Is Sobriety for Me? An Idea Just Came to Me...

NOVEMBER  25TH,  2020

When no one is telling a person what to do, or where to go, or how to behave, etc., did you ever wonder for yourself what, where or even who to think about? What about why? Why is it you remain in a place of thought that may or may not serve you? Conditioning patterns, habitual lifestyle shaping scenarios, educational structures happen all the time and they are often powerful “chains,” or “stamps, brandings, and demarcations,” that might not be that easy to get rid of. By birth alone, certain people will for a lifetime perceive you as that person that they know you as being. “Jobs,’ for instance, whether considered good or bad, can provide a certain level of stability and predictability and freedom that is absolutely necessary for an individual to ascertain sustainable growth in a certain direction.  The certainty level for the amount of control one has over his or her own circumstance and future is based upon their own understanding, or, perception of what constitutes their reality and also what other’s influential perception are. 

And so then I wonder, could an individual’s thoughts and behaviors really be mastered and multiplied and result in a more desirable, or beneficial outcome when their influential circumstance also plays a role in their outcome? If you got away for awhile. In a sense? “Died” off from the community of friends that hung around you, could you reappear and be a completely new person? Could the current perception of the situation be manipulated into a much more positive scenario? And if it could, how long would it take for the current circumstance to shift and to alter?  Well? There is not a distinct, glossed-over answer I have to offer, but what I am hoping you have recognized by this point, is that I am continuing to amplify upon a certain word-usage and that word is, “perception.” Perception is the key, fundamental ingredient of which I believe is truly important for the individual to recognize; for not just themselves, but also for their company.

In his book, BLAH-BLAH, BLAH-BLAH, Dr. Who’s it-What’’s it describes the unique capacity for one’s sub-conscious and conscious mental functionalities and attitude to be controlled by the brain’s perception-based arena of functioning, The Reticular Activating System, or “RAS-Pathway,” or, that seemingly awakened ability for an individual who recently purchased a car to newly recognize their car’s make, model and year being everywhere when it was, prior to purchasing, much less noticeable. Yet what may not be understood is the significance of it as being much greater still. 

In the author and Dr., Cal Newport’s book titled, Deep Work, Dr. Newport refers to an anecdote of a mentor who designated the arenas of a person’s mind into two-separate, yet fully-compatible components of the brain. They were: the “Thinker,” and the “Finder.” When something in the mind was thought of, regardless of its’ truth, the “Finder” would acknowledge the thought and then go and do its’ best to prove the existence of such a thought in one’s reality. Now, due to this important mechanism corresponding to thought processes in the brain it must then naturally be understood that a greater emphasis be placed upon clarity as it seems fundamentally necessary for recollecting certain past life-events. By recollecting past live’s clearly, one would be both benefitted and quintessentially accommodated by a memory sought after for the individual who is interested in having a couple million dollars in his or her bank account right now (Thinker), but who has not been able to recall a friend he or she once knew that had won the lottery (Finder), or, the particular event in which millionaires were made based upon their prior relationships with the particular banking institutions, and reinforcing the level of belief on the possibility and probability of this desired form of outcome. I do hope that I am explaining this to you clearly now. And to say it more bluntly: go and meditate on the number of memories reflecting particular outcomes from events that have actually happened in your life and that amount to the final desired, personal outcome. But be aware: events like these? As “extreme” as they may sound, might be something the “finder” is going to want to prove by putting them under the spotlight of relevant certainty in order for this desire and wanting to pan out as expect. It is best to allow the Source/ Creator/God/Universe/Ultimate Power to do it’s thing.

And, also, be forewarned as well: as this methodology doesn’t always work out. It takes an immense level of attention, focus and persistence to steer through all of the distractions and muck. I break away from this discord for a moment while I describe what I experienced within my particular field and could be likened to the “Fish in the Tree” anecdote shared by Alan Watts, a monkey overhead in the branches suddenly noticed a fish swimming along in the river down below. He quickly raced to pull the fish safely out of the water and put him up into the tree stating, “Don’t get caught down in that place, you might drown.” 

