable skillsets, virtues, character traits, and backed by a strong ethics-system and desiring to get better? I knew that something more was possible.  Sure? I had my faults and flaws, but at least I was now beginning to become aware of them—and at least I figured out that stomping on their battle-cries and woes and ways of attempting to caress and soothe me forward along a broken carousel system where I knew I was not important.  That’s the system as it stands today and you either go with the flow? Or? You do your best to stand firmly in your place and drop out of it to discover some other way that works.  What I wanted for me and my life? Was dreamscape territory: a place where only “Quixotic bozos go to make their graffiti tag on the moon.” Where I had aimed to  go with all that of which I had cherished and had accomplished, and what I felt driven-toward and what I had envisioned I was truly destined for? simply wasn’t happening for me. Yet. There were some rules aloft and floating in the Universe—call them laws—that I hadn’t identified to connect with so much as naturally along in my journey. I just hadn’t been taught the perspective enhancing information. I had never been given the insight and nor did I even care to. But now? I am giving everything that worked for me, and from these teachings, a rightful placement. Knowledge is the key to perspective, and perspective is what opens the doorway for wisdom. And further, it is my belief that wisdom is what unlocks any door an individual may come across based upon prerogative.

Eventually? Life dealt me another heavy-blow: A twisted machination of which I was unprepared for.  Something of what I considered as being the fullest, yet unexpected version of love.  I was thrilled, yet hesitant. I was stunned, but dismissive. More than that? I was ten-years of my life-stunned due to the fact of my ill-preparedness. A relationship that I had held dearly to my heart had ended—miserably. And I was left with regret, remorse, dissatisfaction, envy, shame and guilt to process my furthering life and to have to digest.  In all honesty, it wasn’t my brain, or mind that I was already aware of needing restructuring—take it with my melodramatic card—but, it was the pain and misery landing deep inside the  recesses of my heart.  My mistakes of dealing with conflict had arisen and my truth’s and defining what I believed love to be, had become wrapped up alongside of the carnally-driven worldview—that reactionary, and passionately composed form of prioritization: the “doing,” and not acknowledging the “being” aspect—and sure, taking action was important for me to consider, but it was in taking the “proper” form of actions that I felt misled under. How does one rescue oneself out from a deep pit when all they’re given is a hammer, a chisel, a shovel and a screwdriver? The right tools would have made a powerful difference in rescue and recovery time.

So, after enduring through a traumatic childhood that spiraled into an extensive pattern of exploratory failures throughout my educational upbringing in general academia? a long and worthwhile relationship coming to a tortuous close for me in a location and career pursuits that I felt dismally alone in, blah-blah-blah, I must be the saddest person in the world at this point, woe is me, victimized mentality—and a hole in both my golden heart and my ripped apart bank account, and spattered over a doubly diagnosed, physical disability that I actively sought health-dominance over, the canvas of my painting seemed pretty full with darkened colors, and so I began asking myself more significant questions regarding what the basic meaning of life was; I asked myself what love, lust and self-respect were. I inquired into who I was, and who I was being for the world, really? I wanted to  know. Was I still stuck on early childhood traumas? And were those patterning behaviors beneficial for me to stick with? I asked myself, what I wanted out of my lifetime and how I could give back more value to others in the world? I wanted to know what motivated me, what my reason and purpose for existence were, and how I could pick up the pieces of my scattered life and move on effectively? All of that, and more—if you could imagine the books I had to read—because I was bundled-up and intertwined in a mass of unworkability.  It was compiled all together in one massive heaping pile of what might appear to some as a rotting, and worthless “onion.”  I had sprawled-out way too fast out from my own sense of self. And while this tactic might have led to a significant growth in perspective, unfortunately it had left me only as a shelled-out triumphant warrior: overly confident, and without the leadership tactics or training.  Layer after layer after layer of my onion kept tempting me to become further aggressively exploring and discovering my self and my powerful growth to fill up my overgrown husk.  

The last thing I intend to share before we begin introducing the CDM, is I will say—that my wish for every individual who partakes in this vestiture of time, is that the CDM resource can provide an obviously worthwhile, value-driven opportunity for the discovery of certain truths and abilities of each individual that have been adequately kept hidden from us, and of which govern all Universal  creation.  I hold the trust and faith that this course material will endow you with the certainty and confidence that is necessary to deploy the upward mobility for not only unblocking limitations, but also filling any experience with powerful messages of immediate truth such as: health, inspiration, joy and happiness.  Lastly, it is my intent that with these materials and coursework, that an independent empowerment will result for the individual to become inspired to break free from the old-programming traps and cycles, and begin creating the life of their dreams—from nothing, and  into something: completely independent of anything or of anyone other than the higher life-force, God, Source, Creator found within each and every one of us. 

