HEALTH VENOM Holistic Health Structures for Support

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Life's Got What You Give it! What Does The Bible Have To Do With Any Of It?

"As a versatile actor with a passion for writing, music, and stand-up comedy, I bring a unique perspective to both the stage and personal development. While actively seeking full recovery from a medically diagnosed Secondary Progressive form of MS since 2010, my mission has grown and developed to inspire and empower other individuals through creative expression and transformative, empowered growth." -R. Hart Heiden

Welcome to! Let’s begin: a short while before finishing this article

i was doing a strangely, but authentically curious tune towards the notion that THOUGHTS, A.K.A. having thoughts, or, thinking in general are considered as action. I have personally remained this skinny and fit for yes, my duration of discipline and control, sure, but also? My thoughts and thinking0wise. I generally do a lot of that—considerable noise-making ztuff—while composing a song, or, a musical, or movie screenplay, comedy standup, jokes, etc., but who cares? Safe to say that the “noise” is not me and nor does it belong to me although I might persist in arguing otherwise due to the fact that it is generated from me.

I am not the noise. i am not my mind. I am not my body either. But one has to remember their claim to this life. It has been gifted to them and to them alone. They are—we are all—unique and powerful creators. Everything and everyone. I am so blessed. But the moment this is finally driven in as a habitual force (Get STARTED with the e-workbook: Gentle Words), but the moment that it becomes apparent to an individual that they do have intrinsic powers that have been given them, but have otherwise misused or ignored, is the moment that the individual begins to recognize their power of CHOOSiNG a better thought!

Have you heard the Earl Nightingale—James Allen quote, “Man is what he generally most thinks about all day long.’ Well? Sometimes a thought appears to an individual but it doesn’t genuinely align. So? That individual could adjust it, build their take on it—develop their own version of it. Gentle Words is the workbook that supports the development of right-mindedness, or, Christ-mindedness. Not to seem so religiously persuasive, but Jesus, or, Yeshuah, sacrificed that carnal portion of himself in order to reveal the Christ within. The Holy Bible has a great amount of information to develop alongside of. Here is HealthVenom’s Top 3 Bible Books: Chapters and Verses, and they are as follows:

  1. Matthew 6:33

  2. Luke 17:21

  3. Mark 11:24

We hope that this provides some powerful support along the way in your journey of personal growth and development. AGAIN! HERE is the link to our very own mental health e-workbook, Gentle Words.

Thank you for your time and consideration.