In spite of the proximity and the level of ownership that I was able to create, in both achievements and disciplines, I grew disparately lost and frustrated by my outer-world’s limited understanding, as no longer able to provide the same avenues and agendas for the mind of a young-ish, maverick, thunderstruck entertainer. Since first being introduced to him on Ace Ventura, my mind was hell-bent on the idea to create in a capacity akin to the likes of the well-established entertainer, Jim Carrey. On a side note, someone told me once that he was discovered while walking alongside the street, and grew into fame and recognition within the entertainment industry that way.  And by the way, whomever shared this outrageous lie with me needs to go hold themselves away in a corner somewhere for an extended duration because it does not work that way and to tell a kid that story is quite awful to think how many other lives were messed up by this person.  But, for a moment, and within this article, let’s imagine that story of Jim Carrey’s uprising were true? Then, I would likely reason to be the first entertainer out on the street and walk around because, as I reasoned, that is what I understood was what worked for my ideal scenario of the entertainer I wished to replicate. But those types of roads-IN are explicitly rare and it takes a genuine level of interest and commitment to truly understand what entertainers must go through in order to become what they desire, and sometimes? Yes, it does involve being out on the street. The possibility, in this case? would be much-akin to winning the lottery, and more importantly, would also need an extreme level of patience, diligence and discipline of mind in order for its fullest fruition. For the thought, and the thought, and the next thought to come along and so on…? In a person’s mind?—endless possibilities that could go anywhere.

It troubles me to think of individuals out there who underestimate the level of discipline, sacrifice and fortitude, along with the absolute certainty and intention necessary that could provide for the participation of mental space required for that particular outcome. And would the “finder” even notice the effort one undertook, or the achievements and recognition the aspiring entertainer came across for themselves along the way? which many of these “tiny-wins” may not be as readily identifiable as say: winning the lottery? But are absolutely required for the, “Finder” to spot out.

This brings me to my next point on clarity: not everything that an individual does in order to get to where they want to be is going to be memorable or of remarkable significance as winning an award or being recognized for the hard-work and dedication allocated towards a specific purpose; there is NO BENEFIT for the outside-of-self, real-world. There is no significance. No movie. No real reason to take life seriously and attentively when it just continues to result in life as one has known it to be. People require stimuli and stimuli requires change; and because fo this notion it is best to forget about comfort. It’s almost like living at the North Pole and going out into the snow and trudging 500 yards to go and check your mailbox. How often would a person be willing to do that day-in and day-out without putting themselves at risk for being labeled by an outsider as a “loony,” a “crazy-person” a “loner-vagabond, wishy-woo” or, whatever! The point is? That sort of dedication towards each moment of a commitment is, in my opinion, absolutely necessary in order to fulfill on your own with these mental components at play. In societal life, it is too easy to play the victim. It is too easy to sit down and relax and say to oneself, “Ahhh, don’t worry, it will be all over soon.” These particular elements of life will always be “at work” regardless of one’s efforts, so why not choose to make each moment count with the compilation of your efforts along the way versus a single-page story-book written over and over and over throughout your life history? Isn’t it easier then to notice the common elements? The situations which have remained unaltered? And if stimulation is necessary, are we not authorized to set it in motion?

I have never argued for “Supreme” sobriety in my life, but for the individual who wants? Dreams? Believes in creating a better life for themselves and a future that could be interesting to continue existence for? I find it good reason to believe that sobriety could be a supportive level of inter-connectedness from which an individual’s pursuit of happiness may be obtained. Thank you for your time. Breathe in? Exhale, two, three,, four…

