Is Sobriety for Me? An Idea Just Came to Me...
When no one is telling a person what to do, or where to go, or how to behave, etc., did you ever wonder for yourself what, where or even who to think about? What about why? Why is it you remain in a place of thought that may or may not serve you? Conditioning patterns, habitual lifestyle shaping scenarios, educational structures happen all the time and they are often powerful “chains,” or “stamps, brandings, and demarcations,” that might not be that easy to get rid of. By birth alone, certain people will for a lifetime perceive you as that person that they know you as being. “Jobs,’ for instance, whether considered good or bad, can provide a certain level of stability and predictability and freedom that is absolutely necessary for an individual to ascertain sustainable growth in a certain direction. The certainty level for the amount of control one has over his or her own circumstance and future is based upon their own understanding, or, perception of what constitutes their reality and also what other’s influential perception are.
And so then I wonder, could an individual’s thoughts and behaviors really be mastered and multiplied and result in a more desirable, or beneficial outcome when their influential circumstance also plays a role in their outcome? If you got away for awhile. In a sense? “Died” off from the community of friends that hung around you, could you reappear and be a completely new person? Could the current perception of the situation be manipulated into a much more positive scenario? And if it could, how long would it take for the current circumstance to shift and to alter? Well? There is not a distinct, glossed-over answer I have to offer, but what I am hoping you have recognized by this point, is that I am continuing to amplify upon a certain word-usage and that word is, “perception.” Perception is the key, fundamental ingredient of which I believe is truly important for the individual to recognize; for not just themselves, but also for their company.
In his book, BLAH-BLAH, BLAH-BLAH, Dr. Who’s it-What’’s it describes the unique capacity for one’s sub-conscious and conscious mental functionalities and attitude to be controlled by the brain’s perception-based arena of functioning, The Reticular Activating System, or “RAS-Pathway,” or, that seemingly awakened ability for an individual who recently purchased a car to newly recognize their car’s make, model and year being everywhere when it was, prior to purchasing, much less noticeable. Yet what may not be understood is the significance of it as being much greater still.
In the author and Dr., Cal Newport’s book titled, Deep Work, Dr. Newport refers to an anecdote of a mentor who designated the arenas of a person’s mind into two-separate, yet fully-compatible components of the brain. They were: the “Thinker,” and the “Finder.” When something in the mind was thought of, regardless of its’ truth, the “Finder” would acknowledge the thought and then go and do its’ best to prove the existence of such a thought in one’s reality. Now, due to this important mechanism corresponding to thought processes in the brain it must then naturally be understood that a greater emphasis be placed upon clarity as it seems fundamentally necessary for recollecting certain past life-events. By recollecting past live’s clearly, one would be both benefitted and quintessentially accommodated by a memory sought after for the individual who is interested in having a couple million dollars in his or her bank account right now (Thinker), but who has not been able to recall a friend he or she once knew that had won the lottery (Finder), or, the particular event in which millionaires were made based upon their prior relationships with the particular banking institutions, and reinforcing the level of belief on the possibility and probability of this desired form of outcome. I do hope that I am explaining this to you clearly now. And to say it more bluntly: go and meditate on the number of memories reflecting particular outcomes from events that have actually happened in your life and that amount to the final desired, personal outcome. But be aware: events like these? As “extreme” as they may sound, might be something the “finder” is going to want to prove by putting them under the spotlight of relevant certainty in order for this desire and wanting to pan out as expect. It is best to allow the Source/ Creator/God/Universe/Ultimate Power to do it’s thing.
And, also, be forewarned as well: as this methodology doesn’t always work out. It takes an immense level of attention, focus and persistence to steer through all of the distractions and muck. I break away from this discord for a moment while I describe what I experienced within my particular field and could be likened to the “Fish in the Tree” anecdote shared by Alan Watts, a monkey overhead in the branches suddenly noticed a fish swimming along in the river down below. He quickly raced to pull the fish safely out of the water and put him up into the tree stating, “Don’t get caught down in that place, you might drown.”
In spite of the proximity and the level of ownership that I was able to create, in both achievements and disciplines, I grew disparately lost and frustrated by my outer-world’s limited understanding, as no longer able to provide the same avenues and agendas for the mind of a young-ish, maverick, thunderstruck entertainer. Since first being introduced to him on Ace Ventura, my mind was hell-bent on the idea to create in a capacity akin to the likes of the well-established entertainer, Jim Carrey. On a side note, someone told me once that he was discovered while walking alongside the street, and grew into fame and recognition within the entertainment industry that way. And by the way, whomever shared this outrageous lie with me needs to go hold themselves away in a corner somewhere for an extended duration because it does not work that way and to tell a kid that story is quite awful to think how many other lives were messed up by this person. But, for a moment, and within this article, let’s imagine that story of Jim Carrey’s uprising were true? Then, I would likely reason to be the first entertainer out on the street and walk around because, as I reasoned, that is what I understood was what worked for my ideal scenario of the entertainer I wished to replicate. But those types of roads-IN are explicitly rare and it takes a genuine level of interest and commitment to truly understand what entertainers must go through in order to become what they desire, and sometimes? Yes, it does involve being out on the street. The possibility, in this case? would be much-akin to winning the lottery, and more importantly, would also need an extreme level of patience, diligence and discipline of mind in order for its fullest fruition. For the thought, and the thought, and the next thought to come along and so on…? In a person’s mind?—endless possibilities that could go anywhere.
It troubles me to think of individuals out there who underestimate the level of discipline, sacrifice and fortitude, along with the absolute certainty and intention necessary that could provide for the participation of mental space required for that particular outcome. And would the “finder” even notice the effort one undertook, or the achievements and recognition the aspiring entertainer came across for themselves along the way? which many of these “tiny-wins” may not be as readily identifiable as say: winning the lottery? But are absolutely required for the, “Finder” to spot out.
This brings me to my next point on clarity: not everything that an individual does in order to get to where they want to be is going to be memorable or of remarkable significance as winning an award or being recognized for the hard-work and dedication allocated towards a specific purpose; there is NO BENEFIT for the outside-of-self, real-world. There is no significance. No movie. No real reason to take life seriously and attentively when it just continues to result in life as one has known it to be. People require stimuli and stimuli requires change; and because fo this notion it is best to forget about comfort. It’s almost like living at the North Pole and going out into the snow and trudging 500 yards to go and check your mailbox. How often would a person be willing to do that day-in and day-out without putting themselves at risk for being labeled by an outsider as a “loony,” a “crazy-person” a “loner-vagabond, wishy-woo” or, whatever! The point is? That sort of dedication towards each moment of a commitment is, in my opinion, absolutely necessary in order to fulfill on your own with these mental components at play. In societal life, it is too easy to play the victim. It is too easy to sit down and relax and say to oneself, “Ahhh, don’t worry, it will be all over soon.” These particular elements of life will always be “at work” regardless of one’s efforts, so why not choose to make each moment count with the compilation of your efforts along the way versus a single-page story-book written over and over and over throughout your life history? Isn’t it easier then to notice the common elements? The situations which have remained unaltered? And if stimulation is necessary, are we not authorized to set it in motion?
I have never argued for “Supreme” sobriety in my life, but for the individual who wants? Dreams? Believes in creating a better life for themselves and a future that could be interesting to continue existence for? I find it good reason to believe that sobriety could be a supportive level of inter-connectedness from which an individual’s pursuit of happiness may be obtained. Thank you for your time. Breathe in? Exhale, two, three,, four…