The Creator Driven Mindset program offers a the educational vantage point to begin pursuing life from. CDM offers a significant space of relief in making available to its participants the becoming of a pro-active, and healthy, productive source for creating one’s own life by design in the face of being up against the reality of programming that they experience each and every day.
Within the reactionary-external context of the world, consumerism becomes the popularized mechanism of fulfillment. We need things. We desire things. We like things. Our economy is based on capitalism—capitalism breeds consumers—and consumption offers an individual a potential prime-level stimulation through a sense of gratification when all-else fails. Thus capitalism becomes entirely more widely popularized and accepted and a population of humans meant to evolve suffer restrictions and limitations of their own abilities and natural privileges of existences and for which they remain unaware. For instance? Let’s say I want to purchase something right now, I have to be honest, I don’t have to buy anything, because my life is complete—there’s no real value other than the temporary relief acquired from the purchase, and/or in the temporary usage and benefits derived therein. Then I either go again—or, I don’t, and purchase something else. Point is? Consumption, in the economic sense, can become an addiction as well as in the sensorily-driven sense whereby, consumption essentially corresponds with essentially seeking out stimulation.
Independence, individualism, recognition and the pursuit of happiness for a single individual are being cut short by the contagion of a “ME-FIRST!” attitude and a missing of properly-trained support streams that are designed to not only protect our elderly and more fragile demographics, but to accommodate an individual’s desire for empowering and effective, real-world support that offers benefits unendingly. One quick example would be remarking on the well understood notion of resolving a particular aspect of depression. The CDM modality begins with the inclusions of a few simple reflections; one being from a line of a historically significant Shakespeare’ play entitled, “Hamlet” with Prince Hamlet of Act 3; Scene 1 being, “To be, or not to be? That is the question…” Where back in the real-world view could be noted as, “Okay.. Got it. But so what?” “So what? What does that have to do with me. I’m not there in that storyline, or an actor of that play. That’s not me.” CUT TO: but now combined with: the essence of one of the three Greek messages to live by at The Oracle at Delphi’s of, “Know thyself…” Okay? So, what does that mean? To, “know thyself” and how does it blend in with “To be or not to be…?” Well, and for starters? To be able to, know one’s own self and to know both fully and completely I would argue that full-clarity is fundamentally necessary. Clarity is needed because everything must be out of the way! Get it off the table as whatever it is that is set there could potentially be having an impact or effect on one’s self that they are completely unaware of. NEXT: the, “To Be, or Not To Be…” component. Because as an individual who has found himself in deep-levels of depression I was able to notice a familiar question arising. It would ask, “What’s the point?” Meaning? What is the point in continuing this existence? Carrying on with life? Because living life like this when I know that all I can do and all that I have been doing and yah-dah-yah-dah-yah has not worked out. I am just getting older in this physical vessel. Older equates to [slower, weaker, less-significant, etc.,, and I have better things to do than…] The aging element at a certain point might feel futile to enjoy; and certainly missing the mark on so many escapades and ordeals can become very self-diminishing to endure as the stress, anxiety, and confusion may very well become overwhelming—as they had in my case.
But in BEING! It tags onto clarity as well! And TO BE, or NOT TO BE—sounds very symmetrical to a light switch: ON, or OFF? And NOW? A different GAME has come to appear very conveniently and of which we all play. It is the GAME of LIFE! Existence is in being PRESENT! BEING PRESENT is BEING ON. The grazing gazelle is not flustered by the passing of a loved one, or the missing of an event! The grazing gazelle is BEING PRESENT to its’ own real-life, current circumstance called, “Grazing.” Human’s aren’t like gazelles with a one-track mind. Human beings are all across the board on all distinctly different avenues and conditional circumstances within their own mind; for the sake of their own lives and it is no wonder that, TO BE PRESENT, has escaped the mind. There are many more important tasks and things to acquire and alleviate the stress of. And all of which remain in the forecast; i.e., they are looming events that could potentially happen. And this is where distractions come into full-play. Advertisers grab the data-sets surrounding an individual’s predictable consumption methods and release advertisements that pertain to these wants and desires.