As I continue to reinforce the idea of clarity as the premised foundation of the CDM, I recognize that as my brain becomes clearer and clearer along with each day passing, my level of awareness both heightens and strengthens my own understanding of self, the world, and the Universe. I become ever the more aware of the expansiveness of awareness itself—that simple little shit that no one ever  gives much credit to? Is significant in becoming more and more capable of offering successively greater and greater value to this lifetime.  The interpretations of appreciation for being that much more understanding of the significance of; the blessing of; the opportunity of experiencing another miraculous, not guaranteed moment of this once in a lifetime existence. And now? The final place is reached and brought to mind as already having occurred.  The moment disappears into the next one and neither will return, but finally it has begun: the processing of existence has shifted. It is an ownership call—like saying to oneself, “this is my life, not anyone else’s and I am choosing to be the best I can be.”—the ball is in each of our respective courts—along and in the court of all courts. Having the highest value intended for all, mentioned that I believe that this segment ending is a great place to start with the repeat: re-enforcement of the significance of our CDM’s fundamental foundation. 

Clarity is the beginning. Clarity is the first step in the process of becoming a performer with the CDM because it enables an individual to begin assembling and providing the best “nutrients” that it can connect with as being possible. Clarity offers a tuned-up awareness for creating alongside powerfully, and becoming capable at manipulating the elements of time in a way that vividly showcases opportunity. In this scenario, our “nutrients” will be defined as thoughts as we go along the well-pronounced idea that, “thoughts creates things.”  Cut back—trim down—quit completely. Discover what makes you who you are first, not by what  you consume, but through what you can begin to interpret as organic, innate, or naturally consistent as you

Some individuals might begin to interpret this as being instinct, yet either way—good news—by enhancing one’s clarity level one is uplifted into an awareness of one’s self through mood or thought. Time is passing through as holding the opportunity to choose an empowering thought. As I mentioned earlier—our awareness is capable of enhancing and growing as well.  The significance of a moment in time exponentially increases with a stronger devotion to clarity. What is possible, and what an individual is capable of begins to unfold and appear to an individual as now overcoming their blockages and barricades while they begin to seem so small within the bigger picture. Presencing oneself alongside of thought-choice. Becoming present to the here and now, while at the same time knowing that the only place to originate oneself from is in the present moment.

Begin to ask yourself, “what thought will I choose next?” Truth is that the  enhanced level of awareness will likely enable a grander perspective for an individual to grasp at the significance of one’s own undeniably miraculous occurrence. THIS IS AN OPPORTUNITY CALLED, EXISTENCE, and IT IS HAPPENING RIGHT NOW.   The processes of “DOING” shift into the element of “BEING” as the primary focal point  for participants to interact with.  In addition, with a heightened sense of clarity, an individual is given freedom to explore the limitlessness of consciousness within the expanse of this current-now-now-every moment.   

With elevated awareness levels, one is more likely to begin attuning to their original-self: for instance? “Is this head-voice really ME speaking?” A person might wish to consider as the initial, singular entity that first started out and agreed to the spiritual conceit of arriving here.  At this particular section of writing, forgive me, it might be wise of me to also share the idea of the “domino-effect” that  occurs with a successively heightened awareness level.  I am placing this well-known conceptual idea of “the domino-effect” so as to properly mention the possibility of acceptance.  The 3-A’s are often the best bundle-format to incorporate call them: Awareness, Acceptance, and Appreciation. Just to have a little more of knowing where this is leading to…Buit with future increases in awareness due to a heightened clarity level the opportunity to accept oneself for all that they are and all they are not, GROWS significantly.  Acceptance also falls next in the order.

To possess a greater level of acceptance of oneself, the road bends a little to reveal a distinctly separate opportunity to be thankful and furthermore? Genuinely  appreciative.  Appreciation is the cause for an elevated vibrational frequency—feeling good—an emotional ally; a simple tool that can be used to greatly leverage one’s position in life circumstances.  But how is it that an individual can become significantly and GENUINELY appreciative of their life when all of this background noise from the past conflicts with what is currently apparent? Well? FIRSTLY? Congratulate yourself for recognizing what is IN THE WAY. In my book? That equates to an elevated awareness level where an individual recognizes that they have something left unfinished and unsettled in their ability  to move ahead powerfully.  Great work. Seriously. Consider now that the idea of APPRECIATION might be skipping ahead a bit. Almost like a road unpaved, but often traveled, getting a thick layer of macadam spilled over it before all of the “junk” has been cleared away from it. It will work, but for what duration before a new layer is needed to cover up the cracks and potholes?  As is the case for any individual who is capable of experiencing a level of existence of heightened AWARENESS—ACCEPTANCE enacts as the CLEARING mechanism, and APPRECIATION is the building and charging factor to support with within the expanse of one’s own lifetime, with the assurance mindset that all will be provided.  