Blogging Vs. Writing: Why I Choose to Write

I enjoy writing. It is a fulfilling and limitless pathway of creation to pursue at every occasion. What I am unable to describe in a poem or a song I can readily capture in story-form. The list of endeavors continues to build, but each one of them proves to be uniquely rewarding in its’ own way. I find that by writing things down with pencil or pen, I can open up thought-channels much faster to be able to speak them. By writing on a laptop computer or desktop it doesn’t feel the same for whatever reason.  It comes off to me as being rather inauthentic, or, foreign to me, as instantly I can recognize a morbid form of agitation stressing my right-mindedness. But I catch it quickly enough and remember that it’s just who I am and what makes me unique. Writing with MS isn’t brain-science, and it’s not a fit of worry and stress due to lack of balance and coordination, but certainly writing allows me much more freedom to traipse along different language pathways, constructs, contexts and art-forms. I wouldn’t typically choose than would playing music to thousands of fans and followers. Well? I guess you could call it a different “act” then where I must play a new character and appeal to a much different audience. I want to believe that life could be that way: where love would follow you no matter where you turned and who you became. 

Oct 5th 2020

I’ll try to put down in words exactly what it is I mean to say, but I can’t. I feel it’s nearly impossible. The mind works too fast in order for me to justify any reason for giving it much thought or attention, however, I am going to put it against the world anyway. I am going to write with the expectation that you are already aware of my life, as boring as it may be, and are up to speed with who I am (as if I weren’t enough already). But the joke is? That they have all left me. Vacated and taken off. Like gypsies, after decades of my devoted time and energies they have disappeared. Completely vanished without any explanation or conversation whatsoever, although? I do have an idea of what it might be. And because they made the incorrect assumption and judgement on my part of the deal, what difference does it make to discard a remnant covenant arc of the past? There is no real loss from letting go. Who cares about another man’s ship without a sail? I could carry the salt of slave’ sweat on my shoulders for there is none.

Probability Vs. Possibility

It is interestingly common to see how certain words can get mixed up and intermingled in sentences because they are so closely related within a time-construct similarity, where in this case? a future-oriented context, however, I believe it is important to make the distinction between the two when wanting to create a new possibility for your life and your future as you may not want to refer to the probabilities, statistics, and likelihoods of that outcome actually happening.  That sort of news, in my opinion, shuts a person off from even attempting to pursue their goal. 

So, in as far as a dictionary would likely say, probability is the likelihood of an event happening in the future. Possibility is in regards to the list of available options for something that may happen. As stated earlier when an individual wants to create a possibility for his or herself and their own future, probabilities can “get in the way” for another party or individual who enforces the conversation to involve the hard facts and evidence of reality. 

Quite rapidly the focus of any conversation involving possibility can result instead of being uplifting and sensible, as being an argument over delusion or reality. Not many people want to be called, or considered within the same sentence as being a person who falls under the context of: delusional, crazy, distant, idiotic etc., but that is a potential outcome, or, possibility, when the audience is not appropriately targeted because it can then interfere with, limit, and almost prevent the individual from ever discovering his or her own unique ability to manifest and create on their own.  To be able to choose and move forward towards a new reality in one’s life is always possible and so long as it can be thought? It can be done. It might take a bit longer for some, but whatever the possibility may be? be sure to remember that possibilities are explicitly welcomed as being limitless (go big or go home).  So long as there is intention and commitment to get the idea shaped into reality, then it will be accomplished depending on the scheduling for the desired outcome. 

The Force

There is a life-force within me. I know. I can feel it. Something so present and yet so difficult to describe what it is. It can, in a way, be monitored and expanded upon, however, I do not believe that it can at all be replicated. It is unique. It is the “is-ness” of existence as a human being and it is only perhaps our ability as humans to be capable of recognizing it and becoming aware of its presence. This “force,” if you will, has been discussed and presented before a majority of Americans as a somewhat fictitious entity that exists only in cartoons, heroic action-films and fairy-tale accounts. Yet? I am aware of it at this very moment. And it has this resounding peaceful consistency of flow and connectedness. I can sense its’ limitless capacity and I am ready for expanding upon its’ truth and identity. It is a therapeutic cushion and beneficial prestige. At this very moment, it is calm. It is present. I am one with it and fearless on the course. As we link up with one another to unite my only hope is that others can do the same: identify and align with their force. I am blessed to not have the overwhelming number of distractions that might be present for some of us in order to recognize it and make the distinction between myself and it.  With this force I will create good and healthy abundance on all verticals within my life. My structure is surfacing from the depths of a vast ocean. I have arisen. I will walk and run and fly once again, and only this time? I can properly act with life-force as my own critical level of endless support.