The Creator Driven Mindset course offers the skills needed to deflect distraction and maintain course. Each present moment is regarded as an opportunity for an individual to choose. To choose on the level of thought and pause, grab hold of something stable and connected; and then through the usage of our powerful materials? allow for positive, fulfilling and independent growth based on an individual's harmonious accord with self and a strong backbone of clarity of mind in order or greatest access to the point of this existence: to be here now.
There might be good reason to share how those person’s currently holding power in society would prefer that their constituencies not know and to avoid reading these materials because they would interfere with their process toward fulfillment significantly. To simply dim out the igniting of perspective and truth that each individual person holds a key to: infinite levels of power with unlimited, and free access. The intent is to derive questioning. One question that might arise is, what if each of us only knew and had faith in our own power? A world of new possibilities would exist in tune with the evolution of the most powerfully dynamic living species ever known: Homo sapien sapien: the human being.
The truth is? Our dependency on conveniences and ever-evolving technology provokes us into doing our part in strategizing better pathways toward our uniquely defined manner of fulfillment. This evolution has ingrained in us a nature of imbalance and unreliability of self, and a furthering dependency on technology and consumerism for our sense of relief. Another issue arising from these helpful-harmful instigators is the separateness factor streaming out across various demographics in religion, ethnicity, age groups and whatever else might divide a species. I would argue that from the very moment an individual is born on this Earth three things are immediately offered: abundance, health and all the imaginative power to create with. Conscious, imaginative techniques, otherwise known as, “visualizations,” are what we use to construct our unique realities, are dismissed upon at a very early and opportune age. Many events have transgressed preceding from that moment that make it more challenging for the individuals to want to depend and rely on their own innate divinity.
Perhaps far too many stay connected with this material, but it is best addressed with the furthering assumptive, yet factual statement of an individual whereby they comprehend that: this life is not the physical body. This life is more about the metaphysical, unseen world. Because when an individual is capable of gathering their identity in the form of infinite-perfect spirit rather than from the imperfect, finite physical body, often times they will become better-suited to connect with the idea that their abundance and health, and their own ability to manifest and create is exceedingly more possible by becoming aware of the self. Furthermore, an individual might become attuned to recognizing the ultimate conclusion that their experience on Earth, and, in their existence, is not so finite as it once was posited. A pleasant thought for some? and for others who wish to disregard and instead further ask: “but what happens then?” Well? Then there’s a powerful discussion surrounding the discipline of choice and whether or not amplifying one’s manifestation skills, or learning to develop oneself, is possible for an individual who might be overly consumed by the external-stimulus-oriented reality. During the CDM process, a person might awaken themselves to the idea that they matter much more than they might have initially thought, and because in learning this, much more of life becomes available to them through the boost in significance.
Finally, in reaching the spirit-essence of existence component of the CDM where transformation and breath-work become much more sought after habitual practices, one might also begin to presume with confidence that their journey of a Creator Driven Mindset has initialized. The space-ship has exited into orbit. This is the world anew. A completely new perspective of self where existence is reborn and where it all begins. This is you. Congratulations. Welcome to the big show! Fearless-leader level accomplished; a first ranking in our pursuit of “Freedom”—in our opinion obviously.
What a powerful exploration and rewarding outcome for anyone anywhere, and is set to aid and completely manifest into a habitual lifestyle and within this lifetime. And from this point moving forward. Thank you for being here. You have welcomed the CDM into your life and everything of it anew. This particularly worthwhile endeavor ideally added benefit through applicable discovery of self, of manifestation potentialities, and of lessons that are of a unique realm of occupancy that most inhabitants within this existence will never get to discover for themselves.
I feel fortunate and blessed to know that you have both the level of faith, commitment and trust in yourself to take on the “me” portion as being your guide and companion throughout the CDM journey. I will do my best to offer my participants as well as my readership the safest, fastest, and most practical, efficient, value-driven guidance to ideally deliver the skills and tools necessary for success. And perhaps the best thing? You won’t have to go anywhere, but wherever you are in the moment. It works from anywhere! All you will need is the manual download and a quiet, comfortable place to get away for uploading the materials.