The focus and awareness of an individual will increase it’s coverage with increased clarity—we got that. To re-hash, the ability to focus and concentrate  (sustained, consecutive thought) is key in creating the landscape of performance because it assists with the growth and development of that of whatever is focused upon. Whenever focus and concentration are present for a person, heavier workloads are likely to get accomplished due to this attribute: more of whatever is concentrated and focused upon is created. Especially noted in the metaphysical landscape. By this point a better understanding of the material is accessible, but in order to accomplish the type of metaphysical work involved, and remain feeling confident and assured that, “all is working well…” let us begin now with the creation of a significant mental paradigm construct to operate alongside of.  This mental origin is a healthy beginning to anyone’s pursuits toward facilitating the engineering and development of that which is desired upon. In other words? The imaginative tool that the following exercise establishes will support all future endeavors and usage of the imagination to create reality.

First off? An image exercise to rehabilitate and construct the CDM with. Visualize the concept of a person fishing—fishing with a rod and reel, if you’re not familiar, involves casting bait, either live-bait (like worms, etc.), or fake (like a plastic lure) out into a freshwater lake or pond.  But whichever environment you choose? REAL GOOD TIP; Do attempt being as specific as possible to fully embrace the concept that is being sought after. Whether or not you have been fishing, or even fresh-water  fishing-fishing, is not as important as understanding the basic concept I am attempting to illustrate, which is that the casting of bait out and reeling it back in from the shoreline. Is likened to the idea of Creating a thought out into the future and bringing that thought closer toward you, and whereby, if unsuccessful? To create again, having learned more of the obstacles that might unknowingly interfere with the obtainment/achievement of the goal: complete freedom.

It is important to note that whether a fish is caught or not is not the point. The point is to enjoy the journey—the experience of creating/fishing.  On an aside note: many fisher’s who come back empty-handed from the day’s experience, eventually begin to interpret their journey as the gift and a joy to have had the opportunity to meet with the fresh air, the beautiful outdoors, the peace and quiet—or, whatever benefit is presented to the individual.  For me? I am a catch-and-release type of person. I believe that everyone should have the experience and thrill of a good catch.  That type of mindset might not go-along with everyone’s interpretation of fishing, some people need it mounted on the wall, and that’s a reference point for what they’ve accomplished and for where they’ve been in their lifetime—and al is okay, however, it might become a limiting identity with respect for the creation of something bigger; better; more fulfilling; more exact and rewarding. If you can’t let go of the past? Eventually it will get in the way. Especially in the face of being fully-present in the NOW.

Generally speaking, and in getting back to the “fishing-concept”  previously arranged—it has been recognized by expert fisherman and environmental scientists alike, that within a limnological structure such as a lake, or a pond? The further out you cast—the deeper the water—the more space and bioavailability of nutrients and so the bigger the fish get.  While in an ecosystem, Nature may behave differently, this outline is the pattern for interpreting our specific, generalized exercise: CAST OUT BAIT—REEL BACK LINE (with fish in tow, or otherwise)

Now that is a reasonably available psychological exercise for anyone to interpret for themselves, but NEXT is the idea of WHAT is being sought after. For the exercise mentioned, a “fishing trip,” but that’s only to indicate that the fisher is going after something important to them, “the fish,” with the bait they have to catch them with—“the enticing allure”—and it means a great deal to a specific type of individual, or community, to have this opportunity available to them. 

Often times fishermen/women do their research before going out to fish to discover what fish they are seeking to catch, and where a majority of them hang out.  When this information becomes available and identifiably successful as a  reliable method of retrieving a healthy-catch? Value is created and a resourceful application of methodologies becomes significant. For instance? In the case of fishing, what bait to use for whichever type of fish is desired; what times of the day to successfully retrieve a catch.  What is valuable for a person to experience is in the moment; the thrill where their bait is “taken” by the fish and the fisher-person becomes aware of their position in an even greater game, or, sport of life, of acquiring that which they wish to experience in their world. While each individual is playing the role of the “fisher-person,” they are simultaneously learning how the world connects and responds toward their actions.  