The Month of September MEANS MENTAL HEALTH

The “S”-Word

By Dickson Flacc

It doesn’t say much that this is SUICidE awareness month, but when suicide rates in young-adults begin to increase at such an alarmingly high level during this time of unprecedented significance to human culture and identity, the “anthropologist” and “psychologist” in me begins to wonder what it could be related to and whether or not there is any support I could offer in order to perhaps illuminate for the alternative, i.e., the mentality of, “Don’t do it!”

Keep in mind that this is a no-children, single male’s perspective on the crisis, and for whatever that may mean to you, dear reader, is that this is only an opinion.  And yes, while educated, it goes unspoken that the world may occur entirely different to you and for the audience that might be reading upon this at large or otherwise. Again this segment is aiming towards individuals who are contemplating suicide. ~ENTER SUICIDE PREVENTION HOTLINE 800-273-TALK (8255)~Typically, you wouldn’t find this perspective any place else on the internet and which would not involve some class or money-making scheme to grab your contact info, or doing something you don’t want to, but I wanted to share a uniquely powerful perspective on the prestige of existence. 

Fact: professional therapists have a welcoming attitude and positive outlook on life and by sharing your viewpoints and perspectives with them? They will not be altered or transformed in the way that they will enable you to do.  In addition, it might be redundant to mention, however, a professional might carry a bundle of costs associated with his or her time, backed by insurance companies and promotional support of peers and colleagues in order to make a life for themselves to which they could address as being comfortable.  So? In taking the daring leap-of-faith down this particular rabbit-hole of unique perspective I want to first congratulate you, and then notify that any blame and responsibility you might have in my intervention should be shifted to its proper place: on the  individual themselves. And this is why I have to treat this seriously here and let you know that I’m not making any claims to this release to neither save or even potentially save, anyone’s life, although my intention is for that to be the case.

This is an exposition of work on the study of the “S”-Conception. No. It is not, “Serious,” or, “Species,” it is Suicide. I would like to point out certain challenges humans may be faced with and by, and any particular corners that are being overlooked which if paid close to mind, would potentially develop greater strength and stability. that we haven’t been attending to or paying close attention towards. 

Well, let’s start with an important distinction:  from what we know and share, there is external as well as internal element to existence as a human-being.

Life as we know it in our current society, is driven primarily by the pronounced impacts of the external world and thus we know what to say and how to say it. We come to know and understand how to think through others perceived as being more successful, who to talk to, where to go, what we want to achieve and become as individuals. 

Initially, the origin for why the majority of our attention in life is given towards the external world may have some evolutionary relationship as pertaining to the certain needs of basic survival. Our need for food, water, shelter, and reproduction amongst others.  Our human species became extremely good at this, and in fact, better than all of its competitors. Life could be perceived as being much simpler if this was where humans had stopped.

Society, such as the cultural civilization that we have developed and understand today, clouds our ability to grasp the importance of both the external world and of the unique identity of the internal self. And it is primarily the notion of “self” that I would like to discuss because this is the primary concern when dealing with the ultimate question of “life,” and where viewpoints and perspectives such as, “my body, my choice,” come to play.

Society often tells us things we might not be ready or prepared to accept such as: who to become, what to do, where to go, how to behave, what is possible and what is so. It keeps us organized and motivated to achieve and …but, also and unfortunately, our external world can keep the individual locked into a realm of judgement and comparison where they may even be dismissive of identifying the importance and value of self by way of considerations from their external world. 

Look, I am not a doctor nor a therapist, nor anyone spectacular or remarkable in any way shape or form. All I do is offer unique perspectives and frame-shifts for individuals engaged with life-circumstances.

