How Does a Diagnosis of MS Interfere With My Life?
So? what’s it like living with MS?
Well, To be clear: life and lifestyle choices will vary per individual. From my personal perspective, however, with a case diagnosed Relapsing Remitting Multiple Sclerosis I would begin by stating that I don’t have MS, but rather an opportunity to choose my reality and conditions of life into the future. In some ways, I would compare it with an addiction towards focusing on a prior diagnosis: the stake in the ground.
I know, I know! I get it: I am not a doctor! And therefore, to a majority of folks, my outlook sounds silly—almost as though remaining in a perpetual state of denial. Yet this is further from the truth than anything: I am eliminating a life filled with fear.
See, it is challenging to walk through an existence without getting “stained” at some point. With perspective shifts and further growth in life, there are far-worse “stains” that could occur in life and I therefore choose to take a position of gratitude.
A “stain” is any obvious flaw or demarcation which signifies to others a presumed inability to perform as well as they can. But, in my opinion, it’s almost like saying that because an individual has a stain they must be placed over there—in that place—with the others, versus, a stained individual learning how to advocate for his or herself and to not allow the judgements of others place them in undermining sections, or, habitats which do nothing to support or promote the individual. Expecting the production of gold to come from a dumpster.
So? rather than getting sucked into the “dumpster” and allowing the external judgement of others to infringe upon my personal human rights for life, liberty and the pursuits of happiness, I choose to stand powerfully with a creator-type, or, empowered-based mindset in order to flex my innate human abilities. Thankfully, I have been able to diagnose and cultivate the habits that work for me, but this is not the case for all whom are diagnosed.
My personal belief, as many of these are, is that each human possesses an enormous level of strength in their ability to heal. What is often allowed to gain significantly greater levels of importance than the internal modalities one has the potential to reach, are the diagnosis from members of the medical community. What strikes me as being far worse is that the level of assistance given to individuals diagnosed with this disease are given therapeutic regiments that are based upon the ingestion of a specified pharmaceutical medication.
The key again is to remember—each case of this illness is different. So therefore, one would have to be significantly much closer to the individual than a simple blog post is.
Just as essential is to recall that presence and clarity are key in combatting the effects of this illness. Whatever the “game” is being played upon figuring out a future prognosis may be—my advice would be to understand the value of attention being where the energy lies. To do one’s best to pull internally all of their strength. To release tensions and stress by eliminating limitless external decisions proves very useful to me in maintaining my energy levels throughout the day, and also progressing in life and creative or productive output.
Thank you endlessly for checking out this blog. I do my best to assist people living with MS and other conditions and life pursuits. It is always a pleasure to serve. I would like to invite you to check out our email-newsletter that offers tremendous levels of balance and support in many ways. I also would like to recognize that amongst my financial endeavors I have a slight edge on the affiliate marketing game, so please feel free to respond and I will gladly answer any questions you may have about that, or my practices or my creative and artistic endeavors.
And please don’t misunderstand that I am also interested in promoting legalization of medical marijuana use, or, recreational for that matter. What I have come to understand regarding human potential and the natural systems that preside over issues like anxiety, stress, pain and discomfort (such as the endicanabinoid system) are undeniably down-regulated from continued use of the psychoactive ingredient tetrahydrocannabinol found in female marijuana plants. So it’s not that I am against natural remedies either and I tend to use them very frequently. However, the natural herbs and plants which I consume on a regular basis have a significantly less impact and interference with long-term processes found in the body. The above hyperlink will take you to my preferred natural plant-based remedy book as the author was also diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis. Being proactive and mentally strong is the gameplan. Keep giong folks!