Putting the context down into a manifestation-target (where fishing has the target of catching a specific type of fish), we now implement the idea of thought patterns.  If they want a new car? (go fishing) They first must have the awareness (not inebriated/intoxicated/drunk) level to connect with which car they specifically desire: the make, the model, the year, the color, etc. and then? They target the location (dealership/city/township) and cast their line out (thinking specified thought with “bait” attached) and in pursuit of “reeling” in their new vehicle. 


The simplified mechanism for getting what is wanted out of life is just the same as fishing—it seems pretty standard operating procedure for the material world, and at least within the scope and range that we are taught. Now, what if I told you that this standard way of operating was cutting you off at the hips? What if this manner of manifesting the gifts and opportunities life has made available to you was a tremendous waste of time? What did we do all that imaginative work for then?

Well? Because I needed to create a solid distinction.  What once-was is living in a life-worldview of reactionary expectation.  Expectancy is a good thing, however, only so long as the tools being used are sharp enough.  Here’s where a parallel, and similar visualization technique is used, and why don’t you decide for yourself which one you prefer.  REMEMBER: There are more ways than one to catch a fish! This paradigm offering is that which might alter the way you begin to “fish” in and throughout this lifetime. Envision yourself now not as a fisher-person, but as the entire ocean—or, whatever body of water. The ocean, as much as any natural body of water, is filled with sea-creatures of all different sorts and proportional varieties; all the scope of cleanliness and depths, seaweeds, planktons and coral species as well. All life-forms of the ocean—consider them.  Give your ocean a terrific spread and expansiveness. There is a limitlessness about this space,  and non-discernible specificity that was not experienced in the prior fishing-escapade. But now let’s back out from the depths submerged and aquatic life abound and discover ourselves looking out from first-person perspective into the ocean from the shoreline, A.K.A, “from the beach.” The ocean from this perspective is even more expansive as the waves melodically and rhythmically crash along the sandy shores.  “What is this body of water, and, why is it here?” Perhaps the question arises. A good question because the significance of an endless ocean is going to be the foundational platform upon which everything else is supported by. 

This ocean will be defined as an Ocean of Love. Whatever the term, “love” means for you? As the term has been described and elaborated upon by many theosophers and philosophical leaders; even by our families and friends to give us a good idea of our own definition of the term.  Every unique wave that crashes along the shoreline from this, Ocean of Love, however, is another wave of soul-nourishing, power-enriching and enhancing embrace.  We know that the fish we are after live there, but this is their space and their place in life.  Our livelihoods and our internal spirits are our most precious adornments. And now? They are  allowed to spill over into our daily fulfillment requirements for nourishment. Consistent. Ever-constant. Ever-flowing. Never-ending. Patience. Infinite power. Security. Abundance. Growth. Life. Love. It is the vibrational frequency that lifts up our sense and allows for attraction.

The Creator Driven Mindset continues developing along with this secured enrichment exercise of developmental understanding and instills an even greater and far-more rewarding behavioral pattern for the sake of a lifespan. The programs and habitual thinking patterns from the reactionary, externally-driven, competitive zone have been embedded deeply within us to form a victimized, judgmental, limited sense of functionality throughout our human experience.  I believe within this lifetime we are all deserving of the right to a thriving abundance and limitlessness. To become capable of interpreting ourselves as empowered, to exercise our capacity’s of self-understanding, of generating a population of functionally-valued and worthwhile individuals capable of creating a life by design.  While this may seem idealistic, from what I interpret myself to know, this lifetime within this vessel happens only once and it is in our best interest to harness and secure the blessings of life, of liberty, of a pursuit of happiness, and a quest for peace that these United States of America founders set out to make available for all who ventured forth to deliver a powerfully enriching and expansive experience for all life-forms of this planet.

All in all, the final outcome is that individuals who participate in the CDM program are engrained with habitual thought-protocols and generative structures  that promote the fullest level of self-expression along with the continued discovery of self. Possibilities are awakened through the use of our own internal awareness as clarity supports the expanding avenues of imaginative construction. A greater emphasis is placed upon the present moment and steadily the innate superpowers of a human being become present to them. Becoming strongly aware of the gift at hand—the present moment of this and every thereafter: NOW—re-awakens the identity that anything is possible; and with the assurance and stability of clarity and awareness, one can naturally begin to interact and participate with life in whatever manner is decided upon while at the same time causing no harm, or interference with all support-driven outsiders.  

In closing, the Creator Driven Mindset is that one platform designed by for becoming one’s fullest self and experiencing a more fulfilling existence. Consider learning more and discovering the playground of infinite possibilities to experience a life designed for limitless, harmonious and supportive growth potentials. All adults are welcome to apply and register for their chance to get involved and become aware of themselves and their fullest capabilities through this creator-driven accord.