Before beginning, I must transparently share and forewarn any participants that this work will absolutely take immense levels of disciplined concentration, open-mindedness and persistence. Again and again: the most difficult work in the world? Sustained and consecutive thought. I will do my best to offer a good deal of training through our video portal which may be helpful for certain participants who have a definite and preferred way of learning. I must admit, I do not know everything, but I am deeply invested in the practice and power of this CDM work. Likewise? There will be many trials upon trials of error after error for anyone attempting this process, not only that, but serious re-wiring of programmed thought-patterns, poor-decision making skills, and “sour-grapes”—habits will need to be thoroughly abandoned. So? Please pay attention when you read this: be truly forgiving of yourself!
Have patience. Easier said than done. Life comes at us so swiftly and unexpectedly. You have made it through a lot, no doubt, and to reach this point. Not only will forgiveness of self make your own life easier, and throughout the CDM course, but my professional life will be much more rewarding if you choose to stick with this work within the Creator Driven Mindset program. Perhaps an initiate discovers some unique super-power they have never known they had before and suddenly? huge successes. Practical? Absolutely. Value-packed? Truly. Impossible? This material and mathematical percentages are strictly geared toward the select few individuals who are willing to take the materials seriously and refuse to cut corners along the way—to wish to take one’s own life onto the next level of growth with a unique, precise vision being fully in their own construct and within their own realm. This is the materials for clear-headed, unrelenting dreamers who know that there is something more to this “GAME” called life, and that all it takes is a small gust of support to make the position worthy of the direct and clear-cut channel of prosperity. There is a limit stop to the external-sensory, stimulation-driven, and fear-based-cultured conclusion to operate alongside of, hold, wait for it? A reactionary mentality. The CDM is the deal that holds endless quantities of relief. And, yes, again—this is more than a challenge to get across the templates of a nation, much-less a world. My hope is that one might begin to get an idea of where this type of work might fit in their own life and while also becoming less complicated for an individual to pursue
After years and years of failure in finding my proper fit, I stopped taking life seriously. I could not see, or uncover what it was that was limiting my progress; why I felt so afraid to get out and make the necessary attempts to get through, and after awhile these masquerading elements began to really wear and tare me into an individual who unknowingly began to take pride in their victimized mentality. Like, “I got through all of this! I made it all happen in spite of my challenges…” I was not even aware that I was behaving this way and it felt natural. In my opinion? I was holding onto the past because it meant something of a victory to me to feel as though I had accomplished and overcame something. Everything I had done and all that I could possibly do to succeed in life felt limited. I had my familiar situation of zero dollars in my bank accounts, and no matter what I did to dig myself out of the hole I was in? Yeah! You get the picture. I figured out that the work I was doing from the employment opportunities I was getting, was only giving me the reason to continue working, unnoticed, unappreciated, and continuing to live a life paycheck to paycheck, bread-crumb to bread-crumb: just enough to get by. I was sick of it.
I knew that aside from my self-proclaimed talents that I possessed some intricate and valuable skillsets, virtues, character traits, and backed by a strong ethics-system and desiring to get better? I knew that something more was possible. Sure? I had my faults and flaws, but at least I was now beginning to become aware of them—and at least I figured out that stomping on their battle-cries and woes and ways of attempting to caress and soothe me forward along a broken carousel system where I knew I was not important. That’s the system as it stands today and you either go with the flow? Or? You do your best to stand firmly in your place and drop out of it to discover some other way that works. What I wanted for me and my life? Was dreamscape territory: a place where only “Quixotic bozos go to make their graffiti tag on the moon.” Where I had aimed to go with all that of which I had cherished and had accomplished, and what I felt driven-toward and what I had envisioned I was truly destined for? simply wasn’t happening for me. Yet. There were some rules aloft and floating in the Universe—call them laws—that I hadn’t identified to connect with so much as naturally along in my journey. I just hadn’t been taught the perspective enhancing information. I had never been given the insight and nor did I even care to. But now? I am giving everything that worked for me, and from these teachings, a rightful placement. Knowledge is the key to perspective, and perspective is what opens the doorway for wisdom. And further, it is my belief that wisdom is what unlocks any door an individual may come across based upon prerogative.