So? There may be a case where an individual already has everything they could ever want from the external world and they have achieved it all. Aside from our dearest friend Caitlin Jenner, there is nothing else left so conceivably worthwhile to accomplish. Maybe one of the reasons why I chose to become a musician and performer in the first place…there is no end in sight and it never stops so long as the music never stops being created. At any rate, there is a section of people like this and they have it all. But the one thing they don’t have is control. Control over how they will come to pass and cross over to the “other side.” So, it could be seen as formidable suicide to stick your bum down into a glider and choose to race down some highway heading ninety miles an hour. To most people, there is a good reason to avoid any situation that combines the level of risk with the imperceivable quantity of reward or perceived value. So? Ultimately, the question must be asked: who? Or, what? Controls death? And will the level of pain and suffering continue until the moment comes along? 

A major point of mental health to recognize, is the understanding of the importance of utilizing self-induced, habitual language programs and formats meaning, I say something here on this page, is not really “saying” anything, but the voice inside of the head has already committed to “saying” it. It has a little more to do with the subconscious mind and what the individual will be receptive of, however, it is true and certain that the use of language is placed before us each and every day, often as though it has no impact on the human psyche at all.

In addition to this, is that along with being inundated by the external world of TEMPORARY circumstances, of rules and obligations and responsibilities to which we must adhere to, or obey and abide by, certain terms have yet to be established outright. The idea that, “I have something you don’t have…” or, “my way is better than yours…” or, “the grass is greener over there!…” these thread-lines of a comparison ethic of lifestyle are both natural and captivating identities to explore and expound upon in the external world that defines “success” primarily as being a causal relationship between one’s performance and the related achievement. When left to consider that life does not seem as “grand” as it “ought to be,” or, as it was thought out to be…”it did not show up like it was planned to,” an individual can lose their essential understanding that they have any power, purpose, or reason for existing.

Due to the nature of society and powers that wish to shape and control the human populace, the base-knowledge and understanding of the underlying importance of existence is often lost and carried away by the subjectivity and judgement which an individual could allow themselves to fall under.  And whatever the pressures or circumstance may be, life is not meant to be “fair.” However, without ever exposing the limitless power of a human being that is truly innately present, how could an individual ever propose to themselves the notion that they have ever experienced a life at all? When consistently bombarded with the impression of an external world it can be easy to fall under the belief that a person is powerless and this is further from the truth than ever before.

Mental health and clarity are vital components In being capable of processing the vast and extreme level of opportunity and experience life as to offer each one of us, and it can become overwhelming for those who are seeking it, but yet only believe the “answers” to be relational with the outer/external experience. 

Pharmaceutical drugs are derived and used in order to help an individual “get better,” and amplify or tune-up the external experience as rationalized by the majority consensus which overall agrees that this external reality is where we all must exist and depend on in order to thrive. Agreed: being present in order to support another is of major importance. Drug usage, especially in the vein of non-pharmaceutical use, inevitably keep a person continuing forward in the veil of good tidings and positive mentalities while amongst other people, however, what is a world without drug-use like? What is it like to exist internally or externally when any and all support is gone? In my opinion, the importance of clarity for an individual must be highlighted and underlined in order to get in touch with the mastery and essentially, “wizardry,” of being human.  Ultimately, this suicide-trend in younger populations as well as in older is a person’s own decision, but granted, at least consider all of the options available before sacrificing the gifts that being human can offer. Start by seeking clarity within yourself and like I stated before, I am not a clinical, certified psychologist, or hold any medical degrees whatsoever, so no right or wrong here, bad or good, but assuming you have considered the latter option, why not consider asking yourself the following 10 questions:

  1. What is my current state of clarity?

  2. Do I plan for my future?

  3. Am I important enough? Valuable enough? Strong enough to identify my own internal relationship with self?

  4. Have I identified a purpose for my life?

  5. Have I spoken to anyone else about my determined outlook and perspective on life?

  6. Am I taking any mind-altering substances, or medications, and if so, which ones? Who is prescribing these medications? What for? And how often?

  7. What are my sleeping habits like? Do I find it difficult to wake up in the morning? Or, would I rather sleep more?

  8. Do I typically avoid talking to people either out and about, or over the phone?

  9. How close is my relationship with my own internal dialogue?

  10. How often do I digest media materials that inspire having a relationship with the outside world?